Liberty High School
850 Second Street, Brentwood, CA 94513
Telephone (925) 634-3521
Admin. FAX (925) 513-2739 Couns. FAX (925) 516-2581
Principal’s Office FAX (925) 240-0735
Pat Walsh, Principal
Assistant Principals: Mike Falconer, Sandra Guardado,
Kevin Morris Jr., Wendy Thigpen
To the Parent of KayleAbad
1221 Marina Cir
Discovery Bay, CA 94505
Dear Parent:
Your child is enrolled in one or more of the following Advanced Placement (AP) courses for the 2015-2016 school year:
AP Biology
AP EngLitComp
AP Psychology
AP courses offer rigorous college-level curriculum. An exam given at the end of the school year is an integral measurement of your child's acquired knowledge in the particular subject area. Passing the AP exam with a score of 3 or higher on a 5-point scale earns college credit that your child may transfer to a university accepting AP credit. Not all universities accept AP credit or they may require higher than a 3 for credit. Please check with your child’s university to review their policy. The cost for the administration and processing of each exam is $92.00.
To facilitate a smooth collection of funds and ensure accurate ordering of exams for those taking them, we request your cooperation in the following:
Return the attached "Commitment to Take Exam Form" byJanuary 15, 2016to the Liberty High Student Accounts office, along with the first installment of $46for each AP exam your child is taking.You may pay the full amount ($92) at this time if you choose.
The remainder of $46.00 will be due February 19, 2016. If your child should opt not to take the AP exam, your payments will be returned. If your child orders the exam, but then chooses not to take the exam on test day, we will retain the $15.00 cost for the exam and return the rest of your money.
The College Board provides fee reduction for qualified candidates who are unable to pay the full $92.00 fee for each AP exam. The State of California offers low-income families the opportunity to waive most of the fee for the tests. Families who qualify only pay $5 per test. It is our belief that all enrolled students should take the AP test, and we will work with parents to facilitate the fee waiver program.
The following is a guideline of eligibility for your use:
2015Federal Annual Low-Income Levels
to establish student eligibility of waivers
Size of Family Unit / Annual Family Income*1 / $17,655
2 / $23,895
3 / $30,135
4 / $36,375
5 / $42,615
6 / $59,145
7 / $55,095
8 / $61,335
Add an additional $6,240 for each additional family member
*The figures shown under family income represent amounts equal to 150 percent of the family income levels established by the Census Bureau for determining poverty status. The poverty guidelines were published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Federal Register on January 22, 2015.
Advanced Placement Exam To-Do list:
Please sign and return the attached Commitment Form to Student Accounts by January 15, 2016 and pay the first installment of $46.00. (You may also pay the full amount of $92 per exam at the present time).
If you believe that you qualify for a fee waiver please see Valorie Austin in the cafeteria forverification or to pick up the appropriate documents.
Please pay final installment of $46.00 per exam to Student Accounts by February 19, 2016
Checks should be made payable to Liberty High School/AP Fund.
Your student’s AP exam will not be ordered if you have not paid in full ($92) or made fee waiver arrangements for theexams by February 19, 2016.
If you have any questions regarding fee waivers, please contact Kevin Morris or his secretary, Kellie Callahanat (925) 634-3521 x5216.
Kevin Morris Jr.
925-634-3521, ext: 5229
(Please check the appropriate box below)
□Yes, my child, ______, will be taking the following AP Exam(s) in May 2016 (pleasecheck () each exam your student will be taking).
□American Government□Art History
□Psychology□Studio 3D
□Biology□Studio 2D
□Spanish Language□Studio Drawing
□Calculus□Spanish Literature
□Calculus BC□Statistics
□Chemistry□European History
□Economics Macro□English Literature Composition
□US History□English Language Composition
□Environmental Science□World History
□Human Geography□Physics
I understand that taking an Advanced Placement examis completely voluntary and the
following conditions apply:
- If my child orders an exam, but fails to take the exam, $15.00 of my payment will be retained to cover the cost of the exam already ordered and the remainder of my payment will be returned.
- My child's enrollment and participation in the AP course does not ensure he/she will pass the exam.
- Not all universities accept AP credit (please consult with the universities to which your child is applying for their specific policies in AP credit).
- The full payment of $92.00 per exam is due before February 19, 2016 and should be returned along with this form to the Student Accounts Office (or mailed to Liberty High School, 850 Second Street, Brentwood, CA 94513, Attn: Student Accounts). Checks should be made payable to Liberty High School/AP Fund.
- Any AP exam ordered after April 1, 2016, will include the late fee of $55.00 per exam charged by the CollegeBoard.
□No, my child, ______, will not be taking the AP exam(s) in May 2016. I understand that by checking here, NO exam will be ordered for my child and his/her name will be removed from the exam list.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
(First installment of $46.00per exam is due January 15, 2016
Final payment of $46.00 per exam is due February 19, 2016)