Coordinating Group Meeting

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Meeting minutes

Chair: Cllr Peggy Fitzsimmons

Minutes: John O’Reilly [Rushey Green Assembly Coordinator]

Attendees: Cllr Helen Klier, Cllr John Muldoon, Bill Rouse, Gloria Rouse, James Dobson, Tessa Pearce, Robert Turkentine, Laurel Saunders, Karen Small, Bill Tutt, Sulyeman Tank

1 Welcome and Apologies
Cllr Fitzsimmons opened the meeting by thanking everyone for attending. It was noted that Paula and Jennifer would join the group later as the second part of the meeting would discuss the summer festival arrangements.
There were no apologies received. / Action Points
2 Minutes of the previous coordination group meeting held on 1 March 2011.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed subject to the following:
John confirmed that the budget for 2011/12 was £3,200 comprised of £1,800 for publicity/ engagement and £1,400 for meeting production which included the hiring of venues. As the Rushey Green assembly incurs no charge for the use of the Civic Suite there is likely to be a surplus that can go towards the summer festival event.
James clarified comments concerning then branding of Rushey Green as a village, similar to other parts of Lewisham such as Blackheath and Ladywell. James had taken this up with John’s predecessor, Jason Fleming, and this had the support of the assembly. The feeling of the meeting was that Rushey Green would benefit from a Rushey Green Society and a proposal should be discussed at the next assembly. This new body would be properly constituted and involve the business community and faith groups who have previously felt excluded from the process. / To be raised at next assembly meeting
3 Review of previous assembly meeting held on Tuesday 29 March 2011
The view of the meeting was that the assembly meeting went well and it was nice to see a number of ‘new faces’. There were a number of new people elected to the coordination group and a number of volunteers also came forward to join the heritage board working party and summer festival committee.
Cllr Klier said that she was disappointed at the low number of young people at the assembly. This is something that the assembly needs to seriously address in the future.
John said that the feedback appeared to support the theatre style rather than the conventional tables and chairs. Karen felt that this was more focussed and encouraged more open discussion. Robert disagreed and thought that the tables and chair styles allowed residents to introduce themselves to each other and interact more as a group. This had worked well at previous assembly meetings. The next meeting at the Civic Suite will be held in October 2011 and there will be an opportunity to debate this further at future coordination group meetings. / To be discussed at the co group meeting immediately following summer assembly
4 Mayor’s Fund 2011/12
John confirmed that the Mayor’s Fund applications agreed at the last assembly have been approved by the Executive Director for Community Services. These applications in respect of Lewisham Youth Theatre and Ladywell Bowling Club total £7,000 leaving a balance of £37,750.
John presented a Mayors Fund application form from Artefacts Edutainment. This is a summer activities programme in partnership with the Irish Centre based on the Easter rush programme which was previously funded by the Mayor’s Fund. John expressed concerns about the costs of the project which was £7,300 which appeared excessive compared to previous applications. It was agreed that Artefacts Edutainment needed to explain the costs in more detail.
At the previous assembly meeting residents were asked to identify a number of potential tree locations. A total of 15 tree nominations were put forward. It was agreed that the Councils tree officer should be asked to finance these new trees before this matter is brought to the attention of the assembly.
Cllr Muldoon wanted to see a more robust performance framework in relation to the Mayor’s Fund. Liz Dart (Head of Community Services) has been made aware of his views on this matter.
John said that the assemblies team had put measures in place to monitor the Mayor’s Fund process. The Social Return on Investment Model (SORI) has been adopted and will shortly report on a pilot study, one of which involves the green wardens in Catford South. However, John will take forward Cllr Muldoons comments and report back at the next meeting.
/ John to talk to Artefacts Edutainment
John to discuss options with Councils tree officer
John to raise Cllr Muldoon’s comments with Senior Management
5. Positive Ageing Council (PAC)
Cllr Fitzsimmons reported that the Positive Ageing Council will be formally launched on Tuesday 17 May at an event in the Civic Suite starting at 11am. Anyone over the age of 60 years of age are welcome to take part, however there are limited places available and people will need to book their places in advance.
Bill Tutt asked if the age could be reduced to 55. Clllr Fitzsimmons explained that the Postiive Ageing Board had agreed to set the age at 60 and Bill was welcome to express those views at the PAC.
6 Rushey Green Heritage Board
John said that the first meeting of the heritage board will take place on Monday 9 May 2011 at 7pm in Room 8 of the Civic Suite. The deadline for the completion of the project is 31 March 2011 and regular feedback will be provided at future coordination group meetings.
Karen has noticed an increase in anti-social behaviour in the area next to Witherspoons with dogs roaming the area without chains. Customers should be encouraged to stay within the perimeter as this would be less threatening to passers by. Tessa said that she had also observed a number of Alsatians roaming the area next to the car wash.
James Dobson will raise the matter with the Rushey Green Safer Neighbourhood Team in his capacity as Chair.
The meeting continued with a discussion of the summer festival.
There being no other business(or formal declarations of interest) this part of the meeting was concluded at 8pm. / James to raise at the next Rushey Green SNT panel meeting