Hampshire primary schools resource directory for financial education
Phil’s game (2)
Resource 1 –Week 1 lesson plan
Courtesy of GomerJuniorSchool
Money and real life problems
Lesson plan: / Class/group:Date: / Time:
Reference to schemes, National Curriculum (NC), National Numeracy Strategy (NNS), Revised framework.
Learning objectives:Shared success criteria
- Solve one step and two step problems involving numbers, money or measures, including time, choosing and carrying out appropriate calculations.
- Round twodigit or three digit numbers to the nearest ten or 100 and give estimates for their sums and differences.
- Add or subtract mentally combinations of onedigit and twodigit numbers.
- Develop and use written methods to record, support or explain addition and subtraction of two digit and three digit numbers.
Links to previous learning/feedback
- Differentiation– higher average, average, lower average, special educational needs (SEN):
–adult support where appropriate
–use of practical money to support counting on and back
–number lines to support counting on/back and bridging
–use of bead bar to support bridging through 100s and 1000s.
- Assessment– questions/assessment opportunities/self and peer assessment:
–identify – What maths did we use?List/display
–children to identify what was hard/easy. Highlight areas for targets (danger zones)
–childrento gain certificate when target reached at least 3 times
–questioning by adults throughout lesson
–jottings and methods used to support learning.
- Resources – visual/auditory/kinaesthetic/information and communications technology (ICT):
–game sheets
–paper money
–dice and counters
–table and graph frameworks
–number lines
–interactive whiteboard for game and graph (teacher prepared).
Organisation of lesson and management of learning/support staff
1Counting on/back bridging through 100s and 1000s – display and highlight danger zones
–focus: targets – counting on/back, bridging, checking answers
2Model game – recording, calculating, money, number lines. Clarify – credit, debit.
–how does an adult make, receive money each week?
–What expenses does an adult have each week? (List ideas on poster, eg: food petrol, etc)
–What wages do you think an adult would need to earn each week? (Display range of earning possibilities.)
4Model game – recording, calculating, money, number lines. Clarify – credit, debit
5Children complete own cards for debits and credits using sheets from previous work showing direct debits and own knowledge of food expenses, etc.
Main activities
- Children to work in groups of three – two players and one banker.
- Children to complete table as they go, use number lines to support calculations, check each others’ workings, discuss methods.
- If they do not have enough money, they can not buy an item, but do continue playing.
- Identify what maths did we use? List/display.
- Children to identify what was hard/easy. Highlight areas for targets (danger zones).
- Children to self/peer assess whether targets met.
Expected barriers to learning
- Below average: Counting on/back in 10s, 100s – support to overcome provided by using paper money, chanting at start of lesson and subsequent display to refer to throughout lesson and adult support. Bead bars to help.
- Average/above average: Bridging through whole pounds – support to overcome provided by using number lines and emphasising danger zone.
HIAS PDL websitePhil's game (2) – Week 1 lesson plan1