Unit 2 Multicellular Organisms Topic 2 Stem cells & MeristemsNational 5

Homework 2

  1. a)Name the process that takes place in the meristems. KU1

b) Describe how plant growth differs from animal growth KU1

  1. Stem cells could be used in treating some diseases. Cloning of embryos can be used to produce large numbers of stem cells. Different people have different views about cloning embryos.

Read the following views of these people and then answer the following questions.

(a)Which person is stating two different views about cloning embryos? S1

(b)Read the following statement:

‘Cloning embryos may enable new tissues to be frown to treat diseases’

Which person’s view agrees with this statement? S1

(c)Which person supports the view that the right decision is the one that leads to the best outcome for the majority of people involved? S1

(d)Which person is saying that certain actions are never justified because they are unnatural or wrong? S1

  1. Doctors hope to use embryonic stem cells to cure disease such as diabetes.

Complete these sentences about embryonic stem cells.

a)Embryonic stems cells can grow into any type of cell in the human body. This means they are ______cells. The cells need to have the same genes as the diabetics own cells. The new cell can reproduce to form many identical cells. This group of identical cells is called a ______. KU1

b)Sometimes human embryos are destroyed in the process of producing cells to treat disease. This raises ethical issues.

Read these statements;

AAdults have some types of stem cells

BEarly embryos have no nervous system

CEarly embryos may develop into human beings

DMany embryos die of natural causes

ETens of thousands of people suffer from incurable disorders.

FTaking human life is wrong

(i)Some people argue that research using embryonic stem cells should be stopped.

Write down the two statements which, when taken together, support this view. S1

(ii)Some people argue that research using embryonic stem cells should continue.

Which two statements support this view? S1

  1. Embryonic stems cells can be obtained from embryos.

Which of the statements about embryonic stem cells are true? KU1

Embryonic stem cells…

…are unspecialised cells that can develop into any type of cell

…are unspecialised cells that cannot develop into any type of cell

…could potentially be used to treat some diseases

…can be used to grow different species of animals and plants

…are specialised cells that can develop into any type of cell

… are specialised cells that cannot develop into any type of cell