This notice is to share information regarding the raccoons and other wildlife sightings in our community. This is being shared due to concerns voiced by some residents.

Wildlife animals are all around us. The most adaptive species are seen commonly, such as birds and squirrels, but many others that aren’t are still always present. It’s important to know that “nocturnal” is a habit for some species to assume for survival, such as raccoons, but not always a requirement by nature (as it is for bats, also plentiful in FL). In many areas such as parks, neighborhoods and suburban areas where there is no hunting, little traffic and other reduced threats raccoons are observed at any time of the day. Mother raccoons must protect babies from night predators, so finding a meal requires daylight excursions. Juvenile raccoons are also slower to learn the wise ways of laying low during the day. If you see more than one raccoon together, or a raccoon normally passing by, eating, drinking… Please do not feel concerned, just be aware. Enjoy it! (preferably out of the raccoon’s sight!)Most raccoons are shy, but surprisingly many aren’t. Urban wildlife is more accustomed to humans than we are yet to them.

When is observing a raccoon during the day possibly a problem? If a raccoon is ill it willnot be with other raccoons and likely be acting very oddly, such as staggering, biting at inanimate objects (or itself), running into things, appearing “drunk”. This is most commonly due to vehicular collision, distemper, poisoning or other ailment. Rabies is an often exaggerated yet serious concern and seeing an animal obviously ill should always be reported. NOTE: Rabies is not airborne; it is only contagious in the brief final stages, during which the animal will die soon. Rabies is contractible only when the sick animal is in this final stage and its saliva enters the blood of another mammal by a bite or deep scratch. Rabies is deadly, but it’s actually hard to get and easy to prevent with treatment IF direct exposure indeed occurs. Keeping your pets vaccinations current against distemper and rabies is critical and easy prevention.

Please remember that the feeding of wildlife is a selfish pleasure that has no benefit to the animals, but instead, inevitably creates the means to their end.Wildlife populations are dictated by food supply and habitat. Populations will increase beyond what normally would be manageable and naturally sustainable when wild animals are fed by humans, even unintentionally such as pet food left outside and unsecured trash being available. This is why the Trapping/ removal of urban wildlife is now deemed by biologists as a waste of time, money andlives.

21st Century research has proven that removing wildlife from a sustainable habitat issimply lighting a vacancy sign for new animals to move in.Removal is not the solution but merely a very short term, costly “band-aid”.

Raccoons are quick to reduce their natural fear of humans, especially when fed by us. This leads to more sightings and complaints and sometimes wildlife will become victims of the anger and frustration of others annoyed by their presence or the cost of restoring normal wildlife behavior.

When a property management company or homeowner’s board receives complaints, it typically will hire a nuisance wildlife company. This is extremely expensive, almost always futile, and most often very cruel - and the cost is absorbed by your neighbors. This does not make for a good atmosphere.

Worse is what happens to these animals. They are either euthanized in a far less than humane(though legal) manner, or sold to pelt collectors or Hounding Clubs where they are wounded to be ‘safely’ used as live bait to train dogs to kill them. A horrible end caused by our misunderstanding, or unknowing assistance in offering food that they do not need.

Please avoid any deliberate or unintended feeding of wildlife and keep this information in mind if you happen to observe our wild neighbors. From a safe distance (never cornering an animal!) you may shake a noisy bag or can with rocks to “haze” (shoo away) wildlife and help to teach them that being near humans is not wise.

411 Raccoon Solutions, Inc. * Wildlife Exclusion Specialists * * 561.262.8100

For further information on living peacefully with all wildlife species, please visit Wild Neighbors at