Dear [Insert Name]:

[Personalize your greeting here. Congratulate them on an accomplishment, thank them for their part in making your business successful or tell them about your experience as an HBAL member.]

As a business owner in the Lincoln community, I hope you’ll consider joining HBAL. HBAL is a 450+ member trade association working to promote the home building and remodeling industries in Lincoln and the surrounding communities. It provides numerous opportunities for members to build their business through networking events, educational seminars and charitable activities. Although some businesses don't believe they would benefit from membership in a building association unless they build homes, provide electrical or plumbing services, etc., I would disagree! Anyone who benefits from a healthy housing market should consider membership with HBAL!

Six Reasons to Belong to HBAL

NetworkingMembers have access the most powerful, successful and influential business people in Lincoln through various events focusing on family, golf, outdoors, sports, education, etc.

CommunicationHBAL provides a line of communication to share with members updates on industry issues.

AdvocacyHBAL has direct access to one of the state’s best lobbying firms for representation with Nebraska Senators. HOMEPAC is active in local task forces, committees, commissions, with the Mayor’s office, City Council, Nebraska Legislature and your Congressmen and Senators. HBAL provides solutions and up-to-date information on regulations affecting your business from OSHA, EPA, etc.

EducationHBAL applies for grants to assist with the cost of education and training for your business and provides updates regarding code changes and information on how to meet new regulations.

MarketingMembers promote their business in specialty events such as the Parade of Homes and Tour of Remodeled Homes and receive increased visibility through membership and participation. Members receive a 33% discount for the area’s largest trade show, the Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show.

Civic ParticipationThe Lincoln Home Builders Care Foundation was designed especially for this purpose. Since 2010, the Foundation has distributed close to $73,000 through our Residential and Interior Design Contests, "If I Could Build a House" art contest, scholarship program and to the Lincoln Children's Museum. The Foundation has also benefitted local families through our Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build and Santa Cop Project.

The enclosed materials include information about advertising opportunities, a list of committees you might be interested in joining and our membership application. I’ve also included an issue of the Lincoln Business Builder. I hope it gives you a good idea of what membership in HBAL is all about.

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at [insert your number here] or call the HBAL office at 402-423-4225.
