Main Stories 13 September 2012

  • EULEX arrests Sami Hamiti and two businessmen (dailies)
  • Kuçi: Plan for the north still at initial stages (Koha Ditore, front page)
  • Thaçi and Nikolic will meet in New York? (Express, front page)
  • Rexhepi: Now we will be more active in the north (Epoka e Re, front page)
  • Pacolli and Ejupi reveal the names of the Dino Asanaj “envoys” (Koha Ditore, front page)
  • Kurti accuses Feith (Express, page 6)
  • PDK and AAK “unite” in Peja (Epoka e Re, front page)
  • Tirana supports reconstruction in north Mitrovica (Epoka e Re, page 8)
  • Government imposes antidumping measures against Serb producer (Koha D., page 9)
  • Scandals with recognitions, Hoxhaj called for a motion (Kosova Sot, page 4)
  • Dodik: Serbia is a slave of Kosovo (Express, page 6)

Kosovo Media Highlights

EULEX arrests Sami Hamiti and two businessmen (dailies)

Papers report that EULEX Police has undertaken an operation that resulted in the arrest of the head of Pristina’s municipal assembly Sami Hamiti and of two Kosovo businessmen Agim Ademi and Muharrem Rama. The arrest is reported to have been done on corruption and extortion charges.

Zëri, calling Hamiti one of the most influential people in the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), quotes his lawyer as saying that his client was detained for allegedly misusing official duty. Express has learnt that the two businessmen, on behalf of Hamiti, asked for a BMW-type car from a citizen in Pristina in exchange for adapting a construction plan in Sofalia neighbuorhood to his desire.

Kuçi: Plan for the north still at initial stages (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports that integrating plan for the northof Kosovo is not a document in its final form although the international community has asked Pristina to draft such a report for quite a while now. Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi said the local institutions need to get first the seal of approval from the west before processing the plan to the Assembly for adoption.

“The plan is preliminary. There is need for new ideas from the government and experts as well as public opinion. But above all, there is need for our receptors, if I may say so, and receptors in this case are the EU and USA,” said Kuçi following the meeting of the Kosovo Government. Kuçi said they are not interested in coming up with a plan that the EU and US could soon after declare null and void.

Thaçi and Nikolic will meet in New York? (Express)

Express reports that the EU High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy Catherine Ashton has announced talks with the leaders of Pristina and Belgrade in New York during the works of the UN General Assembly in an effort to start off the process of talks. Ashton’s Spokeswoman, Maja Kocijancic, said that the EU High Representative will meet Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic.

The paper reports that it remains unclear if there will be shaking of hands between Thaçi and Nikolic. Kosovar authorities did not comment on Wednesday about the prospects for such a meeting. Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi, said that the dialogue with the Serbian side mainly depends on implementation of the agreements from the past talks in Brussels. While commenting on the call of Baroness Ashton for political dialogue with Serbia, Kuçi urged Ashton to put pressure on the Serb authorities.

Rexhepi: Now we will be more active in the north (Epoka e Re)

Minister of the Internal Affairs of Kosovo, Bajram Rexhepi, said for Epoka e Re that integration of the north will happen according to Ahtisaari’s plan. “We have said it earlier that this plan should be puzzled out for Serb citizens and it should be explained what it contains. Ahtisaari’s plan offers the highest level of ethnic human rights, therefore this plan should be implemented also in the north. Ahtisaari’s Plan is the basis for return to normality in the north, and there will be no avoidance. Now, we expect that the U.S. but also European Union to make additional pressure on Serbia to remove the illegal parallel structures in the north of Kosovo. Also, the institutions of Kosovo will now be more active in the north,” said Rexhepi.

Pacolli and Ejupi reveal the names of the Dino Asanaj “envoys” (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet Pacolli and businessman Remzi Ejupi have given the names of Ukë Rugova, Astrit Haraqija, Naser Osmani and Gazmend Abrashi as intermediates of the late head of privatisation agency Dino Asanaj who have requested four million euro for Grand Hotel. Ejupi is reported to have recorded a conversation with Abrashiwhich he handed over to the police.

The accused have dismissed allegations that they requested for money on Asanaj’s behalf. According to Pacolli and Ejupi, the four asked initially for four million euro but lowered the amount later on at one million. The money was requested in exchange for Hotel Grand in Pristina not to be taken control of by the Privatization Agency of Kosovo.

Kurti accuses Feith (Express)

Vetëvendosje leader Albin Kurti accused the former chief of the International Civilian Office in Kosovo Pieter Feith saying that “he is leaving with a bag of filths that he is afraid to open.”

During his visit to Switzerland, Kurti spoke for the Swiss newspaper Le Tempsabout the situation in the north saying that the parallel structures there created during Milosevic’s era, should be fought. “The international community has had very weak ambitions for Kosovo. Our Government is weak, our state is weak, and Serbia does the utmost for us to fail,” said Kurti for this daily.

PDK and AAK “unite” in Peja (Epoka e Re)

The paper reports that Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and his deputy Hajredin Kuçi met Blerim Shala and Daut Haradinaj from the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) in Peja following a reception in the honour of the former US status envoy Frank Wisner. According to sources from the KosovaTimes news agency, the meeting took place away from the mediaattention and focused on main issues Kosovo will face after the end of supervised independence.

Tirana supports reconstruction in north Mitrovica (Epoka e Re)

Tirana Mayor Lulzim Basha during a visit to Mitrovica municipality pledged to support reconstruction of houses in the northern part of the city. Basha said he will propose the municipal council to allocate financial means for the purpose. He also said he will raise awareness of other municipalities in Albania to join the cause. Basha made the comments in a meeting with Mitrovica Mayor Avni Kastrati.

Government imposes antidumping measures against Serb producer (Koha D.)

Government of Kosovo has approved the request of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to apply antidumping measures against “Siporeks”, Serbian producer of styrofoam panels. According to MTI, products of the Serbian company are being sold on the Kosovo market at the half-price than in the market of Serbia. The Ministry maintained that the Serbian Government has subsidized its company in order to damage the Kosovo maker of the same product, “Silcapor”.

Scandals with recognitions, Hoxhaj called for a motion (Kosova Sot)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has filed the request for an Assembly motion regarding the failures and uncoordinated actions in Kosovo’s foreign policy. Sources from this party who considered that this is an early phase to make the news public, said that the LDK parliamentary group has filed on Wednesday the request for a motion of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj, so that he can explain to the Assembly in details the recent concerning situation of Kosovo’s diplomacy.

This daily has learned that LDK is preparing two other requests for a motion of PM Hashim Thaçi regarding the non-implementation of the leadership agreement on the President and one for the Minister of Trade and Industry, Mimoza Kusari Lila.

Dodik: Serbia is a slave of Kosovo (Express)

Express reports that the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that international community has humiliated Serbia and now it is time for Serbia to receive a satisfaction which he said should include the north of Kosovo. Dodik added that Serbia should not be imprisoned by Kosovo and that the issue of the permanent division of Serb and Albanian people should be raised. In an interview for Danas, he said that status quo is not a good solution because in the last years it has showed that it leaned in favor of building of independence and the statehood of Kosovo.

Kosovo Press Headlines

Koha Ditore

Front page

  • Pacolli and Ejupi reveal names of Dino Asanaj’s “envoys”
  • EULEX Police arrests Sami Hamiti and two businessmen
  • Kuçi: Plan for the north is still preliminary
  • Women raped in the war break their silence
  • Beqaj: “Kosova e Re” at crossroads

Other headlines

  • Auditor sends UP at the prosecution (2)
  • Five persons arrested for forging USD 1 million (2)
  • Polenz: Serbia will be forced to recognize Kosovo (4)
  • Malcolm honoured with Doctor Honoris Causa title (7)
  • Government imposes antidumping measures against Serb producer (9)
  • Wisner: Kosovo is a country that prospers every year (9)


Front page

  • Sami Hamiti arrested under suspicions for corruption
  • Reserved seats paralyze the state
  • Discussions will not bring changes in the Government

Other headlines

  • Editorial: Reserved seats, the first test (2)
  • The future of Kosovo, full of challenges (2)
  • Serbia has to recognize Kosovo before joining the EU (2)
  • Jahjaga met Shala (2)
  • Brussels concerned regarding the crisis in Macedonia (2)
  • Jahjaga expressed condolences to Obama (4)
  • Investigation on the attack on EULEX continue (4)
  • Over one million dollars falsified (4)
  • Isufi: The issue of the eastern Kosovo should be also discussed (4)
  • Vulin: Census of Serbs in Kosovo very soon (5)
  • 150 euros fine, for those who hide wealth (7)
  • Vetëvendosje with serious accusations for the Municipality (9)

Kosova Sot

Front page

  • Sami Hamiti under arrest for corruption and extortion
  • Kosova Sot, a paper that makes a difference
  • Another plan for the north
  • USD 1 million forged, five arrested
  • Editorial: Pseudo-patriots

Other headlines

  • Government remembers new jobs (2)
  • Kosovo strongly condemns the killing of the US ambassador (3)
  • Kurti: ICO chief leaves with a trail of filthy deals (4)
  • Germany conditions Serbia with recognition of Kosovo (4)
  • End of supervision doesn’t fade EULEX’s power (4)
  • Scandals with recognitions, Hoxhaj called for a motion (4)
  • Antidumping measures against panels from Serbia (8)

Epoka e Re

Front page

  • Rexhepi: We will be more active in the north now
  • PristinaMunicipality hit
  • Thaçi sees the future of Kosovo full of challenges
  • PDK and AAK unite in Peja

Other headlines

  • Ashton to meet Thaçi and Nikolic (2)
  • Polenz: Serbia has to recognize Kosovo (2)
  • Sparkes: Serbian MUP should leave the north (2)
  • Dodik: Serbia is Kosovo’s slave (2)
  • Germany-former Yugoslavia agreement replaced (7)
  • Tahiri: There is no official request for dialogue for the north (7)
  • Tirana supports rebuilding in the north (8)
  • Stop to panels from Serbia (9)


Front page

  • Thaçi and Nikolic will meet in New York?
  • Sami in a trap

Other headlines

  • Agreement with Germany (5)
  • Serbia will be conditioned (5)
  • Serbia is a slave of Kosovo (6)
  • Kurti accuses Feith (6)
  • Tahiri: There is no invitation for the dialogue (6)
  • Blockade to panels from Serbia (10)

Bota Sot

Front page

  • Sparkes: Members of Serb MUP should leave Kosovo
  • Successful day of the police in Kosovo
  • Thaçi and Dacic to meet in New York at the end of September

Other headlines

  • Ambassador Wisner: Kosovo a state which prospers everyday (2)
  • Kandic: Testimony of the witness, not even in horror movies (3)
  • Jahjaga and Thaçi send condolences to Obama (5)
  • EULEX arrests Sami Hamiti, Kosovo police confiscate USD 1 million (4)
  • German Ambassador does not comment on the scandal with girls (4)
  • Polenz: Serbia will be forced to recognize Kosovo (7)
  • ICO since today closed its doors, Feith returns home (7)


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.