
No homework: You must tell me BEFORE the beginning of the lesson that you have no (complete) homework (HW). Once I have begun the lesson, it is too late e.g. when I want to examine you. If sensible, forgotten homework must be done automatically for the next lesson.

MOs: Whenever you forget something you get a so-called “MO”, which stands for “minor offence” (geringfügiges Vergehen). You have 6 MOs per semester, however a forgotten homework counts 2MOs. That means that you may forget your homework three times per semester (3 x 2 MOs = 6) or forget your homework and your book twice (2 x 2 = 4 + 2 = 6).

Detention (Nacharbeit): After the sixth MO you’ll get a warning. If you again forget something you will receive a detention. When I find out that you have no homework after the lesson has begun you’ll receive a detention immediately. After the first detention you may collect only 4 MOs for the rest of the semester.

Textbook: When you have to study e.g. a text in your textbook, you must automatically bring your book the next lesson. Bring the book until we have finished the discussion of the text.

Lesson vocab that appears on the board during the lesson is automatically homework.

Absence: When you were absent from a lesson, you have to ask a classmate what we did and do the homework as far as possible (e.g. read a text, revise vocab etc.).

Ersatzprüfung: When you miss too many lessons, you may have to do an “Ersatzprüfung” at the end of the semester about the whole (!) semester.

Notes means that you have to note down only keywords, i.e. you don’t have to write complete sentences. When you have to answer questions on a text you must ALWAYS write down the corresponding line-numbers.

Unknown words in shorter texts must be looked up in your bilingual dictionary or at http://de.pons.com. There mustn’t be any gaps e.g. in a translation.

Mail: When you get an assignment via email you must check your mail as soon as possible and inform me when you did not get the mail or could not open an attachment. When a HW mail comes back with an error message (e.g. “Speichervolumen überschritten”), it counts as an MO.