Patty Johnson SEED GRANT


Home (permanent) address:



* If applying in collaboration with two or more people, list all applicants’ contact information (i.e. name, address, phone, email). Please identify one person as the primary contact for submission and communication purposes.

1.  Title of Project:

Project Narrative

Please type responses to each question listed below.

2.  Goals and Objectives: Provide a description and explain the purpose of your project.

a.  Begin by conducting some research to develop a deeper understanding of the community need. Then write an overview of the issue(s) your project will address.

b.  What work is already being done in your community in regard to this issue? Who is doing the work?

c.  Describe in detail the proposed action you would take on this issue through your project.

3.  Timetable: Provide a detailed timeline, including project start and end dates, taking into account the seed grant timeline outlined in the application instructions.

4.  Who will you impact?:

a.  Who do you hope to impact?

b.  How will you involve them in the project?

c.  Describe the anticipated impact of your project on those individuals.

d.  Discuss the value of this project to the community.

e.  How can you ensure the dialogue continues after your project is completed?

5.  Partners:

a.  Who else will you work with to implement the proposed project (e.g. community organizations, local public officials, etc.)?

b.  Who, or what other agencies, may provide support or direction as you work to launch your project?

c.  How does your project complement or duplicate services that currently exist within the community?

6.  Obstacles:

a.  Specify obstacles or challenges you may encounter while working to launch your project.

b.  How might you address these obstacles or challenges?

7.  Publicity: Explain the publicity tools you will use and how you will utilize them.

8.  Outcomes and assessment:

a.  List at least three measurable outcomes/results you expect to see upon your completion of this project.

b.  Explain how you will assess whether your outcomes/results have been achieved.

9.  Personal goals:

a.  Describe your personal goals for the project, including the professional and leadership skills you want to develop.

10.  Budget: Create a budget, listing possible expenses (i.e. publicity, speakers, communication, etc.) and your plans for covering these expenses. List any anticipated sources of income, including the total amount you are requesting from the Patty Johnson Fund Seed Grant for which you are applying.

Example budget:

Expenses: / Total
Speaker fee: 3 speakers @ $100 / $300
Printing posters and programs / $75
Total project expenses = / $375
Patty Johnson seed grant request / $250
Community grant / $125

Submission Information and Deadline:

Please email your Patty Johnson Seed Grant proposal by September 16, 2017 to:

Tri-College NEW Leadership Development Institute

Dr. Deborah White, Co-Coordinator

Renaissance Hall #110, 650 NP Avenue, Fargo, ND 58102