Mapping Socio-spatial Information

Selected References (6/28/01)

Stephen Engle ()

Aberley, D. 1993. Boundaries of Home. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.

Aldenderfer, M. and H.B.G. Maschner. 1996. Anthropology, Space and Geographic Information Systems. New York: Oxford University Press.

Aitken, S.C. and S. Michel. 1995. Who contrives the “real” in GIS? Geographic information, planning and critical theory. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22(1):17-29.

Bocco, G. and V.M. Toledo. 1997. Integrating peasant knowledge and geographic information systems: a spatial approach to sustainable agriculture. Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 5(2):10-13.

Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22(1):1995 also 25(2):1998 Multiple excellent papers in these volumes.

Chambers, R. 1997. Whose Reality Counts? Putting the First Last. London: Intermediate Technology Publication.

Couclelis, H. and M. Monmonier. 1995. Using SUSS to resolve NIMBY: how spatial understanding support systems can be help with “not in my backyard” syndrome. Geographical Systems 2:83-101.

Cultural Survival 18(4). 1995. Edited by Peter Poole. Multiple papers on indigenous mapping initiatives.

Dorling, D. 1998. Human cartography: when is it good to map? Environment and Planning A 30:277-288.

Dorling, D. and D. Fairburn. 1997. Mapping: Ways of Representing the World. Essex: Addison Wesley Longman Ltd.

Dunn, C.E., P.J. Aitkens and J.G. Townsend. 1997. GIS for development: a contradiction in terms? Area 29(2):151-159.

Feick, R.D. and Hall, G.B. 1999. Consensus-building in a multi-participant spatial decision support system. URISA Journal 11(2):17-23.

Fox, J. 1991. Diagnostic tools for social forestry. In M. Poffenberger (ed.) Keepers of the Forest: Land Management Alternatives in Southeast Asia. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press, pp. 119-133.

Harley, J.B. 1989. Deconstructing the map. Cartographica. 26(2):1-20.

Harris, T. and D. Weiner. 1998. Empowerment, marginalization, and “community-integrated” GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 25(2):67-76. Excellent!

Hutchinson, C.F. and J. Toledano. 1993. Guidelines for demonstrating geographic information systems based on participatory development. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 7(5):453-461.

King, G. 1996. Mapping Reality: An Exploration of Cultural Geographies. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Kliskey, A.D. and G.W. Kearsley. 1993. Mapping multiple perceptions of wilderness in southern New Zealand. Applied Geography 13:203-223.

Klosterman, R.E. (1997) Planning support systems: a new perspective on computer-aided planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research 17:45-54.

McKinnon, J., Kui, C., McConchie, J., Huan-Cheng, M., and J. McKinnon. 2000. MIGIS—Mobile Interactive GIS [Online]. Available at [March 2000].

Monmonnier, M. 1991. How to Lie with Maps. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Nash, C. 1998. Mapping emotion. Environment and Planning D 16(1):1-10.

National Research Council. 1998. People and Pixels: Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science. Washington DC: National Academy Press.

Peluso, N. 1995. Whose woods are these? Counter-mapping forest territories in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Antipode 27(4):383-406.

Pickles, J. (ed.). 1995. Ground Truth: The Social Implications of Geographic Information Systems. New York: Guilford.

Rundstrom, R.A. 1995. GIS, indigenous people, and epistemology diversity. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22(1):45-57.

Shiffer, M.J. 1995. Environmental review with hypermedia. Environment and Planning B 22:359-372.

Sirait, M., S. Prasodjo, N. Podger, A. Flavelle and J. Fox. 1994. Mapping customary land in east Kalimantan, Indonesia: a tool for forest management. Ambio 23(7):411-417.

Talen, E. 2000. Bottom-up GIS: a new tool for individual and group expression in participatory planning. Journal of the American Planning Association 66(3):279-294.

Varenius Workshop on Empowerment, Marginalization and Public Participation GIS. ( Many excellent papers available on WWW