May 16, 2005

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Fred Dickinson, HSMV; Chief Bruce Ashley, DFS/SFM; Col. Graham Fountain, DOT; Lt. Col. Jim McCallister, FWCC; Chief David Myers, DBPR; Jim Madden for Assistant Commissioner Scotty Sanderson, FDLE; and Capt. Greg Gibson for Chief Elwood Stephens, DEP. Chief James Upchurch, DC was unable to attend.

Old Business:

Chairman Dickinson called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.

Chairman Dickinson, Col. Fountain, and Linda Fuchs, STO, presented a plaque of appreciation to Tom Brooks, SLERS System Manager, upon his retirement. All in attendance congratulated Tom on his fine career and wished him well in his new endeavors.

A quorum being present, the Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held February 18, 2005. Col. Fountain moved to approve as submitted, with second by Chief Ashley. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

Project Status and Progress Review Report #123

Tom Brooks, State Technology Office (STO) reported on the progress of key project activities since the last meeting. Progress Review Report #123 was submitted with fuller details on all project activities.

Efforts over the past four months focused on replacing the current 800 MHz system in Phases 1 and 2 and upgrading to Extended Addressing (EA) in Phases 3, 4 and 5. Following the conversion to Extended Addressing (EA) software to the system infrastructure and consoles in the previous quarter, the next step was testing the EA software on user subscriber units and any revisions to agency radio personalities. This involved “super users” from several agencies. Due to some issues discovered during testing, M/A-COM made changes in the software followed by more testing. This has pushed back the project schedule and M/A-COM will be issuing a new EA cutover schedule.

The Florida Capitol Police moved its operations, including new consoles, over to SLERS in February, just prior to the start of the Legislative session.

In administrative rule making for third-party subscribers to SLERS, two Notices of Change have been filed and final rule adoption is expected in June 2005. Glades and Wakulla Counties have been trying out the system. Each has its own talk group separate from state law enforcement.

In other SLERS activities, the distribution of the new, lighter-weight portables that began in November 2004 is continuing into June 2005; in some agencies, this is part of the EA reprogramming effort. Orders for Phases 1 and 2 subscriber equipment are underway. Some mobiles are also being refurbished.

With the upcoming retirement of the Motorola system in Phases 1 and 2, the STO and JTF agencies met on February 18th to discuss options for disposition of that equipment. The JTF agencies own their subscriber equipment and can decide what to do with those units. The Department of Management Services is the owner of the infrastructure and is getting inquiries from entities both inside and outside the state who are interested in the system equipment.

EA activities continue this quarter with continued testing in May and reprogramming all subscriber units starting in June 2005. Sites will be transitioned starting in July and August.

In the next couple of months, Phase 2 selected coverage testing continues with Phase 2 subscriber installations beginning in July. Selected coverage in Phase 1 testing starts in mid-July and subscriber installations start in September. This testing is using a select set of frequencies separate from the operational system so current users are not affected.

As previously reported, Florida is in the third wave of 800 MHz rebanding. The STO has met with Nextel and is awaiting a draft plan from them.

The STO and M/A-COM have been training dispatch center staff on the use of backup RF control stations and mutual aid channels to be used when there are outages with the networked system. Joint Dispatch is also developing policies and procedures for disaster preparedness and response.

Tom also reported that as the selected coverage testing is completed in the border areas of Phases 3 and 4; the results are used to evaluate candidate sites for additional coverage.

Linda Fuchs, STO, reported that the statewide interoperability project is rapidly progressing. For the interoperability network component, there are 203 sites signed up and 199 site walk surveys have been completed. Over 75 sites are installed and operational using draft procedures. There are still thirteen counties with no network point of presence. For the mutual aid build-out component of the system, the contract with M/A-COM was signed in late April. Filling in existing gaps should take thirteen months. Some of the initial project activities are audits of existing licensed sites to determine which ones are operational and the condition of any equipment. There is funding available for replacement equipment. The allocated Federal grant funds were appropriated for FY 2005/06.

M/A-COM Contract Report

Ken Steere, M/A-COM Project Director, reported that Phase 3 operations are continuing smoothly with over five million transmissions each month and over 1000 users. There remains one punch list item for Phase 4 acceptance which should be resolved with Extended Addressing (EA). For the past quarter, the Phase 4 area averaged four million transmissions a month with over 1100 users. M/A-COM has resolved interference problems in one area and they are investigating interference situations in two other areas. They are working with Nextel and local entities on these problems. Phase 5 is averaging over three million transmissions a month with over 1500 users. The installation of back-up radios at the dispatch centers began in May and should be done by the end of this month.

As noted in Tom Brooks’ report, Super Tech testing is continuing for Extended Addressing. M/A-COM expected the testing to be done in early June followed by subscriber equipment reprogramming and site cutover for three weeks in mid-July through early August 2005. Users in Phase 2 will begin cutover to EDACS with radio installations in vehicles and vessels beginning in mid-July 2005 in anticipation of cutover beginning in mid-September. For Phase 1, user equipment installations are scheduled to start in early September with cutover in late October 2005. There have been several meetings with Motorola and the JTF agencies to plan the cutover in detail.

Upcoming priorities are: planning Phases 1 and 2 cutover with the JTF agencies, working the flow of conveyance paperwork through the State agencies with about sixteen sites to be completed, EA implementation, and distributing the new P7100 portables through May 2005.

Joint Dispatch Oversight Committee Report

Major Mark Trammell, FHP, Chair of the committee, reported that the committee has not met since the last JTF Board meeting since there had been no issues but will meet in July. There are currently nineteen duty officer vacancies statewide and all are in background investigation. Major Trammell noted that the new computers are working well. Four of the seven Regional Communications Centers have problems with the Exacom logging recorders and one center has lost a week of data. Capt. Steve Williams, FHP, reported that they have had several meetings with Exacom to identify a solution and Exacom is committed to finding a solution. Bill Tinsley, M/A-COM, said that they are refining a proposal from Exacom. FHP is also looking at an alternative vendor.

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Dispatch

Lt. Col. Jim McCallister, FWCC, reported that an appropriation was made for FY 2005/06 to move the remaining standalone centers into the Regional Communication Centers (RCCs). A committee of FWCC and FHP staff members is working to examine merging FWCC operations into Joint Dispatch. They have had two meetings so far and will be meeting again this week. The goal is to have a recommendation by July 1st. While the intent has been to keep Marathon as a standalone site after the co-locations to the RCCs is done, staff retention challenges may result in closing the center. The technology in use now for computer-aided dispatch and SLERS allows dispatch operations to be shifted to other locations and this is being considered, to move the Marathon duties to Miami and Orlando.

Standard Operating Procedures Committee

Todd Preston, FWCC, Chair of the SOP Committee, presented four items for Board approval. Three of the items were joint ones with the Technical Committee. The first was the Board’s recommendation that Glades County become a third-party subscriber to SLERS. The recommendation is contingent on the results of a channel loading (capacity) study and finalization of the administrative rule for third-party subscribers. Glades County will bring two voice frequencies to the tower sites in and around the county. Tom Brooks, STO, noted that the third-party rule should be adopted by the end of June. Col. Fountain moved, and Chief Ashley seconded, a motion to make the recommendation to the STO. In the following discussion, Col. Fountain commented that he had talked about this with Tom Brooks, Linda Fuchs, the SOP and Technical Committees, M/A-COM, Sheriff Harvey and others and that his concerns had been addressed. They would not be using the State primary talk groups for the most part and the additional frequencies will benefit the existing state agency users. He acknowledged that, based on the statutes and M/A-COM contract, the STO has final approval. Todd pointed out that the process for approval provides full deliberation and thorough examination. Tom said that the STO will monitor traffic loading to determine the impact of the additions of Glades and Wakulla Counties. Chief Ashley asked what the test period for Wakulla County would be; Tom said it would last until formal adoption of the rule. At that time, a formal proposal will be required. The motion passed unanimously.

Todd Preston then presented Wakulla County’s request to join SLERS as interoperability users on a test basis. If they are satisfied with the test results, they may join later. Wakulla County has licensed two frequencies for this. Col. Fountain moved, and Chief Ashley seconded, a motion to make the recommendation for approval to the STO. The motion passed unanimously.

The third item was the Board’s acceptance of Leon County Sheriff’s Office request to be the Network Control Center (NCC) or primary call taker for MA-CALL and MA-TAC1 for Leon and Gadsden Counties. Sheriff Campbell has signed the application. Linda explained that the NCC program already as about a dozen NCCs other than the Regional Communications Centers that serve in that capacity. She noted that Leon County SO, Tallahassee PD and the Gadsden County SO were approached with the opportunity to be the NCC. Leon County SO was the first to accept the responsibility and the other two are in agreement. Col. Fountain moved, and Capt. Gibson seconded, a motion to make the recommendation to the STO. The motion passed unanimously.

Todd then presented a revision to SOP 2A that local law enforcement who are third-party subscribers be allowed to use the regional interagency talk groups when they are outside their home jurisdiction. It will provide them emergency service and direct interoperability with state law enforcement. This would not mean that the local law enforcement users would be approved for Joint Dispatch services. Todd noted that it would make it possible to patch state talk groups to the local officers without reprogramming SLERS radios for each area. Chief Ashley moved, and Chief Myers seconded, a motion to approve the revision to SOP 2A. The motion passed unanimously.

Technical Committee

Vic Cullars, FDLE, Chair of the Technical Committee, reported that the committee had worked jointly with the SOP Committee on the four agenda items and was in agreement with all four.

Security Manager

Capt. Steve Williams, FHP, reported that two radios had been lost since the last meeting. Both were immediately inhibited; the FHP radio was found and the DACS radio is still lost. Procedures were followed by each agency in each case. In other actions, the encryption key is being changed to SOF2 and ESK cards and passwords are also being changed.

Opportunity for User Comments

Chairman Dickinson expressed his thanks to all who have made so much happen in the development of the system and its services. Chief Ashley asked if anything could be done to address the nineteen duty officer vacancies and associated retention challenges. Major Trammell responded that this is a constant problem; with almost 400 positions statewide vacancies will happen. They have secured pay raises for non-sworn employees in FHP. Capt. Williams noted the technology changes that have been done to improve the working environment. Lt. Col. David Browning, DOT (retired) gave recognition to the interagency partnerships that have made progress possible.

Chairman Dickinson asked about interest in changing the statutes to have Board meetings twice a year or at the call of the chair, rather than the current requirement for quarterly meetings. Linda mentioned that any such change could be incorporated with any changes to s. 282.1095, F.S. for the interoperability network. Chairman Dickinson said that efforts begun last year to secure funding for SLERS enhancements and ongoing needs will continue.

Todd Preston noted that the M/A-COM SLERS system for South Florida and remote CAD will be used to support operations for the Organization of American States meeting in Ft. Lauderdale prior to the general cutover to Phase 2.

September is the target date for the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 am.

JTF Board Minutes May 16, 2005 – as approved at 9/19/05 meeting Page 1