Liz Godolphin
John LockyerBrian Burke
Keith Harrison
Jane Goodson
Apologies:Anya De Iongh,Philip Jordan, Simon Prisk, Sara Loveless
Minutes of meeting held on 1st February 2017:
Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
Parking Update:
Jane gave an update of the meeting she had with the Duchy, Poundbury Residents Association and FTH Building Manager in May. Suggestion a sign is placed near parking area by Great Field politely requesting parking limited to 2 hours. There is no currently available legal enforcement of this. Petition ongoing.
PPG Update:
Review of current PPG activities
- Membership – Jane explained that a SMS text message had been sent to patients for whom the Practice has a mobile number promoting the PPG and inviting people to register interest. This had resulted in 20 responses all of whom had subsequently been invited to a meeting on July 3rd. To date 5 people have confirmed attendance. Keith will facilitate this meeting to introduce new PPG members to the existing group, briefly review the group’s Terms of Reference and establish next steps.
- Practice Manager – Jane explained that whilst the Practice’s commitment to working with the PPG remains unchanged she would not be continuing to facilitate the group as this needs to be undertaken by the PPG itself. All present acknowledged this as the appropriate direction to take at this point. Jane (or any other member of staff at PDS) would attend meetings by invitation of the PPG and provide a written Practice Update in the event of absence. Jane left the meeting at this point to allow for open discussion between members.
- PPG objectives– discussion took place re: what the PPG exists for / is seeking to achieve. Key points were:
- Acting as an interface between the Practice and its patient population.
- Helping to manage patients’ expectations of the Practice and health services in general through becoming ‘informed patients’ ourselves.
- Helping people to ‘live well’ through promotion of information, events and services that help to prevent poor health & wellbeing.
- Asking lots of questions of the Practice: Why do you do this? Could you do that? How about doing things differently?
- Inviting staff to PPG meetings or arranging to meet them to better understand their roles within the Practice team.
- Continually striving to be as representative of all patients as possible.
Jane re-joined the meeting and these key points were fed back. Those present agreed that it would be useful to invite the Practice’s Carers Lead to a future meeting to learn about his/her role in supporting Carers and discuss how the PPG might be able to assist.
Date of next PPG meeting: MONDAY 3rd July, 5.30pm-6.30pm
PPG Meet & Greet: WEDS 19th July, 6pm-7.30pm Prince of Wales Surgery