MASBO 2015

ConventionReport Booklet



Report of the 2014 Annual Meeting Business Proceedings4-5

2015 Annual General Meeting Agenda6

2015 Convention Reports

Past Presidents7-8

President’s Message9-10

Executive Director Message11-15

President Elect Report 16-17

MASBO Budget18-19

Membership Report20

Nominating Committee Report21

Past Presidents’ Council Report22-23

Provincial Finance Report24-25

Provincial Maintenance Report26

Provincial Transportation Report27

Publications Committee Report28

Regional Report:




MSBA General Insurance Management Committee Report44-45

Group Life Insurance Plan Trust Committee Report46

MSBA Non-Teaching Pension Plan Report47

Advisory Committee on the Funding of Schools Program48

Education for Sustainable Development Advisory Committee49

Resolutions 2015 AGM50



Manitoba Association of School Business Officials


1:15Chairperson Paul Ilchena called the assembled members to order. O Canada was sung.

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Barry Friesen submitted Gaylene Schroeder-Nishimura as nominee for President-Elect, David McInnes as nominee for Provincial Director-Transportation and Anita Werbowski as nominee for Provincial Director-Finance Urban. He then called three times for further nominations from the floor for each position. There being no further nominations for the positions of President-Elect, Gaylene Schroeder-Nishimura was declared the successful candidate. There being no further nominations for the position of Provincial Director-Transportation, David McInnes was declared the successful candidate. There being no further nominations for the position of Provincial Director-Finance Urban, Anita Werbowski was declared the successful candidate.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

9:09Gaylene Schroeder-Nishimura led in an invocation

  1. President Curtis Basso called the Annual Business Meeting to order. 9:10
  1. Approval of Minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting

Motion: THAT the Minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Manitoba Association of School Business Officials be approved, as presented.


  1. Review of Amendment to the Constitution

Motion: THAT the amendment to the constitution be approved, as presented


  1. Election speeches were presented by successful candidates Gaylene Schroeder-Nishimura, David McInnes, Anita Werbowski.
  1. Review of Auditor’s Report, and 2014/15 Budget

Motion: THAT the Engagement Review be accepted as presented.


Motion: THAT the 2014-15 budget be approved as presented.


  1. The following reports were submitted, as per convention report booklet.

President’s Report

Executive Director’s Report

President Elect Report

Past President’s Report

Membership Report

Past Presidents’ Council

Finance Committee

Maintenance Committee

Transportation Committee

Publications Committee

North/Western Region

South/Interlake Region

Winnipeg Region

MSBA General Insurance Management Committee

Group Life Insurance Plan Trust Committee

MSBA Non-Teaching Pension Plan Committee

Advisory Committee on Funding of Schools Program

Education for Sustainable Development Advisory Committee

Report of Resolutions from 2013 Convention

Motion: THAT the reports be accepted as presented.


  1. Nominating Committee Representative

Tom Bobby Nominated Joanne Robinson/Rene Appelmans as representatives on the committee. Anita Werbowski seconded. There being no further nominations, Joanne and Rene were declared the Nominating Committee representatives for 2014-15

  1. Advisement of 2016 Convention: Location will be in Winnipeg
  1. ADJOURNMENT – Motion: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:55


AGM AGENDA, June 4, 2015

Manitoba Association of School Business Officials


  1. Call to Order
  2. Review of Minutes from 2014 AGM
  3. Election/Acclamation of new Executive Members
  4. Review of financials/Financial review/Presentation of budget
  5. Reports as per convention report booklet

a) President’s Message

b) Executive Director Message

c) President Elect Report

d) Membership Report

e) Past Presidents’ Council

f) Finance Committee

g) Maintenance Committee

h) Transportation Committee

i) Publications Committee

j) North/Western Region

k) South/Interlake Region

l) Winnipeg Region

m) MSBA General Insurance Management Committee

n) Group Life Insurance Plan Trust Committee

o) MSBA Non-Teaching Pension Plan Committee

p) Advisory Committee on Funding of Schools Program

q) Education for Sustainable Development Committee

r) Input into Special Needs Funding – Wayne Shimizu verbal report

  1. 2015 Proposed Resolutions
  2. Nominating Committee Representative
  3. Advisement of 2017 Convention Site
  4. Urban Finance Director
  5. CTPC New Member Appointment
  6. Adjournment



Henry Benningen 1962Winnipeg #1

Henry Benningen1963Winnipeg #1

Jack Cundall1964Portage la Prairie #24

Tom MacGregor1965St. James-Assiniboia#2

Murdoc McIvor1966Ft. La Bosse #41

Jean Cummings1967Norwood #8

Nicholas Solilak1968River East #9

Stan Bisson1969Seine River #14

Allan Patterson1970Midland #25

Glen Hansen1971Seven Oaks #10

Ross Johnson1972Pembina Valley #27

Maurice Miller1973Fort Garry #5

Stan Oleson1974Tiger Hills #29

Neil McDonald1975Birdtail River #38

Jack Coulthart1976Swan Valley #35

Laverne Cherrey1977Agassiz #13

Don Cornell1978Brandon #40

Todd Baraniuk1979Transcona-Springf. #12

Bud Hanson1980Beautiful Plains #31

Ron Mann1981St. Vital #6

Wayne Sutherland1982Lord Selkirk #11

Rose-Marie Ariko1983Flin Flon #46

Craig Stahlke1984Fort Garry #5

Jack Hrehirchuk1985Dauphin-Ochre A1

Frances Ross1986Turtle River #32

Malcolm Kirkland1987River East #9

Bert Pearson1988Swan Valley #35

Don Cornell1989Brandon #40

Garry Drewlo1990Fort Garry #5

Gordon Arbuckle1991Pembina Valley #27

Francis Plessis1992River East #9

Gerard Lesage1993Mountain #28

Denis Lemay1994Morris-MacDonald #19

David Bell1995Winnipeg #1

Barbara Bloodworth1996Leaf Rapids #2460

Ed Klassen1997Rhineland #18

Wayne Shimizu1998Seven Oaks #10

Bruce Cairns1999Lord Selkirk #11

Agnes Gaultier2000Midland #25

Bart Michaleski2001Dauphin-Ochre SA#1

Ed Johns2002Seven Oaks SD


Kevin McKnight2003Turtle Mountain SD

Ken Bergen2004Garden Valley SD

Cliff Meder2005Seven Oaks SD

Pat Shuttleworth2006Winnipeg SD

Anne Malyon2007Border Land SD

Marlene Michno2008Lakeshore SD

Glynn Warnica2009Southwest Horizon SD

Tom Bobby2010Winnipeg SD

Kent Reid2011Fort La Bosse SD

Alma Mitchell2012Red River Valley SD

Barry Friesen2013Border Land SD

Curtis Basso2014Lakeshore SD

President’s Message

As I reflect on the past year as President of MASBO, I continue to be impressed by the dedication and commitment of the people within our organization. All of us, within our respective business and operational rolls, provide strong and effective service to the education community on a daily basis. We make good things happen for other people!

MASBO as an organization continues to be productive and relevant to our members and in the education community in our Province. Over the year, we have worked on several projects such as; the development and roll-out of a new website, the production of an excellent edition of MASBO News, planning and hosting a national transportation conference and established improved financial monitoring processes for our organization just to name a few. All of these projects and others were led by and worked on by our own members. They all should be proud of their work – great job!

As President, I was fortunate to represent MASBO attending and participating in several activities with our educational partners; MASS, MSBA and MAPC. I was proud to represent MASBO as we provided valued input into on-going discussions on relevant education issues. Our organization was also invited to participate in educational events and workshops such as the Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence, MASS member recognition, the Aboriginal Education Leadership Institute and MAPC AGM.

We also continue to work with our other inter-provincial partner organizations to share ideas and gather information relating to association or education issues from across the country.

I recently attended the Ontario ASBO Conference where I saw the same amount of pride and support for education within the business and operational functions as I have seen in our own Province. The professional learning that they undertook in many ways is similar to what we do here. It re-affirmed my thinking of the value of professional learning and that we need to continue to provide our members quality learning opportunities, as this will assist us in maintaining and improving our strong leadership services.

As we gather for our annual conference, I know that there will be many opportunities to connect with colleagues and experience learning opportunities together. Our theme this year is Emotional Intelligences in Action, and our planning committee has put together a great series of speakers and sessions that will help us gain a better understanding of the importance of building strong working relationships. I hope that you will participate and benefit from these opportunities.

Thanks to the Executive, Roy and Michelle for the work they all do to ensure our organization continues to be valuable and relevant to our members and the education community in Manitoba.

It has been a privilege to serve as President of MASBO and I am proud to be part of such a strong group of people.

We are all integral parts of the service of education in our Province where we support and enable students’ learning every day – what an awesome opportunity!

Respectfully Submitted,

Paul Ilchena

Manitoba Association of School Business Officials Inc.

Executive Director’s Annual Report

Executive Director’s Annual Report to the Membership

Respectfully submitted by Roy Seidler

June 4, 2015

At its strategic planning session last June, the Executive set three goals in the areas of providing effective communication (both internal and external), professional development and monitoring emergent issues on behalf of its members. I have structured my report in order to provide information on my personal involvement with those goals as well as the involvement of the Provincial Executive and other MASBO Members.

Goal #1 – Provide ongoing and two way communication opportunities (inform and consult) with our members and our education partners.

a) Inter-organizational involvement over the course of the last year:

Manitoba Association of School Superintendents / MASBO Executive and ED / ED and President, Paul Ilchena attended the MASS Summer Institute August 13-15, 2014 at Clear Lake. A liaison meeting was held with MASS Executive March 19, 2015.
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils / Paul Ilchena / Represented MASBO at the MAPC AGM and Conference May 1-2, 2015
Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning / Roy Seidler, Paul Ilchena, Wayne Shimizu / We participated in consultation meetings regarding PCAP results and funding of special needs students.
Manitoba Education Research Network (MERN) / Roy Seidler / MASBO continues to be an active member of MERN. The ED participated in MERN events in Winnipeg and Thompson this past year.
Executive Director Meetings – MASS/MSBA/MASBO/MTS / Roy Seidler / I meet with the Executive Directors of MASS and MSBA three times a year to discuss common issues, share information and explore how our three organizations can work together and support each other. For the first time this year the General Secretary of MTS joined this group.
Public School Finance Board / MASBO Executive Members / One meeting was held this past year with the Deputy Minister, Gerald Farthing in attendance.
MASS/MTS/MSBA / Roy Seidler, Paul Ilchena / Attendance at the AGM/Banquet of the three organizations.
We also partnered with MSBA and MASS in hosing a series of three workshops on the topic of Aboriginal Education.
“CANASBO” – Canadian Association of School Business Officials / Roy Seidler, Paul Ilchena / This group held two meeting this past year: November 2-3, 2014 in Edmonton and March 1-2, 2015 in Moncton. The group continues to look for opportunities to expand member participation and information sharing. A national electronic newsletter is in production.
Student Services Administrators Association of Manitoba / Roy Seidler / I met with the SSAAM Executive on April 6 in Portage La Prairie. As MASBO did 7 years ago, this organization is trying to increase its visibility and influence on the delivery of public education in Manitoba. For the first time the SSAAM Executive has hired staff to assist the organisation in reaching its goal.

CANASBO Group – Moncton 2015

Other forms of MASBO Communication engaged in this past year:

  • MASBO News – MASBO’s Official Journal published in the spring of each year
  • Mini-Minutes – A summary of the five Provincial Executive meetings that are held each year

sent to all member electronically following the meeting

  • MASBO Minute – An electronic newsletter published and circulated to members in the months between Executive meetings

Goal #2 – Provide Professional Development for our members

a)The two largest professional development opportunities for our members leading up to our conference this year were:

  • The Professional Development day held November 26, 2014 at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg on the topic of “Leadership and Management – The Essential Foundations.” Our facilitator for the day wasEric Stutzman, Director of ACHIEVE Training Centre.
  • The Maintenance/Transportation Conference held February 11-13, 2015 at the Victoria Inn in Brandon.

b)The Provincial Executive conducted a “Literature Circle” activity at Provincial meetings throughout the year. The book under study this past year was, Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl.

c)As an added professional development opportunity for our members, the Professional Development Committee instituted a new feature to our AGM/Conference this year: a pre-conference workshop. The workshop was offered the opening morning of the conference, which traditionally had only the golf tournament as an option for members. The topic this year was “Mind Mapping” and because of the hands on nature of the workshop, was limited to 20 participants. It sold out quickly so we are looking to see if this might become a regular feature of our Conference in the future.

d)The MASBO Peer Assisted Leadership (PAL) Program was piloted this spring.

Four Intended outcomes of the MASBO PAL Program:

  1. To help school business leaders develop skills they can use to analyze their own and other leaders actions.
  2. To enable school business leaders to gain support and insight from working with colleagues.
  3. To provide school business leaders with the opportunity to learn how other school business leaders provide leadership in their respective school divisions.
  4. To enable participants to integrate into their own settings the General Framework of School Business Leadership. (Holding up a mirror to other leaders.)

Four Processes:

  1. Shadowing

Participants follow another leader around his or her workplace for several hours, observe his or her behaviour, actions, directions and comments and note the observations in writing. Information is objective, not evaluative.

  1. “Script Taping”

“Script taping” is a short-hand method of taking notes while conducting a shadow.

  1. Reflective Interviewing

A reflective interview is a discussion with a colleague, conducted by an observer as a follow-up to a shadowing visit. The observer seeks information that clarifies observations and elicits further comments on observed actions and interactions. Information is descriptive, not evaluative.

Note: Both the shadowing and reflective interviewing skills are transferrable and will strengthen the leaders overall ability and effectiveness (for example – employee supervision).

  1. Model Diagraming: Leadership Framework/Model for School Business Officials (See attached document.)

Through the shadows and interviews a participant gains knowledge of his or her colleague relating to the Framework. Over the course of the program, participants summarize the data collected into the various components of the Framework. As a closure activity at the end of the program, participants share what they have learned about their colleagues. (Holding up a mirror!)

The four pilot members were Anita Werbowski, Kathy Siatecki, David McInnis and Curtis Basso.

e)Our second Grey Owl winner was selected. Our winner this year is Henry Claeys, Supervisor of Transportation, and Winnipeg School Division.

f)MASBO is supporting a group of volunteers who are organizing a National Transportation Convention in Winnipeg in April of 2016.

g)Roy Seidler and President Elect, Gaylene Schroeder-Nishimura, represented MASBO at the ASBO International Leadership Forum in San Diego, California. February 19-21, 2015. They also took in the pre-conference Strategic Governance Symposium.

h)MASBO Mentorship: Paul Ilchena, Alma Mitchell and Terry Penner, “to name a few” were actively involved in mentoring new MASBO members this past year.

Goal #3 – Monitor and Respond to emergent issues as they arise in support of the various interests of our membership.

Areas of advocacy and response to emergent issues:

a)A survey was distributed to Secretary-Treasurers to collect data on shared services practices. The data was collected and circulated to the membership.

b)MASBO signed off on two letters to the Department of Education: one in support of continued funding for MAPC and one advocating for increased support for youth mental health services in Manitoba.

c)Wayne Shimizu was appointed by the Executive to represent MASBO on the Provincial Task Force to review funding for special needs students and programming.

d)Secretary-Treasurers were surveyed and provided feedback on Bill 7 which will deal with the timelines and processes that would be required if a school division wanted to amend its agreement with day care organizations. The information gathered was shared with the David Yeo.

e)The Metro Region developed a resolution to be sent to the PSFB requesting that it approve the costs associated with the implementation of the PSAB requirements for the identification and remediation of contaminated sites as eligible expenditures under Section C – Replacement of Systems of its Capital Support Program.

Concluding Remarks:

As an organization MASBO continues to explore ways to provide services to members and to be a full partner in the delivery of quality public school education in Manitoba.

When the membership provided suggestions for improvement to our AGM and Conference, the Professional Development Committee took heed. This year’s Conference has added three new features: a pre-conference workshop, a new members’ luncheon and increased networking opportunities for the registrants. MASBO also was a full partner in the planning and delivery of the very successful Aboriginal Education Leadership Institute, a series of three workshops on the topic of Aboriginal Education. Our members assisted with emcee duties and discussion group facilitation.

As an organization we continue to be consulted on numerous topics related to the delivery of public education as evidenced by the activities noted earlier in this report. Our opinions matter.

I would like to thank and commend this year’s Executive and our President Paul Ilchena for their expert and dedicated volunteer work on behalf of our members. Job well done!

Thanks also to Michelle Munford for her dedication and hard work, especially in making our AGM and Conference an annual highlight of our service to members.