Rideau Area Cubs
Minutes of the Old Wolves Meeting
Held at 7:00 p.m. at 4650 Leitrim Road
On Thursday, August 27, 2009
Present: John Gould – 1st Gloucester (Chair), Heather Shore (Treasurer) – 1st Osgoode,Sara Walker (Secretary) – 101st Ottawa, Helen St. Denis- 101st Ottawa, Loren Pearson – 2nd Russell,Jonathan Mayer- 104th Ottawa, Bruce Legg – 1st North Gower, Robert Peace- 1st Manotick B, GraceJones- Rideau Area Commissioner, James Murphy- 137th Ottawa, Raymond Desjardins- 137th Ottawa, Leah Elwell- 137th Ottawa, Andrew Mason-
1st Osgoode, Rob Grimes- 1st North Gower, Kent Kerr- 11th Ottawa, Rob Triebe-
1st Gloucester
Treasurer’s Report
Balance of $1,619.95.
Rideau Area Fall Camp
September 18-20, 2009 at Rideau Hill Campground on River Road.
John Gould will be the Head Chief of Camp, Rovers and the 137th will be doing the cooking. John and Heather will provide them with the 2008 menus to use as guidelines.
James Murphy and Sara Walker will be doing the menu planning and food purchase for the weekend.
If you plan to attend, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that we know of any food allergies and approximate number of attendees in your group by Friday, September 11/09 at the very latest.
Campfire Chief will be chosen on Friday night. The campfire will be done outside on Saturday night or in the dining hall should there be inclement weather.
No volunteers yet for Scouts Own and Scouters Five for Sunday morning. Otherwise if someone wishes to volunteer bring the material for everyone to discuss on Friday night.
There will be a craft time on Friday night for an hour and a half before mug-up.
Weekend theme ‘Back to Basics/Pioneering’.
The following groups will be running the 5 activity stations on Saturday:
101st Ottawa- fire lighting
137th Ottawa- outdoor cooking
1st Manotick B- still open
104th Ottawa- compass work
1st Osgoode- knots
We will not be serving supper on the Friday night. Cubs are to arrive between 6 to 8:00 pm.
Fee for the weekend is $30.00 per person or $10.00 per person for Saturday activities only.
Saturday activities will end around 4:00 pm with free time for groups to plan their own activities and plan their song, skits and cheers for campfire.
If you’re bringing Scouts they can sleep in their own tents while the Cubs will be sleeping in cabins. Leaders are always welcome to sleep in their own tents.
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Rideau Area Cubs
Minutes of the Old Wolves Meeting
Held at 7:00 p.m. at 4650 Leitrim Road
On Thursday, August 27, 2009
We have been asked to reduce our ecological footprint and reminder to remove our own trash from the campsite.
Weekend program is attached.
Apple Day
October 2 & 3, 2009 for information contact John Gould 613-822-2244.
Rideau Area All Section Day
Saturday, October 24, 2009 at Baxter Conservation Centre.
This is the first time for this type of Area all-section event.
No theme has been developed as of yet.
Voyageur Council would like us to come up with ideas from our groups to post on their site.
Grace Jones believes it will be initiated by other areas to do their own dates for an All-Section Activity Day should we choose to join another area for their day (eg. Odawa).
Sixer/Second Workshop
Sunday, November 15, 2009 location TBD and organizers are needed to secure a location.
Last year it was held at Scouts Headquarters and hosted by Heritage Area.
Leah Elwell, Drew Mason and Braydon Desjardins have volunteered to organize the event and Helen St. Denis will act as their mentor as past organizer.
John reminded the organizers to bring their materials, activities and location ideas to share with the group at the Fall Camp.
Scouters Summit Dates (Old Wolves Meetings)
Monday, October 5, 2009 at St. Mary’s School, 5536 Bank St from 7:00- 10:00 pm
Thursday, December 10, 2009 at Fred Barrett Arena on Leitrim Rd from 7- 10 pm
Thursday, February 4, 2010 at Fred Barrett Arena on Leitrim Rd from 7- 10 pm
Monday, April 12, 2010 at St. Mary’s School, 5536 Bank St. from 7- 10 pm
Grace Jones will send out invitations ahead of time. All leaders are invited to send her any alerts, wish to do a presentation, or share program ideas with everyone prior to the meetings that can be added to the agenda.
Winter Camp
January 23-24, 2010 weekend camp at Connaught Rifle Range on Carling Avenue.
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Rideau Area Cubs
Minutes of the Old Wolves Meeting
Held at 7:00 p.m. at 4650 Leitrim Road
On Thursday, August 27, 2009
Loren Pearson will be the Scouter in charge for this event. John Gould will forward past site information and Heather Shore will forward contact information to Loren.
Facilities can sleep 200 people.
Solid ideas and activities will be discussed at the October 5th Scouter Summit. One possible ideas was “Army/Navy/Air” by promoting the Canadian Forces into the theme.
Groups are welcome to recruit any personnel as required for the weekend.
Connaught Rifle Range staff will cater breakfast, lunch, dinner for us we only need to worry about mug-up for Saturday evening.
Winter Camp Agenda:
Saturday 8:00- 9:00 am - Arrival at camp
Sleeping arrangements will be allocated once youth arrives to place all items in their rooms.
10:00- 12:00 pm - 4 activity centres that will be rotated throughout the day
12:00 pm- lunch catered by Connaught staff
Craft area
Dinner, campfire in the evening and modified accordingly.
Mug-Up and quiet time before bed
Sunday- Scouts Own, closing and departure
Kub Kars Rally
Saturday, February 20, 2010 at the North Gower Community Centre.
There may be a need for 4 tracks this year to accommodate the youth.
Scout Trucks will be run in between events.
Heather would like to remind everyone to weigh their cars upon arrival and before racing begins as many youth last year were not aware of the weighing station.
Same categories as in past years: Wackiest Paint Job, Best Car Look-a-Like, and Best Design.
To be discussed further at the October 5th Scouter Summit.
Hi-Hostel 3rd Year Sleepover
April 24-25, 2010 at the Hi-Hostel Jail on Nicholas Street.
Heather would like a rough number of 3rd years from each group once registration has been completed in September.
Heather would also like ratios from each group.
The Hostel provides a bed, clean linen, planned activities and food for the youth for mug-up and breakfast.
All groups to bring firm numbers of their youth/leaders to the October 5th Scouter Summit.
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Rideau Area Cubs
Minutes of the Old Wolves Meeting
Held at 7:00 p.m. at 4650 Leitrim Road
On Thursday, August 27, 2009
Scout Trees
Saturday, May 1, 2010 at Riverside South Area once again.
Voyageur Council Cuboree
Possible date of June 4-6, 2010 or June 11-13, 2010 for the Council Cub Camp
Possible location- Apple Hill Campground near Maxville.
Looking for volunteers to organize and offer of services.
Other Discussion
Grace Jones announced that Rideau Area membership grew over 100% and increased by 23 new people as of the Spring 2009 registration.
The school flyers will be bundled and distributed to the schools (as they have been in the past) next week in time for the first day of school. Throughout the design process, the new designended up morphing from a postcard into a much more dynamic "door-hanger".
Parents will be directed to the website via the postcard and will find listings of Groups and their contacts on the website. The website was designed to look a lot like the School Flyer to make things simple for parents looking for information. As well - the full contest information will be available on the website along with a picture of the prize package. Anyone who is new to Scouting this year can cut the bottom portion of the postcard off and attach it to their Registration form to be entered into a draw for a $500 Camping package.
There is also a "New Leader Welcome Kit” with print materials and a DVD containing some of the following items:
A one page Welcome Letter fromSteve Kent, Jessica Page and Rob Stewart; Leader introduction to their section; Leader Uniform checklist; Introduction to Risk Management Brochure; Catalogue; Council Contacts Page; and Training Schedules.
Next meeting date
Friday, September 18, 2009 at Rideau Hills Campground at 10:00 pm.
Next Old Wolves Meeting
Monday, October 5, 2009 at St. Mary’s School at 5536 Bank St from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.
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