HPC 4700 Spring 2017


Dr. Jim Street Jessica Rose

Center for Student Involvement & Leadership Co-instructor



Office Hours: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday


Course Description

This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to synthesize coursework and their co-curricular involvement and to develop high level leadership skills such as consensus building and ethical decision-making. It supplements and integrates previous learning and is designed to provide maximum exposure to various concepts and perspectives of leadership through observational experiences, critical thinking, and self-analysis. It is also designed to allow the demonstration of previously learned leadership theories, styles, and strategies. Students must integrate their personal ethics and vision of leadership in their examination of various contemporary leadership contexts.

Course Objectives

1.  Examine real-world leadership situations through the application of leadership and organizational theories.

2.  Integrate previous experiences, coursework, and knowledge of leadership and self with information that is learned about leadership during this course.

3.  Demonstrate appropriate and effective use of critical thinking skills and self-analysis during individual and group assignments.

4.  Demonstrate effective use of organizational, writing, and oral skills that are appropriate for each assignment.

5.  Demonstrate the ability to envision and implement changes for the common good, using diverse perspectives and context, and application of leadership and organizational theories through real work experience and contemporary issues.

6.  Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their years in college and gather new insights as they prepare to venture beyond Appalachian.

Course Expectations:

Students are expected to:

1. Complete the assigned readings prior to class sessions.

2. Come to class prepared to participate in class discussions, presentations, and activities.

3.  Turn in all assignments on the due dates.

4.  Attend class regularly. Tardiness, requests to leave early, and absences will result in points being deducted from class participation.

Required Textbook

Discover Your True North, Bill George, Jossey-Bass, 2nd edition, 2015

Course Requirements and Evaluation

1.  Class Presentation 15

2.  True North Leadership Exercises 20

3.  Online Capstone Portfolio 30

5. Current Leadership Readings (4) 20

6. Self-Directed Learning 15

Total Possible 100 points

Course Requirements


Class attendance. You are permitted three absences without penalty. Each subsequent absence results in a 1/3 letter grade deduction in your final grade (a B+ becomes a B with four absences, a B- with five, etc.).

Class Presentation

Students will make a presentation to the class on a leadership related topic.

True North Leadership Exercises

Weekly exercises that facilitate reflection about your personal leadership development.

Online Capstone Portfolio

Showcase a collection of leadership achievements, personal strengths, coursework summaries, and individual experiences through a professional e-portfolio.

Current Leadership Reading

Each student is responsible for researching and reflecting (1+ page paper) on 4 articles discussing a current leadership trend, issue, or topic. At least two articles must be from a leadership related journal. Students will sign up for a date to present on 2 of their readings for no longer than 5 minutes.

Self-Directed Learning

Each student will choose something meaningful to learn about leadership and write about it in a 2+ page paper: Attend a conference, interview someone, read a book, provide leadership development for a group, etc.


Each student is required to purchase and take the strengthsfinder assessment ($9.99)

Statement about Academic Integrity: As a community of learners at Appalachian State University, we must create an atmosphere of honesty, fairness, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of each other. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of an Appalachian degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form and will oppose any instance of academic dishonesty. This course will follow the provisions of the Academic Integrity Code.

Statement on Disability Services: Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services

Statement of Religious Observances: All ASU students are allowed a minimum of two absences per year for religious observances. Up to two absences for such observances will be excused, without penalty to the student, provided that the student has informed the instructor in the manner specified in the syllabus.

Course Outline

January 17 Intro to the Senior Leadership Capstone

January 19 Creating our learning community/Course curriculum development

January 24 Boundary Breakers for Seniors

January 26 Language of Leadership

January 31 True North, Intro

February 2 The Senior Leadership Portfolio (bring your laptop to class)

Personal Leadership Philosophy Due

February 7 Your Truths of Leadership

February 9 True North, Chapter 1

February 14 True North, Chapter 2

Article #1 Due

February 16 Student-Led Class

February 21 TBA

February 23 Student-Led Class:

February 28 True North, Chapter 3 (Strengths Quest)

March 2 Your Financial Future

Article #2 Due

March 7 True North, Chapter 4

StrengthsQuest Results Due

March 9 Student-Led Class

Online Capstone Strengths Due

March 14 Spring Break - no class

March 16 Spring Break - no class

March 21 True North, Chapter 5

March 23 Student-Led Class

Article #3 Due, Online Capstone Core Values Due

March 28 True North, Chapter 6

March 30 Student-Led Class

Lock in your plan for Self-Directed Learning

April 4 True North, Chapter 7

Article # 4 Due

April 6 Student-Led Class

Online Capstone Leadership Minor Coursework Due

April 11 True North, Chapter 8 (Balance)

April 13 Student-Led Class

Online Capstone Learning Experiences Due

April 18 State holiday – no class

April 20 TBD

April 25 True North, Chapter 9

Online Capstone Crucibles Due

April 27 Adaptive Leadership

Self-Directed Learning Assignment Due

May 2 Last day of class