Many Rivers Yoga Teacher Training Program
at Journeys in Yoga
Letter of Engagement 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Registered YTT Program (2016)
Our Mission:
The Many Rivers Yoga Teacher Training Program at Journeys in Yoga, llc is dedicated to providing an affordable,diverse educational experience that focuses on the foundations of teaching yoga while supporting the participant in finding their own voice and style as a yoga teacher.
We are excited to have you in the program and know that you will learn and grow from this program, not only as a yoga teacher but as a student of yoga. Below you will find the structure and policies of the program that you need to agree to before you proceed, just to make sure we are all on the same page. We also need some personal information and your goals for yourself as you embark on this new adventure: please see space for these items at the end of this letter. Congratulations!
General information on the curriculum:
Many Rivers Yoga Teacher Training complies with the curriculum set forth by the Yoga Alliance for the 200 hour program for the year 2016. We update the curriculum as the Yoga Alliance requires. The YA requires 180 hours to be spent directly with the primary teachers in the program, while 20 hours can be spent doing yoga studies--readings, homework, films-- outside of the program (this does not include taking yoga classes). More details can be found at and we recommend that you read their site and requirements. The current curriculum is as follows:
Techniques: 100 hours
Teaching Methodology: 25 hours
Anatomy & Physiology: 20 hours
Philosophy/Ethics: 30 hours
Practicum: 10 hours
Remaining hours to be spread across categories: 15 hours
Structure for the weekend:
Many Rivers YTT at Journeys in Yoga has a one weekend per month structure. We offer a limited rolling enrollment, allowing students to join in January, April, or May of each calendar year. A typical weekend looks like this:
630p-730p: Opening YTT chant, introduction to the weekend topic and discussion
730p-915p: Led yoga practice
915p-930p: Closing chant and wrap up
930a-1100a: Opening YTT chant, anatomylecture
1115a-115p: Led yoga practice
115p-215p: Lunch
215p-415p: Posture clinic 1 (or practice teaching)
430p-530p: Special Donation class
545p-615p: Feedback on donation class
615p-15p: Pranayama practice and meditation
715p-730p: Closing chant and wrap up
930a-1100a: Opening YTT chant and led yoga practice
1100a-100p : Posture clinic 2 (or practice teaching)
100p-200p: Lunch
200p-400p: Philosophy
400p-430p: Closing chant and wrap up
We always meet on the second Friday of each month. Here is the schedule for the 9 monthly weekend training modules for 2016:
Jan 8-10 Welcome to Teacher Training and Sun Salutations*
Feb 12-14Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga part I
Mar 11-13 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga part II
April 8-10Hot Yoga*
May 13-15 Yin Yoga*
June 10-12 Flow Yoga part 1 (intro)
July 8-10 Flow Yoga part 2 (intro)
August 12-14 Flow Yoga part 3 (intermediate)
Sept 9-11 Flow Yoga part 4(intermediate)
Oct 14-16 Yoga Potpourri(this serves as a “make-up” weekend if you have to miss hours during the 9 previous months)
*denotes when new students may join the program
Topics and areas covered:
Postures: 4 styles of yoga including Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series, Hot Yoga, Yin Yoga, Flow Yoga, plus a weekend on teaching Sun Salutations.
Breath work: Breath awareness practices (pranayama)
Anatomy: the axial and appendicular skeleton, the joints and how they function, superficial muscles of the arms, legs, chest and back, common injuries in each region and how yoga may benefit them. For the energy body we have an overview of the meridians, nadis, and chakras.
Philosophy: Overview of the history of yoga and lineages, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and your own code of ethics.
Discussion of the business of yoga and what to expect as a yoga teacher.
Required Books: it’s easiest to order these online, some may be found at local book stores
2 translations of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:
1. The Path of the Yoga Sutras: A Practical Guide to the Core of Yoga by Nicolai Bachmanapprox. $12 new, be aware of the much more expensive Bachman translation that includes CDs—this is not necessary for you to purchase!
2. and anothertranslation of your choice (can be downloaded off of the internet)- used in all weekends.
Yoga Anatomy Second Edition by Leslie Kaminoff- used all weekends, approx. $13 new
Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson- used Ashtanga weekends, approx. $21 new
Hot Yoga: Energizing, Rejuvenating, Healing by Marilyn Barnett- used Hot Yoga weekend, approx. $13 new
The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga: The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga
by Bernie Clark- used Yin weekend, approx. $12 new (note that there is an old print version of this
book that is selling for exorbitant sums, this is not the correct version of the book! Look for the
one published in January of 2012. You can also download a PDF version of this book from
for $5.95)
Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative YogaClasses by Mark Stephens- used during the four flow weekends, approx. $15 new
In order to graduate from the program you must complete the following:
Nine Workshops or accumulate 180 contact hours:You are required to attend 9 workshops or attend 180 contact hours within an 18 month period. Your 18 months begins at the first workshop you attend and we cannot guarantee the availability of the program after 18 months. Please see the FAQs at for scheduling questions.
Five Participations:You are required to attend 5 yoga classes at Journeys In Yoga, with as much variety as possible, document your experiences in a template that can be found on the Yahoo Group in the “Blank Forms” file. The 5 classes will be provided to you free of charge (you will receive a 5 class yoga pass from JiY after you complete your second weekend; if you drop out of the program, the classes are deactivated).
Five Observations: You are required to observe (not participate in) 5 yoga classes at Journeys in Yogaand document your experiences on a worksheet to be submitted via the Yahoo Group—again a template for this worksheet can be found in the “Blank Forms” file on the Yahoo Group. You do not have to pay for the 5 classes that you observe.
Two Donation Classes:You are required to teach two donation classes. You may sign up for the Monday at 5:30pm Donation class, the 4:00pm Wednesday Donation class, or the Special Donation class on Saturdays of YTT weekends at 4:30pm at Journeys in Yoga. One class must be a standard Intro Flow class using the template we will provide and the other class can be a style of your choice. Please submit your plan for your class 3-5 days in advance to . These classes must occur prior to graduation. The 4:00pm Donation Class on the first Wednesday of the month is a Hot Lite practice for those who want experience teaching that style. Understand that you will receive feedback from the students in the class and the teachers in the program.
Policies and Expectations:
We expect you to arrive on time and remain for the duration. Coming and going throughout the weekend is detrimental to your learning process as well as the learning process of others. If you need to miss part of the weekend it must be cleared with the instructors.
If you only attend a partial weekend, you must sign in and out accordingly and make up the hours missed at another time.
You will learn the foundations of teaching yoga, basic anatomy and basic philosophy in the 200 hour program. To learn more in depth about any of these areas we recommend continuing your education.
There are many proprietary styles of yoga which require additional training through specific programs. We do not claim to train yoga teachers in any proprietary style of yoga.
Payment will be made at each weekend, with the total cost of the program spread across the 9 weekends. The total for the program is $1980 (subject to change) and the weekend payments are $220 (subject to change). Payment is due the Friday of each YTT weekend; online payment is encouraged. Pay online via Choose “pay for training from the menu on the left. If you plan to pay with cash (exact change only, please) or check please arrive 20 minutes early on Friday night of training.
When you graduate you will be trained to teach yoga. Our eclectic and generalist approach to hatha yoga—the yoga of the body, which combines breath and movement—allows you to teach the style of yoga that fits you best.
The Yoga Alliance is a yoga teacher registry. You will be certified in “multiple styles” through Many Rivers YTT program, which makes you eligible to register with the Yoga Alliance. The Yoga Alliance itself does not certify teachers, although it does set the curriculum for teacher training programs who wish to affiliate with them.
You will be asked to fill out an anonymous online survey of the program after you graduate.
Successful completion of the Many Rivers Yoga Teacher Training may result in a recommendation for employment but does not guarantee employment at Journeys in Yoga or elsewhere.
Best Practices for a successful Yoga Teacher Training experience
Ideally students should already have a consistent physical yoga practice before beginning this training. Please note that consistent is not the same as “advanced” or “fancy.” We recommend practicing physical yoga at least 3 times per week in a variety of styles throughout the course of your teacher training;at least one of those weekly classes should be in a yoga studio/gym/ public group environment. The other practice sessions can happen in your living room, the park, wherever you like. It is helpful to keep a log of your practices in a hand-written journal or electronically. This is an invaluable tool for self-reflection, accountable, and growth.
Take good care of yourself--especially during our training weekends! Be prepared to sit on the floor as comfortably as possible. We have yoga blocks and blankets which can be used for that purpose but please feel free to bring whatever you like to make yourself comfortable (i.e. stadium seat, meditation cushion, folding chair, beach chair, etc.). And of course make sure you sleep well, and eat enough fuel and drink enough water to keep the body happy so that the mind can focus.
Complete all of the “Preparation Guidelines” provided for each training weekend
Ready to reserve your spot in the Many Rivers Yoga Teacher Training Program for 2016? Great! We look forward to guiding you through this fun and empowering process. You just have two things to do:
- Register online! Online registration for the January weekend training module (January 8-10, 2016). See click “pay for training” for details.
- Please e-mail the following page:
I understand and agree to the parameters of the 2016Many RiversYoga 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Journeys in Yoga, which I received in my letter of engagement. Minor changes to the structure of the weekend agenda and/or the curriculum may occur at the start of each new calendar year. These changes will not affect participants’ ability to graduate within 18 months of their start date.
Personal Information
Full Name:______
Phone Numbers: Cell______Other:______
Email Address:______
Emergency Contact Name and Number:______
Relevant Medical Issues (please list and acknowledge that you are medically cleared to participate):
Please share your personal goals for the program (include the style of yoga you are interested in and the population you would like to teach), take as much space as you like!