West Essex Regional School District

West Essex High School

World Language Department



Course Name: Spanish

Level: 4 CPA

Teacher: Señorita O’Donovan

Contact information:

Course Description:

The course provides students with the fundamental background to speak, to read, to write, and to understand the target language. A great deal of stress is placed on the development of audio-lingual skills including correct pronunciation, intonation, and accentuation. There will be a continued emphasis on the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using the communicative approach. Additional material for development of the reading skills is provided for each student. The units on the culture and civilization of the target culture are expanded.

In the first few weeks of school, I will spend time evaluating the students and reviewing the most relevant material that they were taught last year. This portion of the course will focus upon essential questions and a grammar review. This review will vary according to students’ needs.

During the year we will read some short stories related to the themes of the course as well as other cultural readings. In addition to the readings, a great deal of emphasis will be placed upon developing both written and oral communication skills. Students will expand on their use of the indicative, imperative and subjunctive mood.

There will be a continued emphasis on the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Different opportunities will be provided to develop the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using the communicative approach. Cultural aspects of the target language/culture will be expanded as well.

NJCCCS: 7.1 Communication: All students will be able to communicate in at least one world language in addition to English.

Primary Text/Resources/Software:

·  Text(s) Resources: Realidades 4, Prentice Hall, Copyright 2014 Pearson Education

·  Practice workbook: Realidades 4

·  A variety of authentic resources will be used for this course with the goal of providing a rich, diverse learning experience

·  Spanish/English Dictionary

·  Notebook/3-ring binder, Pen/Pencil

Class expectations:

Each student is required and expected to:

1.  RESPECT teacher, students, and school property

2.  Arrive to class on time, i.e., be in his/her assigned seat and ready to work. Students should immediately begin working on the “DO NOW” listed on the board.

3.  Come to class prepared (bring a pen, a COVERED textbook, notebook/three ring binder daily homework assignment, Spanish dictionary)

4.  Take notes and maintain a complete, organized notebook.

5.  Always raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking and to ask any questions relevant to the lesson.

6.  Speaking Spanish in class is an important requirement.

7.  Participate whenever possible in classroom discussions, activities, etc.

8.  Maintain appropriate classroom behavior (shouting out, chewing gum, eating, interrupting, or leaving your seat without permission are all considered unacceptable behaviors).

Homework assignments:

o  Students are responsible for completing all homework assignments; all of these assignments will be checked, graded and/or collected.

o  All homework must be completed in ink, with complete sentences, and will have a proper heading with name, date, period and assignment.

o  Students are expected to study grammar, vocabulary and culture on a regular basis in order not to fall behind.


o  Regular attendance is essential for success. When a student is absent, he/she is responsible for obtaining class notes and making up all assignments. Homework can be found on the teacher’s website; worksheets or any other materials distributed during class can be obtained from the teacher.

o  If a student is absent the day of an evaluation, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the work upon return. According to district policy work should be completed in the amount of time EQUAL TO the time missed from school.

o  Any writing assignment or project will lose 10 points for the first day it is late and 5 points for each additional day it is late.

Extra help:

o  Extra help is available for every student by appointment.

Grading Policy Statement:

Your final grade will be calculated out of 100 percent. A variety of evaluations techniques will be used throughout the school year to determine each marking period grade. The division of points is as follows:

o  Classwork
o  Homework
o  Oral activities (presentations/conversations)
o  Listening activities
o  Written activities
o  Exit tickets
o  “Do now” / 20%
o  Tests (both oral and written)
o  Quizzes (both oral and written)
o  Projects
o  Formal speaking, listening, reading, and writing assessments
o  Long term assessments / 80%

o  Tests and quizzes will be given on a regular basis as deemed necessary. They will be announced or unannounced and a review will be given prior to testing.

o  Incomplete grades: A student receiving an incomplete grade on the report card has a two week period in which to make up the work.

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards:

All World Language courses have been respectfully designed as a result of the parameters set forth by the New Jersey State Department of Education in the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards World Languages in the Communication and Culture (7.1 and 7.2) and incorporate each of the three modes of communication; interpretive, interpersonal and presentational.

7.1: All students will be able to communicate at a basic literacy level in at least one language other than English.

7.2: All students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between language and culture for at least one world language in addition to English.

Academic Integrity

West Essex Regional advocates for high standards of intellectual honesty and conduct as the foundation of our Academic Integrity Policy. In order to create an ethical learning environment, students must recognize that they are responsible for their choices. Their actions are a direct reflection of themselves, as well as the school community.

Cheating is defined as giving or receiving any unauthorized aide on tests, exams, reports, papers, homework, or any school/course related assignments. Cheating includes but is not limited to the unauthorized use of information orally, in writing, by signs, by electronic devices, etc.

Plagiarism is to use, intentionally or unintentionally, without crediting the source, to commit literary theft, and to present as new and original an idea derived from an existing source.

Examples of Unacceptable Behavior / Academic Conduct (include but are not limited to):

▪ Falsification of signature

▪ Unauthorized collaboration

▪ Submitting any work that is not your own (such as purchased or obtained works)

▪ Using language, words, or ideas without citing properly

▪ Altering answers on a scored exam

▪ Obtaining any unauthorized information on an exam prior to the administration

▪ Destroying or stealing the work of others

▪ Copying any class assignment and submitting it as your own

▪ Using a translator in World Language classes

When a Student Participates in any form of Academic Dishonesty:

1. A zero will be assigned as a grade on the assignment.

2. Parents will be notified.

3. The instructional supervisor, the assistant principal(s), and the student’s guidance counselor will be notified, and the incident will be recorded in the student’s disciplinary record.

4. The student may be excluded from the honor societies (when appropriate).

5. Additional disciplinary actions may be taken.

I understand the West Essex Regional School District Academic Integrity Policy and agree to adhere to it.

Please return this page no later than September 9, 2015.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above syllabus detailing the contents and requirements of the course.

Print Student Name: ______

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Contact Information - between 7:30am– 3:00pm: Please print.

Parent Contact Phone Number: ______

Parent Contact E-mail: ______