Set out below is a summary of scholarships, other than UK Research Council,that postgraduate research applicants to the Faculty may be eligible to apply for. Full details about each scholarship and information about how to applyare availableon the University Postgraduate Scholarships website: Please visit departmental web pages for information about RCUK awards and application deadlines available within each department: School of Earth and Environment - School of Geography - Institute for Transport Studies -

Scholarship / No. of Awards / Criteria / Value / Closing Date
China Scholarship Council-Leeds Partnership (CSC-Leeds Partnership) / 13 / For high-quality Chinese candidates who are currently studying or working in Chinese universities and will be commencing PhD study at the University of Leeds in October 2017. / International ratefees and stipend of £11,400-£13,200 and return airfare. / 6 January 2017
University Research Scholarships (URS) / 18 total – 2 per Faculty / Full-time/part-time UK/EU candidates available to commence study in October 2017. Applicants must hold at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent. / Fee + £14,296 stipend / 10 March 2017
White Rose Studentships / 4 (normally) / Collaboration between Leeds, Sheffield and York. There will normally be 4 awards linked to specific projects at Leeds for full-time UK/EU candidates to commence October 2017. Further project details and application forms will likely be available at the end of this calendar year. / Fee + £14,296 stipend / To be confirmed
Leeds Doctoral Scholarships / TBA / To be announced. / Full fees (International or UK/EU) + stipend / To be confirmed
British Council Awards / Variable / British Council administers a variety of awards and details of the schemes should be obtained from the British Council’s representative in the candidate’s own country / Variable / Variable
Centenary Awards / 3 in 2016 / Run by NFGU Mutual Charitable Trust and open to those who have gained or expected to gain a 2.1 or above in agriculture or a closely related degree / 75% of course fees / TBA
Commonwealth Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth countries ( / Unknown but 120-150 in past / Awards are mainly for postgraduate study (including split-site) and are open to Commonwealth citizens. The subject area is unrestricted, but for developing countries applications should clearly be related to future social and economic development of the home country.
/ International fees, stipend (to include spouse and children where applicable) and research costs. / TBA but was November in 2016
Developed Commonwealth countries
( / See above / Awards are for postgraduate research degree study and split-site all subject areas however selection criteria gives priority to applications demonstrating strongest potential for strategic impact.

/ See above / TBA but was June in 2016
Endowed Scholarships – / Home/EU candidates:
Frank Parkinson / 1 / Candidate must be born of British parents who have been domiciled in Yorkshire for a period of not less than 10 years. The years of domicile need not be successive.Open to those wishing to study in any faculty. / Fees + £12K stipend / 1 June 2017
Frank Stell / 1 / Candidate must be resident or have parent(s) resident within the former administrative area of the County Council of West Riding of Yorkshire, and must be undertaking research in Biology, Agricultural Science, or Social and Political Science. / Fees + £12K stipend / 1 June 2017
Alumni Bursaries / Unlimited / Provides 10% of fee for Leeds graduates (undergraduate, Masters, or PhD/MPhil, ie not Diplomas/Certificates) who are self-funding their research degree study. Candidates can hold other scholarships although the AB will then pay 10% of any net balance. / Up to 10% of fee / None
The Colt Foundation / Small number / Supporting research into health, safety and comfort of people at work; that is occupational and environmental health. / Fees and stipend for up to 3 years / Spring and Autumn each year
Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust / Unlimited / Candidate’s parent or spouse must be grocer, chemist, or commercial traveler. / Maximum value is £5,000 / None
Dan David Prize / 10 / In recognition and encouragement of innovative and interdisciplinary research cutting across traditional boundaries to promote scientific, technological, and humanistic achievements that advance and improve our World / Unknown / TBA
The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 (Industrial Fellowships) / 9 / PhD Fellowships for advanced study in science, engineering, the built environment and design. To encourage profitable innovation and creativity in British Industry. Open to company employed candidates. / Up to 50% of salary and tuition fees for up to 3 years. / 26 January 2017
Rapid Formations Entrepreneur Scholarship Programme / 20 / Candidate must have secured a place on a postgraduate programme, either full-time or part-time, and must be able to demonstrate entrepreneurial attitude and leadership skills, and demonstrate clear evidence of the need for additional financial support. / £500 / 25 August 2017
NFU Mutual Charitable Trust Centenary Awards / 26 since 2010 / Candidate must have gained or expect to gain 2.1 or above in agriculture or a closely related degree and be progressing to and have been accepted on a Masters or PhD course in agriculture in the UK. / Up to 75% of course fees / 30 April 2016
Yorkshire Training Fund for Women / Not indicated / British women with Yorkshire connections training for courses leading to qualifications for employment. / £100-£300 / 1 May & 1Nov each year
Yorkshire Ladies’ Council of Education (YLCE) – Education Awards Funds / Improving the lives and education of women of all classes in Leeds and Yorkshire. Women must be aged over 21 and unable to finance their chosen education course from their own resources and who do not qualify for local authority support. / £100-£500 towards fees (only) paid directly to institution. / 1 September, 1January, 1 March, and 1 June each year.