~ SAMPLE Curriculum Templates ~

There are of course, an infinite variety of Curriculum Templates. These are a few of the most common. YMA regularly assists its client churches in developing customized Curriculum templates.

For more information on becoming a YMA church please contact us at (877) 462-5718 .

Model #1

Bible Centered Template

7th-9th Grade: Year 1 Old Testament

Year 2 New Testament (Non-Gospels)

Year 3 Jesus (Gospels)

10th – 12th Grade: Year 1 Old Testament

Year 2 New Testament (Non-Gospels)

Year 3 Jesus (Gospels)

*Two 3-year rotations

Model #2

The Buckets Template

(Broad topics repeated every year)

The Buckets:

§  Relationships

§  Bible/ Old Testament

§  Bible/ New Testament

§  Bible/Jesus

§  Missions/Service

§  Soul Tending

§  Decision Making/ Life Skills

7th – 12th Grade: Year 1 example:

Parents (relationships)

Prophets (Bible /Old Testament)

Romans (Bible/New Testament)

Parables (Bible/Jesus)

Justice (Missions/Service)

Prayer (Soul Tending)

Dating (Decision Making/Life Skills)

Year 2 example: Same categories, different topics

One 6-year rotation

Model #3

Lectionary Template

(Based on the common lectionary, formatted into *two 3-year rotations)

Model #4

Broad Categories Template

7th- 8th Grade: Bible-centered template

9th – 12th Grade: Buckets template

This is one 2-year rotation (7th-8th), and one 4-year (9th-12th) rotation.

Model #5

Seasonal Template (AKA Interruption Template)

7th – 8th Grade: Buckets interrupted by Bible –centered

§  ADVENT: Bible/ Old Testament

§  Relationships

§  LENT: Bible/Jesus

§  Missions/Service

§  Soul Tending

§  SUMMER: Bible/ New Testament

9th – 12th Grade:

§  ADVENT: Relationships

§  Bible/ Old Testament

§  LENT: Missions/Service

§  Bible/Jesus

§  SUMMER: Soul Tending

§  Bible/ New Testament

This is one 2-year rotation (7th-8th), and one 4-year (9th-12th) rotation.

Model #6

Theological Themes

Year 1: Who is God? (theology)

Year 2: Who is Jesus? (Christology)

Year 3: Who is the Holy Spirit? (Pneumatology)

Year 4: What is Salvation? (Soteriolgy)

Year 5: What is the Church? (Ecclessiaology)

Year 6: What is our Mission? (Missiology)

One 6-year rotation

Examples of a multi-program Curriculum Template

Model #1

Sunday School: Biblically-based

Small Groups: Topically based

Youth Group: Service and Mission

Model #2

Sunday School: Topically based directed toward fringe or outsider youth

Small Groups: Focused on Leadership development

Youth Group: Biblically-based for deeper discipleship

For more information on Youth Ministry Architects please visit our website at www.ymarchitects.com or email .

Youth Ministry Architects exists to:

·  design sustainable, deep-impact youth ministries, one church at a time,

·  build the competence, joy, and longevity of professional youth workers, and

·  construct bridges to the best youth ministry resources available today.