Welcome to English II Honors at HHS!

In preparation for English II Honors at Hartsville High School, you will be required to read two summer reading selections and complete the assignments listed below.

Assignment One:The first summer reading selection is a book of your choice from the general summer reading list of the four books below. As you read, keep a journal of quotes from each chapter that you can make a connection with and a 10 sentence paragraph explaining the connection you made. Cite chapter and page number of your quote at the top of each entry. Connections should be text-to-text, self-to-text, or world-to-text.

Matched – Ally Condie

Kick – Walter Dean Myers

Dirty Little Secrets – CJ Omololu

The Maze Runner – James Dashner

Assignment Two: The second summer reading selection is The Book Thiefby Markus Zusak. You will need to complete a double entry journalof personal connections to quotes and literary elements. In addition to your personal connections, you must specifically document the following: characterization and character development, unknown vocabulary, symbolism, point-of-view, themes and motifs, figurative language, and literary devices.

What is a double entry journal?

A double entry journal is a way to record information, reflect on and react to that information.

Your Double Entry Journal will contain:

I. 50 Personal Connections: For each heading/chapter you will include at least 5 quotes with personal connections per part and epilogue (9 parts and 1 epilogue=10 sections=50 connections). Only you are able to write your own thoughts!

II. 30 Literary Elements/Vocabulary: For each heading/chapter you will include at least 3 examples of literary elements or unknown vocabulary per part and epilogue (9 parts and 1 epilogue= 10 sections= 30 entries).

*****All work is due on the first day of school.*****

Welcome to the Freshman Academy! We look forward to working with you next year.

Mrs. Suzan

Mrs. Jenny


The left hand column of the journal is the place to document what you notice. These will come directly from the text. / The right hand column is where you record your reactions/answers to this material. This section should be in 1st person. You need to make it personal--no one else could write what you write.
Possibly Includes:
  • Textual Notes- headings, titles, etc.
  • Quotations
  • Key terms
  • Vocabulary
  • Symbols
  • Evidence of motifs or themes
  • Evidence of characterization
From Julius Caesar “Flavius:
Let no images be hung with Caesar’s trophies.”
From The Hunger Games
“ ‘Up you go, Catnip,’ he says, in a voice he’s fighting to keep steady, and then he carries Prim off toward my mother.” / Possibly Includes:
  • Immediate reactions
  • Reactions after learning new information about the topic (e.g., through discussions, further reading)
  • What more would you like to learn?
  • Agree? Disagree? Why?
  • What you understand/don't understand
  • Compare/Contrast
  • Connections to other sources/to what you already know
  • Your interpretation of what you experienced
  • Question and support for why your question is important
  • Perspective/Bias
Why would they not want for people to celebrate Caesar’s success and decorate statues in honor of him?
Gale seems shaken, but tries to put on a strong front. He probably acts this way as to not further upset Katniss after what has just occurred. I can understand why he would be so upset, but I would have a hard time hiding those feelings.