Board of Directors



University of Richmond

Richmond, Virginia

October 8, 2011


Attendees:Andrew McBride, President

Bob Smith, Vice President

Bill Haverly, Treasurer

Larry Fusaro, Secretary

Mary Cox, Past President

  1. Call To Order and Review of Agenda

The Meeting was called to order at 8:24am by President McBride and the Agenda was accepted as presented.

  1. Old Business

2.12011 Summer Board Meeting amended minutes from Madison, Wisconsin were reviewed and discussed.

2.1.1Action: Upon motion made by Haverly and seconded by Cox the minutes were approved.

2.22011 Annual Business Meeting minutes from Madison, Wisconsin were reviewed and discussed.

2.2.1Action: Upon motion made by Smith and seconded by Cox the minutes were approved.


2.3.1No other old business was discussed.

  1. New Business

3.1Treasurer’s Report

3.1.1Financial Reports (Sum of Income/Expenses; Budget 2011) preliminary numbers from the Wisconsin conference indicate the conference was well run and within budget. We are still awaiting the final numbers from Oregon to verify how much surplus from the Wisconsin conference will be returned to the AUA treasury. was noted that additional subsidy from the AUA treasury for technology and future conferences may be required. It is the board’s intention to maintain a balanced conference expense and still maintain a reasonable budget surplus within the AUA treasury. Overall, the AUA continues to remain financially healthy. tax accountant is behind in filing and has received approval for a filing extension. President McBride will introduce Treasurer Haverly to the tax accountant to begin the transition.

3.1.2Annual Conference Dues and Attendance matrix Board discussed the subsidy for the 2012 Conference and agreed to contribute $15,000 from the AUA treasury to offset extra expenses of the conference and to maintain a reasonable conference expense for the members. member’s attendance records were discussed and a letter will be sent by Secretary Fusaro to those members who are in jeopardy of having their membership expire. The letters will go out such that a response can be received prior to the Spring Board meeting for the Board to vote on membership status. Haverly suggested that a discussion be added to the Annual Meeting Agenda relating to “AUA Visioning” to get a better understanding of the membership evolution and what can be expected for the future. Potential task force(s) may be appointed to further delve into the topic. One such task force could be comprised of Emeritus members.

3.1.3Non-budgeted Expenditures over $100 items were discussed.

3.2Membership report

3.2.1Committee Chair, Jay Bond, joined the Board discussion via telephone were reported to Affiliate Status past member, Cliff Carey, petitioned for Affiliate Member status and after a lengthy discussion the Board voted no to the request due to the seven (7) years Cliff has been absent. The Committee Chair will contact Cliff to let him know the Board action. for Emeritus Status were reported Changes to Other Universities were reported were reported were reported Membership issues were reported

3.2.2New membership applications were no new applications.

3.2.32011 AUA Roster and Directory Board discussed this issue relative to the potential use of new technology regarding the publication of the roster and directory. Further discussion will occur at the Spring meeting after the Board has time to review a potential proposal from the Information Technology Committee.

3.3Annual Conference 2011 – University of Wisconsin, Madison

3.3.1Final Report from University of Oregon the final accounting has not been received, Treasurer Smith reported that the preliminary dollar figure to be returned to the AUA Treasury will be approximately $24,000. The Board members were extremely appreciative of the Program Committee and the Conference Host for running a well organized conference and commended the group’s extraordinary efforts.

3.3.2Review of Budget action was taken

3.3.3Other Conference Issues were discussed

3.4Annual Conference 2012 – UCLA

3.4.1Review of the Program program committee Chair was unable to join the Board via telephone however, Treasurer Smith was able to inform the Board of the committee’s efforts. The planning is being done well. The committee is looking at the budget and housing very carefully while keeping in mind the potential membership expenses. The Board commended the program committee for their efforts to date.

3.4.2Review of Budget stated earlier in the Treasurer’s Report, the Board voted to provide a $15,000 subsidy to the conference to maintain a balanced and reasonable conference expense.

3.4.3Other conference issues were discussed

3.5Annual Conferences – Future

3.5.12013 MIT program chair, Alex Roe and the host Pam Delphenich, have their committee formed and are beginning the planning effort. More information will be presented at the Annual Meeting in 2012.

3.5.22014 Notre Dame conference host, Doug Marsh, is beginning to form his committee. To date, there has not been a chair selected. More information will be presented at the Annual Meeting in 2012.

3.5.3Other Conference Issues conference sites were discussed – Rice, UNC/NC State/Duke, GT/Emory, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, Southern Methodist University. State/Duke – President McBride will contact the university member(s) to verify they still want to be on the list of possible conference hosts. universities on the list were discussed but, no action was taken.

3.6Committee and Task Force Reports

3.6.1List of current Committees and Task Forces list was discussed and no action taken

3.6.2Case Studies Committee (Chair, Alex Roe) number of Case Study presentations were discussed and it was determined that the maximum number should be three plus “…the rest of the Story” presentation. Treasurer Haverly will contact the Chair and Vice President Smith with contact the conference program Chair to let them know the Board’s decision.

3.6.3Information Technology Committee (Chair, Joe Bilotta) President Smith reported that the committee is investigating other technology ideas to help streamline the organization’s Roster, Directory, Web Page, Webex Meetings, Survey Information and other electronic organizational formats. Vice President Smith will report more on this topic at the Spring Board meeting. However it was noted that the change to just the web site could cost up to $5,000 for the change and possibly $500/year to maintain.

3.6.4Professional Practice (Chair, Don Akerland) Board discussed the idea of disbanding the committee. President McBride will contact the Chair to discuss this issue further and reaffirm the Board’s expectation for a meaningful and valuable committee.

3.6.5Sustainability Committee (Chair, David Zehngut) President Cox will contact Chair to reaffirm the Board’s expectation for a meaningful and valuable committee.

3.6.6Heritage/Preservation Committee (Chair, Michael Rickenbaker) McBride will contact the Chair to reaffirm the Board’s expectation for a meaningful and valuable committee.

3.6.7Nominating/Distinguished Achievement Award President Cox is coordinating the committee and will report its progress at the Spring Board meeting.

3.6.8Emeritus Task Force McBride discussed the results of the task force’s discussion on changing the wording. Past President Cox will update the guidelines and President McBride will update the membership at the 2012 conference Annual Business meeting.


3.7.1This topic will be discussed in further detail at the Spring Board meeting after additional information is presented from the Information Technology Committee on the issues aforementioned.

  1. Other Business
  2. Contracts
  3. Conference Planner, University of Oregon Conference Services
  4. Awaiting information – President McBride to contact Oregon for additional information.
  5. Conference Hotel
  6. Awaiting information – President McBride to contact program chair and conference host for additional information.
  7. AUA Management and Operation
  8. AUA Guidelines Update
  9. No action taken.
  10. AUA Committee/Task Force Review
  11. No action taken.
  12. Miscellaneous Communication and Discussion
  13. Continuing Communication with Emeritus Members
  14. President McBride will continue the outreach efforts to the Emeritus members.
  15. Treasurer Haverly will develop an Emeritus Task Force to continue to have emeritus members be involved in the AUA.
  16. Legacy and Archives
  17. The Board discussed the need for archiving in a digital format and whether the archives should be moved. A discussion with Ted Weidner will occur with President McBride to find out if the University of Nebraska is interested in hosting the organization’s archives.

With no further action required, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55am to the Chesapeake Bay and local Curling Club.