2 September 2010

Kick-off Meeting of the USG LMS Transition Task Force

MaconState College

10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Attendees: all members of the task force except Kimberly Tanner


1.Barry Robinson (ITS) will take minutes for the first meeting. The job will rotate at each meeting

2.Additional stakeholder groups identified

a.Academic Advisory Committees


3.Draft Timeline – I did not record any changes to the timeline

4.Task Force will gather initial requirements from USG stakeholders to formulate criteria to narrow down to a handful of LMS choices

5.Direct all vendor communications to Donna

6.Vet all proposed surveys, official communication from task force with Donna

7.Team will meet every two weeks via Wimba

Action Items

1.Task force team members will provide Donna with:

a.Any contact info changes to contact list (by COB 9/3/10)

2.Mike Rogers will post SREB LMS slides to T-square (by COB 9/3/10)

3.Add to communication plan the following(Barry/Doug by COB 9/3/10)


i.Academic Advisory Committees (see Linda Noble for breakdown)

4.Initial Requirements compiled by task force members

a.Post your previously compiled “initial requirements” list to t-square, Resources, Initial Requirements, or email to Donna – (Task Force Members by 9/7/2010)

b.Post GeorgiaVIEW previously compiled list of sample desires/requirements to t-square, resources, initial requirements– (Doug Hyche by 9/3/2010)

5.Create t-square folder for peer institution resource material – (Donna by 9/7/2010)

a.Post any known peer institution/system information/resources that relate to LMS, LMS selection, or email to Donna for posting – (Task Force Members by 9/10/2010

6.Post Parity lists between current implementation of Blackboard Vista 8 and possible alternatives – Doug Hyche by 9/7/2010)

7.Send out followup memo to USG community (similar/same listservs as charge memo) announcing the start of the project (Donna/Linda by 9/9/2010)

8.Double check ability of Task Force members to add files to t-square – Donna by 9/3/2010

9.Post Ga Summit and Rockeagle info the t-square site – Doug Hyche by 9/3/2010

10.Review communications plan and send comments/suggestions to Donna (Task force members by 9/10/2010)

11.Create list of questions for students to be used in a survey – (Will / Gabby, Virginia by 9/10/2010)

12.Brainstorm what social media can be used to attract student response – Gabby/Will by 9/10/2010

13.Email your “must have requirements to Donna – Task force members by 9/10/2010

14.Review polling tools – Donna

15.Develop questions for faculty surveys – Bettie LaDuke, Linda Noble, Doug Hyche by 9/10/2010

16.Create online surveys for different sectors on external website – Donna by 9/17/2010

17.Send out list of 9/2/10 meeting action items – Donna by 9/3/2010

18.Send Donna lists of LMS vendors you are aware of – Task force members by 9/7/20

19.Create survey for Vista Administrators – Tracy Adkins by 9/10/2010


1.Curt Carver offered ITS resources to create sandbox environments for narrowed down LMS choices

2.Robert Keown (TCSG) has offered task force members the ability to review the Angel LMS integrations

3.Need volunteer to represent LMS Task Force at Rock Eagle conference (Sherry Clouser is possibility)

4.Let Donna know if you will be attending the Ga Summit conference – (task force members by 9/10/2010)

Communication Ideas/Concerns Parking Lot

1.How do we deal with vendor requests for information (for right now, forward all to Donna)

2.Specific Stakeholder interaction versus overall communication plan

3.Develop Questions / Surveys, reuse existing resources