WP5 Training of university staff for working with students with disabilities

DEV 5.1. Analyzing training needs for each partner institution involved


Final version

Written by University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro

Podgorica, May 20th 2013


The working visit took place at the University of DonjaGorica (UDG), Podgorica, Montenegro, on 15th May 2013 and had objective to further develop training materials, raise discussion regarding the assumtion and risks regarding this Work Package, as well as regarding the internal quality control. It was a logical continuation of a meeting held at the University Mediterranean the day before, on May 14th 2013. Specific topics that were covered during the meeting included:

·  Discussion about DEV5.1 Training needs Analysis

·  Discussion about the results of DEV5.2 Basic Training (indicators, evaluation, obstacles)

·  Planning DEV5.3 Advanced Training

Details regarding the each of these topics are presented in following paragraphs.

Attendees :

Mr. Enes Banda, University of Donja Gorica

Mr. Miha Kosi, The Slovenian Association of Disabled Students

Ms. Natasa Mauko, The Slovenian Association of Disabled Students

Mr. Pawel Wdowik, University of Warsaw

Ms. Donata Konczyk, University of Warsaw

Mr. Tripo Matijevic, University of Mediterranean

Ms. Bojana Tosic, University of Mediterranean

Mr. Srdjan Jovanovski, University of Mediteranean

Mr. Dzenan Strujic, Insitute of Information and Communication Technologies

Mr. Viktor Berisaj, Ministry of Information Society and Telecommunications
Ms. Bojana Lakovic, Association of Youth with Disabilities Montenegro

Ms. Miroslava Mima Ivanovic, Association of Youth with Disabilities Montenegro

Mr. Velibor Boskovic, Association of Youth with Disabilities Montenegro

Apologies for absence: Ms. Sandra Tinaj, University of Donja Gorica

Annex 1: Agenda of the meeting

Brief overview of the meeting

The meeting started at 10:30 am with oppening remarks by Mr. Enes Banda on behalf of the University of Donja Gorica. Then he passed the flor to Ms. Bojana Lakovic from the Associaton of Youth with Disabilities Montenegro.

Ms. Laković’s first remarks were related to the Training Needs Assessment Report (a.k.a. TNA Report). The main question that has aroused in this part of the meeting was Should the list of participants from basic trainings be included in the final version of the report, since there was a significant discrepancy between the list of participants that was provided by universities prior the trainings started and the list of participants that actually attended basic trainings, meaning that there was less participants in the trainings than it was planned.

In relation to that Ms. Donata Konzyk expressed her opinion that the list of participants should not be included in the report in this case.

In order to justify the discrepancy between the UDG’s staff that was planned and those that actually attended the trainings, Mr. Enes Banda explained that the lack of motivation was not the cause of low attendance, but lack of available staff and busy schedules instead. As he stated, this is the time of the year when UDG’s staff have pretty busy schedules, thus it is not possible for all of them to attend each training, even though all of them expressed their willingness to do so.

Representatives of the UNIM, Mr. Tripo Matijevic and Mr. Srdjan Jovanovski also agreed to that. After Ms. Lakovic requested that universities send the list of persons that will for sure attend the advanced trainings, Mr. Jovanovski pointed out that it is not possible since schedules of universities’ staff are highly unpredictable.

Having in mind that they will soon have trainings in Montenegro, partners from Slovenia and Poland expressed their concerns regarding the low attendance. Their main concern was, what would happen if they come from their respective countries, and none of the participants show up. According to them, that would be a waste of resources. Also, another concern was, who will cover costs of organizing trainings if the European Audiovisual Culture Executive Agency does not accept to pay for that due to the low attendance rates.

In relation to that, and the fact that universities are responsible for providing participants for trainings, Mr. Wdowik proposed that there should be established a mechanism which will financially oblige universities to cover the costs of organizing trainings if the Agency refuses to do so.

Also, he pointed out that the problem of low attendance is not unique for these two universities. It is present in Europe as well. As an alternative, he also mentioned that there might be organized internet trainings, which will require certain amount of money to be redirected for such purposes as well as formal decision from universities.

On his remark that groups might be smaller, Ms. Lakovic said that it is not doable, since the groups have already been reduced.

After another brief discussion regarding the low attendance rates and ways to resolve that issue, agreement was made that Ms. Lakovic, on behalf of AYDM which is leading partner in this work package, send an e-mail to all partners stating that low attendance rates were issue with basic trainings, and in order to avoid that, each university that participate in the advanced training should provide at least 10 attendees per training. Also, universities should make a compromise regarding the training dates, so it fits to all of them. Ms. Lakovic agreed to that and said that she will send that right after the meeting.

In addition to that, Ms. Lakovic pointed out that AYDM does not have enough working days within this work package, so it cannot provide English language interpreter for those attendees that do not feel comfortable attending the training in English. Her proposal was that universities provide English language interpreters on their own.

The meeting was over at 12:45 with following conclusions:

·  Organizational model used for organization of basic training needs to be improved.

·  Partner universities have to provide at least 10 attendees per each training topic for the advanced training.

·  Partner universities have to make a compromise regarding the training dates, so it fits each participant.

·  An e-mail needs to be sent to each partner in order to inform them regarding the issues with basic trainings and proposals for avoiding such situation with advanced trainings.

·  Partner universities have to provide Ms. Lakovic with an answer regarding the proposals for advanced trainings by Friday, May 17th the latest.

·  If needed, partner universities should provide English language interpreters for trainings conducted in English.

Annex 1

Support and inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro

Meeting of working group


Wednesday, 15th May

Hosting institituion: University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro

10:30- 11:00 Discussion about DEV5.1 Training needs Analysis

Velibor Bošković, Association of Youth with Disabilities, Montenegro

11:00- 11:30 Discussion about the results of DEV5.2 Basic Training (indicators, evaluation, obstacles)

Velibor Bošković, Association of Youth with Disabilities, Montenegro

11:30- 11:45 Coffee break

11:45- 12:15 Planning DEV5.3 Advanced Training

Velibor Bošković, Association of Youth with Disabilities, Montenegro

12:15- 12:45 Discussion about the content of Training Material for Basic and Advanced to be published on the website

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Tempus Project 516758-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-GR-TEMPUS-JPGR