Indiana Libraries

Editor Job Description

Title: Editor, Indiana Libraries

Publication Summary:Indiana Librariesis the official publication of the Indiana Library Federation (ILF). Its purpose is to act as a statewide publication for disseminating scholarly research to people working in and with Indiana libraries. The content of Indiana Librariesis determined by its editor to reflect the use of sound methods of inquiry, current professional practices, and the interests of the library community. The editor’s judgment of the appropriateness of articles may be formed in conjunction with the Associate/Assistant Editor, or other members of the professional community as needed. The journal’s emphasis is on scholarly inquiry relating to Indiana libraries, though this may be supplemented by columns, reflective essays, and other content at the Editor’s discretion.

The publication is published twice a year, with the Winter and Summer issues forming the core of its publication schedule. As budget and interests permit, two additional special issues, developed by guest editors, may be published. The publication is electronic open access distribution. The Indiana Library Federation employs a communications professional who is the Managing Editor of Indiana Libraries.

Indiana Library Federation employs an online journal management software to track various aspects of the article publishing process including: editorial decisions, file versions, communications with authors and potential reviewers, and submissions. ILF publishes the final version of articles in the open access journal Indiana Libraries.

Position Summary: Editor of the journal, Indiana Libraries, a publication of the Indiana Library Federation.

●To oversee the journal editing and proofreading

●To become familiar with and utilize the journal management software employed for both editorial processing, record keeping, and publishing of Indiana Libraries

●To assist authors in the use of journal management software for submissions and communications

●To assist Guest Editors in use of the journal management software

●To work closely with the Managing Editor and the Publications Committee of the Indiana Library Federation to ensure the timely publication of the issues.


1. MLS, MIS, or international equivalent

2. Membership in the Indiana Library Federation

3. Writing or editing experience

4. Familiarity with and broad knowledge of the Indiana library community

5. Understanding of current practices and research trends in the library literature

Major Duties:

1. Ensure the inflow of high-quality publishable articles for the journal through the following means

a. Review of unsolicited manuscripts

b. Discussion of manuscripts with the associate/assistant editor

c. Recruit potential contributors

d. Solicit suggestions of potential contributors from ILF members

2. Review and edit manuscripts for publication, including

a. Direct authors’ revision work on manuscripts

b. Ensure consistency in format of articles within each issue

c. Proofread both manuscripts and galleys

3. Provide guidance and consistency for the publication, including

a. Communicate with the Managing Editor and the ILF Publications Committee

b. Revise the Instructions to Authors document as necessary and appropriate

c. Develop thematic foci for issues or other strategies as needed to generate content

d. Provide a publications topics calendar for the ILF Web site

4. Develop supporting documentation to assist with the editing and publishing process.

5. Serve as a voting member of the Indiana Library Federation Publications Committee, a committee of the Board of Directors of the Federation.

6. Review of the Indiana Libraries publication information in the leadership manual.

7. Assist with the Camp Leadership Conference.

Salary: This position is a volunteer position.

Term:The editor shall serve a three-year term which may be renewed with the recommendation of the Publications Committee. If the editor is not able to serve the three-year term or does not wish to pursue renewal of appointment, a new editor will be appointed after a search and screen procedure as outlined below.

Search and Screen Procedure: When an opening occurs in the position of editor, the Publications Committee will advertise that opening. Applications will be screened using criteria in this job description. The application packet should address the qualification and major duties as described. Submit the following information: 1. Letter of application, 2. Current resume/vita, 3. Names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of three professional references that are prepared to comment on your employment ability. The Publications Committee will review applications and interview candidates before determining the most qualified applicant for the position. The Publication Committee’s final choice will be presented to the Indiana Library Federation Board of Directors for approval.

Adopted by Committee: 1-24-05

Recommended by SPEC: 11/15/2009

Ratified by the ILF Board of Directors: 1-4-2011

Document Revised: 09/16/2014
