University Curriculum Committee Meeting
November 15, 2013, 2:15 p.m.
Hyer Hall Room 214
UCC Members Present
Mike Allsen, Ray Baus, Robert Boostrom, Rimi Zakaria, Bob Leitheiser, Jenni Petersen, Scott Bradley, Paul House, Angela Harlan, Elizabeth Olson, Johanna Klay, Carol Elsen, Jodi Hare-Paynter, Pam Tanner and Jillian Smith. Becky Pfeifer served as ad-hoc Chair in place of Greg Cook.
Absent were Jared Janovec, Todd Loushine, Liz Hachten, Kelsi Smerchek and Greg Cook.
I.Approval of Minutes from the October 4th, 2013meeting.
Allsen moved approval, Leitheiser seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
A.The Academic Affairs website is currently going through a transformation. The Webmaster is currently working on the UCC site. We have been asked how many years of information we would like to keep current on our site. Our site currently houses information back to 1997. Is five years of information suitable? We are currently looking into where we would archive prior years; on our Provost T Drive or maybe through University Archiving. UCC currently has no set guidelines on this matter.
Discussion ensued – how much documentation should be kept available? The UCC members suggestedthatthe agendas and minutes remain available on the website all the way back to 1997, and that the AVC’s office archive the proposal files in order to preserve space.
III.Information Only Items (To be Received and Recorded)
Allsen moved approval, Bradley seconded; the motion passed unanimously.
A. Curricular Actions from the College of Arts and Communication
1. Actions from the Department of Communication
1.1. Pre-requisite Change – Journalism 341
1.2. Pre-requisite Change – Journalism 332
2. Action from the Department of Art and Design
2.1. Pre-requisite Change –Arstdio 376
B. Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics
No curricular proposals submitted.
C. Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies
1. Actions from the Department of Educational Foundations
1.1. Title Change– EDUINDP 323
1.2. Title Change – EDUINDP 332
D. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
1. Actions from the Department of Biological Sciences
1.1.Course-Deletion – Biology 317
1.2.Course-Deletion –Biology 415
2. Actions from the Department of Geography and Geology
2.1.Course-Deletion –Geography 368
3. Actions from the Department of History
3.1.Course-Deletion –History165
3.2.Course-Deletion – History 317
4. Actions from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice
4.1. Pre-requisite Change – Sociology 295
4.2.Course Deletion – Sociology 312
E. Special Courses
Special Courses approved since the most recent UCC Meeting.
SOCWORK Special Study 496 / Community-Based Learning / Spring 2014 / 10/16/2013
Physics Special Study 496 / Dig. Prin. & State Control / Spring 2014 / 10/18/2013
Econ Seminar 494 / Senior Economics Capstone / Spring 2014 / 09/25/2013
Biology Travel Study 491 / National History YNP / Winterim 2014 / 10/24/2013
ArtStudio / Typeface Design / Summer 2014 / 10/30/2013
Coaching Workshop 490 / Sports Camp Observation and Participation / Summer 2014 / 11/1/2013
Coaching Workshop 490 / Tech/Act for Sport Train / Summer 2014 / 11/1/2013
ECON Travel Study 491/691 / Ghana W. Africa Travel Study / Fall 2014 / 11/08/2013
F. Administrative Actions
1.1. Change Name of Department –Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
FROM: Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice TO: Department of Sociology, Criminology Anthropology
1.2. Change of Program Name – Race and Ethnic Cultures
FROM: Race and Ethnic Cultures TO: Race and Ethnic Studies
G. Continuation of Inactive Courses
Continuation of inactive courses approved since the most recent UCC Meeting.
Anthropology 350 / Contemporary Japanese Society
Compsci 322 / Computer Languages and Compliers
Dance 255 / Tap Dance II
Dance 330 / Performance Art
English 402 / English Renaissance and Reformation
Econ 437 / Managerial Economics
Geography 334 / Historical Geography
Geography 450 / Advanced Methods in Physical Geography
Geology 352 / Geohazards
History 300 / American colonial History to 1763
History 355 / Early Modern Europe
History 425 / History of American Indian Law and Policy
History 371 / History of Russia to 1812
ITSCM/Management 466 / Management Service Operations
LibMedia 343 / Adolescent Literature and Related Media
Math 431/631 / Topology
Musc 240 / Survey of African American Music
Musc 479 / Advanced Jazz Arranging
PEGNRL 159 / Beginning Canoeing
PEGNRL 180 / Open Water Scuba “Check-Out Dives”
PEPPROF 210 / Fundamentals of Softball
PEPROF 251 / Water Safety Instructor
Philosophy 782-245 / Contemporary Moral Issues
Psych 394 / Directed Research
Psych 415 / Research Design
Recreation 382/582 / Adventure and Sport Tourism
Socwork 341 / Sexuality for Prof Growth
Sociology/AfAm 392 / African American Families
Sociology/Afriamer 396 / Current Issues in Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences
MUSC 241 / Survey of Latin American Music
IV.New Business
- Curricular Actions from the College of Arts and Communication
No Curricular proposals submitted
B. Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics
No curricular proposals submitted.
C.Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies
No curricular proposals submitted
- Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
- Action from the Department of Chemistry
House moved approval of 1.1 and 1.2, Harlan seconded.The motion passed unanimously.
1.1. New Course –Chemistry 481
1.2.New Submajor: Emphasis/Track – Chemistry – Analytical/Instrumental Emphasis
2. Actions from the Department of History
Harlan moved approval for 2.1 through 2.4,pending signatures from COEPS; Boostrom seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
2.1. New Course – History 142
2.2.Course Revision – History 340
2.3.New Course – History 445
2.4.Deletion of Minor – Public History Minor
3.Curricular Actions from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminal Justice
Harlan moved approval of 3.1 and 3.3; Leitheiser seconded. Discussion ensued; The motion passed unanimously.
3.1. Deletion of Submajor – Sociology Major – Criminal Justice Emphasis
3.2. This item was tabled for the next meeting: Document in agenda was incorrect. Change in Submajor – BA/BS Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
3.3. Change in Minor – Asian Studies Minor
E. Other CurricularActions
No other curricular actions submitted.
F. Other Items for Action or Discussion
1.Definition of a Quorum
Two members(who are eligible to vote)from each of the four colleges and the UCC chairperson. When any member expects to be absent, he or she can designate a substitute to serve by informing the chair in advance of the meeting. Alternatively, a substitute for a college can be approved at the meeting by the member(s) present for that college. If the chair expects to be absent, he or she can designate a substitute who can serve if a majority of members approve at the meeting.
Leitheiser moved approval of this policy, Boostrom seconded; The motion passed unanimously.
2.Below is a list of courses in the currency of bulletin exercise.
Pat Waege notified the AVCOffice that the courses that received no action will be
automatically deleted.
Crse Id / Descr / Term Last Offered / Course003349 / AFRICAN AMERICAN FAMILIES / 2091 > Spring 09 / AFRIAMR 392 / Continue
003369 / ISSUES BLCK STD: SOC/BEH / 2091 > Spring 09 / AFRIAMR 396 / Continue
003475 / WO/MEN CROSS-CULTURAL / 2097 > Fall 09 / ANTHROPL 334 / Continue
009879 / CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE SOCIETY / 2081 > Spring 08 / ANTHROPL 350 / continue
009154 / LANGUAGES AND COMPILERS / 2071 > Spring 07 / COMPSCI 322 / Continue
009648 / TAP DANCE II / 2091 > Spring 09 / DANCE 255 / Continue
001189 / PERFORMANCE ART / 2087 > Fall 08 / DANCE 330 / Continue
001868 / MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS / 2091 > Spring 09 / ECON 437 / Continue
003965 / RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION / 2071 > Spring 07 / ENGLISH 402 / Continue
004144 / HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY / 2091 > Spring 09 / GEOGRPY 334 / Continue
004184 / ADV MTHD PHYSIC GEOGRAPHY / 2087 > Fall 08 / GEOGRPY 450 / Continue
009233 / GEOHAZARDS / 2081 > Spring 08 / GEOLGY 352 / Continue
004329 / AMER COLONIAL HIST 1763 / 2097 > Fall 09 / HISTRY 300 / Continue
004364 / EARLY MODERN EUROPE / 2097 > Fall 09 / HISTRY 355 / Continue
004373 / HISTORY OF RUSSIA TO 1815 / 2041 > Spring 04 / HISTRY 371 / Continue
009209 / HSTRY OF AMER INDIAN LAW & POL / 2061 > Spring 06 / HISTRY 425 / Continue
002746 / ADOLESCENT LIT/REL MEDIA / 2033 > Summer 03 / LIBMEDIA 343 / Continue
001994 / MGMNT SERVICE OPERATIONS / 2087 > Fall 08 / MANGEMNT 466 / Continue
004591 / TOPOLOGY / 2011 > Spring 01 / MATH 431 / Continue
008923 / SURVEY OF LATIN AMER MUSIC / 2081 > Spring 08 / MUSC 241 / Continue
009734 / ADVANCED JAZZ ARRANGING / 2061 > Spring 06 / MUSC 479 / Continue
002824 / BEGINNING CANOEING / 2087 > Fall 08 / PEGNRL 159 / Continue
002835 / OPEN WATER SCUBA / 2053 > Summer 05 / PEGNRL 180 / Continue
002857 / FUNDAMENTALS OF SOFTBALL / 2087 > Fall 08 / PEPROF 210 / Continue
002863 / WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR / 2091 > Spring 09 / PEPROF 251 / Continue
004653 / CONTEMPORARY MORAL ISSUES / 2097 > Fall 09 / PHILSPHY 245 / Continue
004908 / DIR RESEARCH PSYCHOLOGY / 2071 > Spring 07 / PSYCH 394 / Continue
004915 / RESEARCH DESIGN / 2087 > Fall 08 / PSYCH 415 / Continue
009623 / ADVENTURE SPORT TOURISM / 2067 > Fall 06 / RECREATN 382 / Continue
005114 / AFRICAN AMERICAN FAMILIES / 2091 > Spring 09 / SOCIOLGY 392 / Continue
005170 / SEXUALITY FOR PROF GROWTH / 2083 > Summer 08 / SOCWORK 341 / Continue
009153 / DESIGN FOUNDATIONS FOR THE WEB / 2097 > Fall 09 / ARTSTDIO 222
002466 / PROGRAMS/CURR YNG CHLDRN / 2093 > Summer 09 / EARLYCHD 321
002467 / COMM-SCH-CHILD RELTNSHPS / 2093 > Summer 09 / EARLYCHD 330
002470 / CHILDREN'S LITERATURE / 2093 > Summer 09 / EARLYCHD 361
001845 / GOVERNMENT & BUSINESS / 2007 > Fall 00 / ECON 341
009419 / LICENSURE PORTFOLIO REVIEW / 2060 > Winter 06 / EDUINDP 475
002634 / METHDS TCH ART ELM/MDL SC / 2081 > Spring 08 / ELEMMID 315
003876 / WOMN LIT: FEMNST RE-EVAL / 2087 > Fall 08 / ENGLISH 264
003946 / INTRO TO PLAYWRITING / 2087 > Fall 08 / ENGLISH 377
003949 / RHETORIC FOR WRITERS / 2067 > Fall 06 / ENGLISH 379
003997 / 20TH CENT WOMEN WRITERS / 2081 > Spring 08 / ENGLISH 464
009941 / BEGINNING RUSSIAN II / 2091 > Spring 09 / FORNLANG 122
004168 / GEO RUSS AND NEW IND STS / 2091 > Spring 09 / GEOGRPY 368
004191 / APPLIED RESEARCH METHODS / 2087 > Fall 08 / GEOGRPY 480
004352 / HIST WESTERN SCIENCE / 2051 > Spring 05 / HISTRY 165
004342 / US SOC HIST 1865-PRESENT / 2097 > Fall 09 / HISTRY 317
001218 / MEDIA OPERATION/MANAGEMNT / 2067 > Fall 06 / JOURNLSM 360
002752 / BLDG MEDIA COLLECTIONS / 2097 > Fall 09 / LIBMEDIA 351
008917 / SURVEY OF AFRICAN AMER MUSIC / 2081 > Spring 08 / MUSC 240
001347 / MEDIEVAL MUSIC / 2047 > Fall 04 / MUSC 438
009829 / RACE/ETHNIC INEQ BEYOND / 2097 > Fall 09 / RACEETH 393
003002 / MTHDS TCH MUS MDL/SEC SCH / 2081 > Spring 08 / SECNDED 436
009355 / SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT / 2083 > Summer 08 / SOCIOLGY 312
001491 / ELEC MEDIA PROGRAMMING / 2091 > Spring 09 / SPEECH 333
001507 / MEDIA OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMNT / 2067 > Fall 06 / SPEECH 360
003557 / ENDOCRINOLOGY / 2057 > Fall 05 / BIOLOGY 415 / delete
003559 / PLANT PHYSIOLOGY / 2007 > Fall 00 / BIOLOGY 417 / delete
003598 / CONSERVATION BIOLOGY / 2057 > Fall 05 / BIOLOGY 467 / delete
001283 / PRIV ORGAN-PRIM PRFM (L1) / 2091 > Spring 09 / MUSC 181 / delete
009227 / MUSIC IMPROVISATION / 2081 > Spring 08 / MUSC 190 / delete
001315 / PRIV ORGAN-PRIM PRFM (L2) / 2091 > Spring 09 / MUSC 281 / delete
001339 / PRIV ORGAN-PRIM PRFM (L3) / 2091 > Spring 09 / MUSC 381 / delete
001351 / HIST/LIT WIND BAND/ENSMBL / 2071 > Spring 07 / MUSC 440 / delete
001402 / PRIV ORGAN-PRIM PRFM (L4) / 2091 > Spring 09 / MUSC 481 / delete
- Other questions or concerns?Next meeting is December 6th
- Adjourn@3:10 pm – Boostrom moved; Harlan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Thanks!
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Olson
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