Commission{PETI}Committee on Petitions</Commission
<TitreType>DRAFT AGENDA</TitreType>
Tuesday 1st February 2011, 9.00 – 12.30 and 15.00 – 18.30
Room ASP A3E2
- Adoption of draft agenda (1)PE 456.868
FdR 854600
- Chairman's announcements
- Any other business
() In accordance with the committee’s decision of 30 September 1997, on the basis of working document PE 223.544, items in sections B of the draft agenda will not be discussed during the current meeting. However any member may ask before the end of the meeting for an item in section B to be moved to section A; it will then be automatically included in section A for discussion at a subsequent meeting.
In the presence of the European Commission
A.Petitions fordiscussion in committee on the basis of the Commission's written reply or other documents received
EuropeanCity Guide
Follow-up of the Busutill Reportonthe Misleading Directory Companies report
(Petitions 45/2006, 1476/2006, 79/2003, 819/2003, 1010/2005, 52/2007, 306/2007, 444/2007, 562/2007 and others) (2008/2126(INI))
N° 100/2010</NPET> by Mr Jacques de Lepinau (French), on behalf of on the need for European legislation to protect small businesses against entrapment into unwanted contracts and misleading advertising
(possibly in the presence of the petitioner) / A6-0446/2008
N° 1335/2008 by Hristo Genev (Bulgarian), bearing 14432 signatures, on an increase in production in the Chelopech gold mine in Bulgaria with the aid of cyanide leaching technology(possibly in the presence of the petitioner) / CM– PE 426.985
FdR 785716
N° 1534/2008</NPET> by Borislav Sandov (Bulgarian), on behalf of the Society for Agrarian and Environmental projects - GEO, bearing 13626 signatures, on disregard by the Bulgarian authorities of the provisions of Council Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, and Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, in connection with a sports and tourist centre in the Rhodope mountains
and / CM– PE 427.109
FdR 786523
N° 1587/2008</NPET> by Nevena Asenova (Bulgarian), on behalf of the 'Initiative Committee for the inhabitants of the village of Mougla’ , bearing 410 signatures, on ‘land swapping’ and disregard of EU environmental legislation in the Smolyan area of southern Bulgaria / CM– PE 427.006
FdR 785744
N° 1336/2008</NPET> by Andrey Kovatchev (Bulgarian), bearing 1 other signature, on failure to implement the Natura 2000 network in Bulgaria and the Commission's unsatisfactory treatment of a related complaint / CM– PE 440.044
FdR 810936
N° 437/2001 by Mr José Antonio Muñoz Grau (Spanish), on behalf of the ‘Asociación Comisión Pro-Río’, on pollution of the Segura river in the Murcia region
N° 1026/2002, by Mr Pedro Marset Campos, (Spanish), on the constant and unremitting pollution of the Segura river and, consequently, the network of irrigation channels connected to it / CM–
PE 313.911/REV. VI
FdR 838949
N° 1098/2007 by Juan Antonio Carrasco Ragel (Spanish), on behalf of Plataforma Por El Estudio Epidemologico, on the conduct of an integrated epidemiologic study for the inhabitants of both Gibraltar County (Andalucia, Spain) and Gibraltar (United Kingdom) / CM–
PE 438.293/REV.
FdR 838914
N° 615/2009 by Justine Olivero (British), bearing 237 signatures, on the increase in the incidence of cancer in Campo de Gibraltar and the Rock of Gibraltar / CM–
PE 438.304/REV
FdR 838916
N° 287/2008 by Bernd Hofmann(German),concerning alleged compulsory purchase and misuse of EU funding in Elche (province of Alicante in the autonomous region of Valencia) / CM– PE 438.294
FdR 802728
N° 776/2009</NPET> by Roland Sharp (British), on behalf of the Hondón de los Frailes Residents’ Association, on inadmissible development activity in Hondón de los Frailes, Alicante, Spain / CM– PE 439.191
FdR 805897
N° 917/2009 by Josefa Fernandez Quirante and Ronald Henry Sharp (Spanish and British), on behalf of Asociación de Vecinos de Hondon de los Frailes, bearing 2 signatures, on deterioration of property value for land as a result of the construction of a road and inadequate compensation / CM– PE 441.327
FdR 816737
N° 584/2008</NPET> by Pedro Cuevas Cueto (Spanish), on the extension of motorway A-8 (Autovía del Cantábrico) and its planned route through the area occupied by the Cuartamentero caves in Llanes (Asturias) / CM– PE 441.314
FdR 816611
N° 418/2009 </NPET>by Álvaro Fernández Durán (Spanish) concerning a projected motorway through the Spanish Pyrenees / CM– PE 430,793/REV
FdR 829664
N° 1400/2009 by Gerhard Holzinger (German), on the environmental sustainability of a planned motorway in the Canary Islands / CM– PE 440,082/REV
FdR 829678
from 11h30 to 12h30 (in camera)
Coordinators' meeting* * *
at 15h.
Chairman's announcements concerning coordinators' decisions*** Voting time ***
Opinion on the Single Market for Europeans (IMCO) (2010/2278(INI))(adoption IMCO : 28.02.2011 - plenary : 23.03.2011)
Rapporteur :
- possible consideration of amendments
- adoption of a draft report / PA– PE 456.866
FdR 854595
DT– PE 456.660
FdR 853148
*** End of voting ***
N° 632/2008</NPET> by Robert Biedron (Polish), on behalf of 'Kampania Przeciw Homofobii’ (Campaign Against Homophobia), on the Polish authorities’ unwillingness to issue certificates of civil status to Polish citizens wishing to enter into a registered partnership with a person of the same sex in another Member State(possibly in the presence of the petitioner) / CM_O– PE 420.019
FdR 766651
FdR 833746
N° 829/2008</NPET> by Mr Fernando Soares (British), on alleged discrimination on grounds of nationality in connection with the non-recognition in France of the British Civil Partnership
N° 1085/2010</NPET> by Aldwyn Llewelyn (British), on the recognition in France of a partnership registered in the United Kingdom / CM– PE 428.026/REV
FdR 810840
N° 305/2009 by Marisa Pignolo (Italian), on the free movement of persons in the EU / CM– PE 429.624
FdR 792210
Fundamental rights
N° 1837/2009 by Roberto Marcoccio (Italian), on the video registration of police interrogations and court proceedings in the European Union for the protection of the fundamental rights of EU citizens and the rights of EU Member States / CM– PE 448,710FdR 829521
from 16h30 to 17 h30
Presentation by Commissioner Viviane Reding of her Citizenship Report***
N° 1746/2008 by Maksim Reva (Estonian), on the rights to vote in the European elections / CM– PE 428.067FdR 789462
Annual Report on the activity of the Committee on Petitions 2010 (2010/2295(INI))
Rapporteur :
- preliminary exchange of views
B.Petitions which it is proposed to close in the light of the Commission's written reply or other documents received
N° 142/2006</NPET> by Wasilios Katsoulis (German) concerning discrimination by German insurance companies against the disabledand / CM– PE
N° 609/2008 by Wasilios Katsoulis (Greek), concerning discrimination against the disabled by the German insurance sector and the Court's most recent judgment concerning the invalidity of contracts which contain clauses discriminating on the basis of disability / LT–
FdR 829559
N° 734/2007</NPET> by György Jakubinyi (Romanian) on behalf of the Roman-Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia on the restitution of church property to the Roman-Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia / sir
FdR 852287
N° 1397/2008 by by Raffele Mancuso (Italian), on inequality between the rights of workers on a fixed-term employment contract and those on a permanent contract / CM– PE 423.939/REV
FdR 805864
N° 1501/2008</NPET> by Dionisia Avgerinopoulou (Greek), and 3 co-signatories, on failure to enforce EU legislation in connection with a mining operation on the Greek island of Milos / CM– PE 427,105/REV
FdR 851656
N° 63/2009 by Georgio Germani (Italian), on behalf of the 'Associazione Nazionale Quadri delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche - ANQUAP (Senior Civil Servants' Association), on on equal pay for equal work / CM– PE 427.085
FdR 786477
N° 128/2009 by Norbert Kaiser (German), on equal treatment for public servants in Germany / CM–
PE 428,087/REV. III
FdR 851658
N° 302/2009 by Eugenia Ioan (German), on exchange rate losses in connection with the payment in Germany of her Romanian pension / CM– PE 429,622/REV
FdR 851659
N° 451/2009</NPET> by Antonio Tortosa Gómez (Spanish) concerning works to be carried out by the Madrid municipal authorities and archbishopric around the San Francisco el Grande Basilica in Madrid (Spain)
N° 725/2009</NPET> by Teresa Sànchez (Spanish), on behalf of the 'Cornisa Vistillas' action group, bearing 22 844 signatures, on a new development project on the River Manzanares Corniche / CM– PE 430,510/REV
FdR 851660
N° 286/2010 by M.D. (British), on the bankruptcy of a property developer in Spain from whom he had commissioned a house / CM– PE 454,592
FdR 851694
N° 390/2010</NPET> by Giuseppe Claudio Vitale (Italian), on his request to prevent that regulated fees for professional services be reintroduced in Italy / CM– PE 448.748
FdR 829565
N° 482/2010</NPET> by Sonia Lamberti (Italian), on alleged infringement of Directive 93/16/EEC regarding trainee specialist doctors / CM– PE 454.612
FdR 851852
N° 496/2010 by J.D.L. (Spanish), on postal services in Spain / CM– PE 454,615
FdR 851838
N° 511/2010</NPET> by Caroline Lindström (Swedish), on refusal of political asylum for an Iranian Kurd / CM– PE 454,616
FdR 851839
N° 562/2010</NPET> by Agnieszka Sieczkowska (Polish), on the Danish authorities’ impounding of her Polish-registered company car and consequent obstacles to the free movement of labour / CM– PE 454,618
FdR 851842
o O o
- Date and place of next meeting
- 15 March 2011, 15.00 – 18.30
- 16 March 2011, , 9.00 – 12.30