Question / Hypothesis / Rationale
6. It is clear to me what company stands for / H1-informed employees will show greater readiness for change / Communication is clear, employees understand the culture, thus likely to understand the need for change
7. People tend to share knowledge freely within company / H1-informed employees will show greater readiness for change
H3-company’s culture will be found to support readiness for change / Information cascades smoothly from top to the bottom, contributing to a clear line of sight, vertical integration and alignment of values. Changes are communicated clearly and communication is valued
8. My manager tells me everything that I need to know / H1-informed employees will show greater readiness for change / Communication is job related, thus clear and focused and employees have enough information to deal with changing routines comfortably. Low on sociability due to company’s fragmentation
9. All changes are clearly communicated to me / H1-informed employees will show greater readiness for change
H3-company’s culture will be found to support readiness for change / The managers share a vision and get people to buy into benefits of change, creating employee involvement
10. Because of my experience I accept new performance demands easily / H2-employees who have worked with the company longer will show greater readiness for change / The experienced employees are likely to deal with changes easier: their experience and knowledge provide the basis for changing company
11. I respond to changes positively, because I have worked at the company for a long time (2 and more years) / H2-employees who have worked with the company longer will show greater readiness for change / The longer employees work for company, they are likely to have higher awareness of company’s practices, thus accept change positively
12. My experience helps me to understand what the change is needed for / H2-employees who have worked with the company longer will show greater readiness for change / The experienced employees have a better picture and understanding how the business works and how changes can improve and add value to it
12.The longer (2 years plus) I work at the company, the easier it is for me to adapt to changes / H2-employees who have worked with the company longer will show greater readiness for change / People increase their competences at making change. The latter leads to increase in confidence. Theory behind “change leads change” (Beck et al., 2008)
13. My opinion on change is valued / H3-Company’s culture will be found to support readiness for change / The employees, who are involved in changes, are on board and feel that they have contributed towards it. Communication is a two way process. It also shows the degree of interdependence and solidarity between manager and employee.
14. Innovation is a part of how we do things at this company / H3-Company’s culture will be found to support readiness for change / Company is planning ahead and focusing on the future.
15. I am comfortable with the level of feedback I receive / H3-Company’s culture will be found to support readiness for change / If people are used to receiving feedback, they are likely to be comfortable with it. This company has feedback mechanism in place
16. I feel ready to change at this company / H3-Company’s culture will be found to support readiness for change / There is a need for change, people feel the urgency and understand that the old ways of doing things are no longer useful.