Minutes of the Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council held on Thursday 2nd November 2017 at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In Attendance: Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr H Jones Wheaton Aston
Cllr B Wells Stretton
Cllr. M. Griffiths Lapley
Cllr P Elson Wheaton Aston
Cllr Mrs B Cox Wheaton Aston
Cllr S Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Fox Lapley (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance: Mrs A Watson Parish Clerk
Michelle Shaker CSW Co-ordinator Staffordshire Police
30 members of the public
Cllr B Cox South Staffordshire Council
Apologies: Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire County Council
Cllr P Timson Wheaton Aston
Cllr R Wright South Staffordshire Council
Public Forum
Chair welcomed all and reminded all present the purpose of standing orders.
Many members of the public attended to express concerns regarding an increased level of ASB in the village with particular increase in activity around the Village Green.
The Council were advised that on the evening of 1.11.17 24 youths were present on the Village Green from approx. 7.15pm to 9.45pm. On this occasion there was not any ASB. However on the previous evening, 31.10.17 a large number of younger children were present. A resident approached the youths to request that they turn music down and do not use inappropriate language. Initially the response was well received. After some time the volume increased and following this eggs were propelled at the residents door.
Numerous residents have witnessed what they believe to be drug dealing and drug use both on the green and at Church walk, one resident complained that the smell of cannabis is prevalent from 8am which indicates that the issue is not limited to evenings.
Residents have advised that they have recorded registration numbers and have provided the police with these. Residents genuinely feel concerned for their safety; in addition to increased ASB the village has seen an increase of theft attacks on local shops.
Concerns raised that the village has a number of large planning developments planned for the future which will increase the number of families and therefore youths, concerns are that these incidents could increase in frequency and severity.
Suggestions of flood lighting the skate park or installing CCTV were given.
Cllr (Brian) Cox is to speak with H Marshall SSC about installing mobile cameras at the Village Green and Marston Field which is currently under consideration due the many recent arson incidents in the area.
A suggestion which the Parish Council will investigate and consider further is to arrange a Forum in which residents housing association, SSC, police and other community groups will be invited to attend to discuss these issues and engage with youths.
Cllr Cox will bring these issues to the attention of Inspector Mearden at the next available opportunity.
Concerns were raised about the level of speeding throughout the village both by vehicles and farm vehicles. A petition has been started (handed to the Parish Clerk) about installing measures to tackle the problem. It was raised that there is insufficient signage in the village that it is a 30mph area. M Shaker (Staffordshire Police) advised that signage is not required when there is street lighting. The residents who delivered the petition advised the residents feel threatened when using the highways, those at particular risk are walkers, horse riders and mobility scooter users. A suggestion to install new signs at the village entrances to politely request that 20 is plenty are made.
Clerk will forward the petition to the County Council member Cllr Sutton and ask for recommendations to be considered at the next Parish Meeting.
8.05 pm. Chairman moved agenda item 109 forward and invited M Shaker to present to the residents and Councillors, following which an open question time would follow.
109. Community Speed Watch
M Shaker Community Speed Watch Co –coordinator for Staffordshire Police, Safer Road Partnership presented. .
Speed watch is entirely volunteer led; volunteers would be required from the Parish to co-ordinate and deliver the scheme. All volunteers would be provided with training and safety equipment required to carry out the duties. Initially there is a cost to purchase the laser gun of £354.
There are currently 55 community groups who action over 70 areas with 40 groups on development stage.
The scheme is a proven success, in 2015 there was 0.5% reoffending, in 2016 it reduced to 0.3% and to date in 2017 it is 0.2%.
The group would need to log any vehicle deemed to be speeding which would generate a warning letter being sent out, a second offence generate a final warning and a third offence generate an officer visit.
Community Speed Watch works closely with education and prevention. It has been proven that signs in villages reduce speed. M Shaker is working on installing permanent signage into all participating villages.
Resolved: Clerk is to assess the interest in this scheme and Council will discuss further at the next meeting. Clerk to return forms for wheelie bin stickers.
107. To consider apologies
Apologies were accepted from Cllr M Sutton, Cllr P Timson and Cllr R Wright.
108. Election of Vice-Chairman
For this meeting only resolved: Cllr M Fox is elected Vice Chairman for thr purpose of this meeting only..
110. Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllr Cox an Cllr Fox declared in an interest in agenda item 121 (Grant applications) due to their
Involvement with the Parochial Church Council. Cllr Elson declared an interest in planning
Application 19/00933/FUL
111. Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th October 2017
2017 were signed as a true and correct copy.
112. Clerks Report
Clerks Report
November 2017
St Marys First School has reported finding 11 gas canister cartridges on their property to the police 9.10.17
19.10.17 more gas canisters have been found at Marston Road, the police have been notified
Highways and maintenance
Tender requested for the Parish Tree survey have been requested from South Staffs Council registered companies
Quotes have been received to cut back the pathway at Fentonhouse Lane/Marston Road
Highways are still to jet the drains at Marston Field
The Children’s Playground Company will be repairing the damaged section of the Zip wire under the guarantee
The play area inspections have been completed, awaiting report
Broadholes Lane Play Area is now closed for the winter
The ICO have released some details on the General data reform. Clerk has booked on a course held by the SPCA in November
The Christmas Lights Switch on Event is on 25th November 2017 4-6pm
Highways have requested that the proposed bus shelter is moved to the rear side of the footpath, this will incur additional costs of tarmac for the area, this is being calculated.
Following the meeting at Primrose Play area it was suggested that the small climbing frame is moved to by the swings. This is to be considered and suitability of the land is to be investigated.
It was also suggested to install a ‘rocker’ to the area outside of the swings
New lamp columns have been installed at Lapley; a response form the Conservation Officer is outstanding
Clerk has spoken with a resident about progressing the work completed at Church Walk into a ‘Friends of’ group. R Taylor from SSC will progress the discussion.
South Staffordshire District Council Community lottery is due to go live at the end of the month
A large Willow tree is partially blocking the Fentonhouse Lane/Marston Road footpath; Rights of Way have been advised.
M Bissell has completed the additional planters and removed the posts that border the village car park
M54/M6 Link road
Rightsofway : https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/environment/eLand/RightsofWay/Rights-of-Way-consultation/The-proposals.aspx
Meetings / Events
Meeting held with highways regarding moving a street lighting column.
Meeting held with Western Power regarding the new street lighting columns
Community Connectors meeting attended
Meeting attended with highways and Shelutions regarding the new bus shelter
Meeting held with the residents of Primrose Close and Playdale
Let’s work together event 25.10.17
3.10.17 Community Counil of Staffordshire AGM 7.30pm
23.10.16 Community Connector meeting
25.10.17 Lets work together event
Items emailed to councillors
3.10.17 Staffordshire newsletter
4.10.17 D Bate Expenses
4.10.17 G Johnson Eon Lapley lighting query
5.10.17 SPCA news bulletin
5.10.17 D Pattison Advice
10.10.17 H Marshall Police accountability forum
16.10.17 Agenda Lets work together
17.10.17 planning ref 17/00922/FUL
18.10.17 SPCA Newsbulletin
18.10.17 Staffordshire News
Use of devolved powers
Dog bags ordered, awaiting invoice
£100 moved from Wheaton Aston ground maintenance budget to Orderly salary to account for the additional funds required for the planters on the village carpark
Decisions issued
None received
113. Police Report
Cllr Anderson attended the Police Locality Forum and submitted the below report to the Parish Council:
Locality 2 Police accountability Forum
18th October 2017 – Brewood Parish Council Office.
Anita Anderson PC
There will be 2 PCO’s in situ and there are enough police officers in South Staffs for 24hr coverage.
There had been arrest that evening and a number of people have been charged with car burglaries. Believe it is the lead in the group responsible for targeting Audi S3’s.
Car keys being stolen from houses then this is classed as burglary residential, this now includes theft from garden sheds.
The police are keeping focus on burglaries and South Staffs is under the national average for crime in general.
The reporting of domestic violence has increased so too has sexual offences. This is due to the public having more confidence in reporting such crimes.
Stop searches are proving to be a success.
The Chief Constable is very keen to develop the Resolution Centres to deal with mental health issues, social media crime and fuel station crimes (filling up and driving off) to reduce the demand on the police/pressure from officers.
Road Safety
Speeding is still a problem and the Community Speedwatch schemes which allow for discussion to take place to resolve issues are proving to be effective. Parishes can twin up on the Community Speedwatch Scheme and should be fed through the PCSO’s. Enforcement should be used as a last resort.
Parishes can purchase SIDS (Speed Indication Devices). Villages are being targeted by enforcement officers.
Problem with the motorbikes on the A5 –difficult to pick up bikes on cameras.
101 – demand is high and it is not local. Crimestoppers is more effective or utilise the local PCSO to report local intelligence eg: drug use in areas. Leaflets are available for Crimestoppers.
Bonfire Night – local shops are being targeted to encourage them not to sell flour and eggs to youngsters/members of the public who would not usually purchase these to avoid any antisocial behaviour.
Lets Work Together.
Organised crime and modern day slavery does take place and the police need to know about it. PCSO’s are introducing themselves to local farms etc (observations of barns etc). Relationships with the local postal workers is key for information and reporting back.
LWT – there is a 3 hour event being put together to tackle organised crime.
Parishes to send one parish councillor to the event to feed back.
The police are liaising with the schools.
The police are liaising with care homes in respect of missing people.
Prepare, prevent, protect, pursue is used for everything. The current campaign runs until the end of 2017. Parishes can have a stock of cards to display.
Run, hide & tell scheme is being rolled out in schools.
Antisocial Behaviour – is low and the 16+ age group can now be served with penalties. For those living in social housing, ASB can have an effect on parents tenancy agreements.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition system - need to grow the infrastructure. The police will hold locality meetings and consultation to do this. PCO’s want to deliver a presentation to Parish Councils. Can this be sorted for WAPC?
The police crime map has been updated and shows 15 crimes for the Parish.
3 x Violence and Sexual Crime
2 x Vehicle Crime
1x Criminal damage and arson
7 x ASB
2 x Theft
Clerk has emailed PCSO Lloyd regarding ANPR.
Public bodies can only disclose information if they have the power to do so. Section 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act provides a power to exchange information where disclosure is necessary to support the local Crime Reduction Strategy and Partnership in achieving the aims of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and objectives outlined within it.
The degree of disclosure that takes place must be proportionate and relevant to the level of social ill or criminality it is intended to counter or prevent.
The information is only to be processed in relation to crime and disorder purposes. Information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and any other relevant legislation governing disclosures and will ultimately be disposed of in a secure manner.
CRIMES IN THE AREA from 05/10/2017 – 02/11/2017
1. Burglary Residential. - 3 Reported incidents
· Blymhill – Access gained via rear door, strimmer, chainsaw & lopper stolen.
· Wheaton Aston – Forced entry gained via rear door, nothing stolen.
· Lapley – Forced entry gained via downstairs window, vehicle and wallet stolen.
2. Burglary Business. -2 Reported incident.
· Wheaton Aston, Spar store - Forced entry and cash machine was attempted to be stolen.
· Wheaton Aston, Doals News - Forced entry, petty cash stolen.
3. Theft of Motor Vehicle. - 0 Reported incidents
4. Theft from Motor Vehicle. - 0 reported incidents
5. Drugs. – 0 Reported incidents
6. Violence. – 2 Reported incident.
· Ivetsy Bank - 2 x incidents patient on patient, patient on staff.
7. Anti-Social Behaviour. – 8 Reported incidents of ASB, These include…