Mrs. Leah Hackett:
Mr. Doug Boals:
Materials: Due by 9/4/15
*Black SHARPIE, #2 PENCIL, and an ERASER
*2 pocket paper FOLDER w/3 ring clips in the center plus computer PAPER
* Please bring at least 1 of these items:
· A container of Baby WIPES/Wet Wipes – for room clean-up
· A box of TISSUES – for those winter runny noses/ allergies
· A roll of PAPER TOWELS – for room clean-up
*Optional to bring a large shirt or smock for yourself
Fees: Should be paid by 9/18/15
The fee is $20.00
(Make checks to EHHS with “Art Fee” in the memo)
Grading Policy:
Quizzes, Academic Preperation, Class Work,
and Participation = 50%
Tests and Projects = 50% Grade Calculations:
37.5% - Semester 1
37.5% - Semester 2
25% - Final Exam
Make-up work/Extra help: Since Art is a studio course; missed work may be made up after school from 2:15 -3:30. It is best to make arrangements with the instructor at least one day in advance. It is the student’s responsibility to get notes and complete assignments missed during an absence.
Late Work:
Students are responsible for any missed work. They are encouraged to complete AND turn-in work on time. However, assignments that are late will be accepted until one week before the end of the quarter for a loss of points/less credit.
Classroom Expectations:
· Respect:
1. Listening: Face me when I’m talking to you. To Listen is a verb.
2. Looking: watch all demonstrations and presentations
3. Speaking: all conversation will be quiet and will not distract from the class work.
4. Working: Not on your phone, not excessively talking, not sleeping, not doing other class work. Use studio time wisely.
· Purpose: Know the reason for your being here and make the most of it.
· Resonsibility: respons –able. You have the ability to take care of these things.
1. For the work. Complete it on time to the best of your abilities, and turn it in in the proper place
2. For the room. Clean your table thoroughly, the floor if necessary.
3. For your own learning
4. For the supplies/materials
5. For attendance and being prompt
· Accountability: Grades, points, detention, phone-calls home, Saturday school
· Work Safely and Creatively
· Leave food and drink outside the studio
· No inappropriate Cell Phone usage, Hats, Guitars or other inappropriate items in class
v You may reach Mrs. Hackett at 893-3535 x277 during 4th Block (9:00-10:15) and 7th Block (12:45– 2:15), or after school (2:15 – 3:15). Or by email at .
v You may reach Mr. Boals at 893-3535 x278 during 2nd Block (7:15-8:45) and 5th Block (10:30-12:40), or after school (2:15 – 3:15). Or by email at .
Please cut off and return to Mrs. Hackett/Mr. Boals
I have read and understand the Art Information & Expectations Sheet.
I will commit to doing my best work in and out of class while working respectfully and creatively for each project.
Student’s Name: Student’s Signature:
Parent’s Signature: Date: