/ Roberts Conservation District 2010 Order Form
You now have the opportunity to purchase trees, shrubs,
native grasses and perennials specifically grown for South Dakota.
The cost for the bare root conservation trees and shrubs is $35.00 for 25 of one species. Conservation grade trees and shrubs can be purchased individually - for $2.00 each.
Specialty trees such as apple and larger bare root species are also available -see page four of this form for a list currently available. If you have a special request for larger trees for your yard, please contact our office.
Use this from to order or email
or fax to 605-698-3561with your requests.
No. of Bundles No. Individual
$35.00 (25 of one species) $2.00 each SHRUBS (3-25' MATURE)
BLACK CHOKEBERRY / Attractive white flowers, glossy foliage, and back berries. Excellent fall color.
BLACK CURRANT / grows in moist shaded flood plains, not defoliated by leafspot like Golden Currant
BUFFALOBERRY / Native drought tolerant with attractive silver leaves. Good for jelly and wildlife.
CARAGANA / drought hardy and long lived, fine leafed yellow flowers, non-edible pods
CHOKECHERRY / Native. White flowers, blooms late April, fruits used in jams. Excellent for wildlife.
SCHUBERT CHOKECHERRY / Native. Reddish-purple foliage, same characteristics as chokecherry.
REDOSIER DOGWOOD / Native. red stems provide good winter color, white flowers, tolerate wetter soils
FALSE INDIGO / Native. Fast growing. Purple flowers. Prefers moist soils.
GOLDEN CURRANT / Native. edible gooseberry like fruit, yellow flowers
HANSEN HEDGE ROSE / Fragrant pink flowers, bright red-orange fruit attracts wildlife, thorny, suckering plant
HIGHBUSH CRANBERRY / Native. Attractive white flowers and red fruit, Excellent fall color. Fruit used for jelly.
HONEYSUCKLE / Fragrant white, pink, or red flowers, inedible red or orange fruit attracts birds.
JUNEBERRY / Native. white flowers-followed by edible fruit similar to blueberries in June-July
LILAC / dense suckering growth, fragrant white to mostly purple flowers
WHITE LILAC / Same as common lilac with white flowers.
VILLOSA LILAC / Flower rosy-lilac to white-blooms later than common lilac, will not sucker.
NANKING CHERRY / showy flowers, sweet red fruit-good for jelly & wildlife
PLUM / Native. white flowers, edible fruit, good for jams, good for wildlife
PRAIRIE RED PLUM / Similar to American plum with much better fruit quality and size, up to 1.25 inch
SKUNKBUSH SUMAC / Native. Fragrant leaves and stems when crushed. Producers red seed clusters
SMOOTH SUMAC / Native. Excellent red fall color. Dark red seedheads. Moderate drought tolerance
NANNYBERRY VIBURNUM / Native. Shiny leaves, white flowers and excellent fall color.
SANDBAR WILLOW / Native. Suckers quickly to form thicket. Needs moist soils. Doesn’t tolerate sod.
APRICOT / Pink flowers subject to frost. May produce edible fruit 2 out of 5 years.
AMUR CHOKECHERRY / showy white flowers, black fruit, attractive copper-color bark, very cold hardy
AMUR MAPLE / Brilliant red fall color, commonly called Ginnala Maple. Usually forms several trunks.
MIDWEST CRABAPPLE / Showy white flowers, small red persistent fruit. Excellent wildlife tree
HARBIN PEAR / hardy slow growing tree, does well in wetter soils
HAWTHORN / Native. Extremely drought tolerant, white flowers, non-edible red fruit, thorns
LAUREL LEAF WILLOW / wide glossy leaves, does well in wetter soils
RUSSIAN OLIVE / Grayish green leaves, fragrant yellow flowers, fruit good for wildlife. Drought tolerant.
QUAKING ASPEN / Native fast growing tree, very cold tolerant, leaves flutter in the slightest breeze
BLACK WALNUT / Native. Valuable wood, edible nuts attract wildlife
CATALPA / Native. Huge leaves, beautiful white flowers. Produces long cigar shaped pods
HYBRID COTTONWOOD / fast growing shade tree produces no cotton
GREEN ASH / Native. High ph and drought tolerance. Emerald Ash borer is a threat.
GOLDEN WILLOW / narrow leaves, yellow to reddish twigs, tolerates moist soils, fast growing
HACKBERRY / Native. good shade tree, drought tolerant and very long lived and adaptable
HONEYLOCUST / Native. Fine lacey looking leaves, long brown pods. Tough and adaptable
KENTUCKY COFFEE TREE / Native. Coarse branches. Produces flat pod with hard round seeds
AMERICAN LINDEN / Native. attractive fragrant white flowers in June
LITTLE LEAF LINDEN / same as the American Linden except for pyramidal growth
SILVER MAPLE / Native. Fast growing, yellow fall color.
FREEMAN MAPLE / Naturally occurring hybrid of Silver and Red Maple. Fast Growing. Good fall color
BUR OAK / Native. extremely tough, drought tolerant, long lived-Acorns for wildlife
WHITE POPLAR / Young branches are attractive greenish-gray. Twigs have white felt-like covering.
EASTERN RED CEDAR / Native. Drought tolerant, reddish brown to purple in winter. Excellent wildlife tree
ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER / Silver blue prickly needles, very hardy
BLACK HILLS SPRUCE / Native. soft rounded needles, dense, state tree of South Dakota
COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE / Sharp needles, green to blue color, most popular of the spruce, very ornamental
MEYER SPRUCE / Similar to Colorado spruce, more drought tolerant, less insect/disease troubles
NORWAY SPRUCE / Green needles, large cones, ascending branches with drooping branchlets
AUSTRIAN PINE / Medium length needles, shiny dark green, silvery white bud, slower growing
PONDEROSA PINE / Long needles, native to the Black Hills, fast growing once established
SCOTCH PINE / Short blue green needles prefers sandy to loam soils
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GRAPE, RIVERBANK / Native vine produces purple fruit good for juice and jelly. Grows in moist soils.
WOODBINE / Native vine with inedible fruit. Red to purple fall color.
SWEETGRASS / Native cool season grass. Crushed leaves smell like vanilla or sweet clover
No. of Items / TREE PACKS $35.00 – 25 TREES 5 OF EACH SPECIES
FAST PACK / Black Chokeberry, Amur Chokecherry, Male Cottonwood, Red Dogwood, Laurel Leaf Willow
GRANDMA’S JAM PACK / Buffaloberry, Nanking Cherry, Schubert Chokecherry, Sand Cherry, Prairie Red Plum
TOUGH-AS-NAILS PACK / Buffaloberry, Caragana, Honeylocust, Bur Oak, Russian Olive
WILDLIFE PACK / Pin Cherry, American Hazelnut, Bur Oak, Hansen Hedge Rose, Skunkbush Sumac
No. of Items / GARDEN PERENNIALS $9.00 – IN #300 POTS
DAYLILLY Stella de Oro / / World’s most popular daylily. Easy to grow. Abundant golden yellow flowers appear in early summer. Reblooms until fall. 18 “
Feather Reed Grass Karl Foerster / / Cool season bunch grass. Strong erect growth habit remains upright, even in winter. Attractive seedhead. 2001 Perennial Plant Association Plan of the year. 4-5’
Redbeckia (Goldstrum) / / Large, golden-yellow daisy-like flowers with brown-black center. Strong upright growth. Easy to grow. Long bloom season. Attracts butterflies. 1999 Perennial Plant Association Plant of the year. 2’ x 2’
Sedum Autumn Joy / / Spectacular autumn display of large rosy-salmon flowers. Attracts butterflies and pollinators. Easy to grow and drought tolerant. Seedheads add winter interest. Most popular tall sedum. 2’
Meadowlark Forsythia / / An SDSU-NDSU selection noted for reliable bright yellow flowers that appear before leaves open in very early spring. Flower buds have excellent cold tolerance.
No. of Items / NATIVE PERENNIALS $7.50 – IN #300 POTS
Blazing Star, Dotted Liatris punctata) / / Dotted gray feather is a good addition to a sunny flower garden or a prairie planting for its long lasting purple color in late summer and early fall.
Blazing Star, Meadow Liatris liqulistylis / / The tall, showy spikes of purple flowers are an attractive food source for Monarchs and other butterflies. Makes a great addition to the Butterfly Garden or for use as a cut flower.
Coneflower, Narrow leaf Purple / / Native, Attractive flowers with dark brown spiny center and purple, pink or sometimes white petals. Occurs in fertile prairies, rocky hillsides, and in coarse textured soils. Drought tolerant, Roots sometimes used for medicinal purposes. Also called Black Samson Grows 1-2 ft tall
Leadplant Amorpha canescens / / Native. Compound leaves have grey leaflets cover with dens wooly hair. Beautiful purple flower spikes, Legume. Grows in pastures, rock or sandy shill and well drained priaies Develops semi woody crown. Deep rooted and drought tolerant. Grows 1-2 feet.
Milkweed Swamp
Asclepius incarnata / / Native Food for Monarch butterly caterpillars. Beautiful pink red flowers. Milky sap. Riparian plant. Use in gardens, rain gardens, moist sites. Fter flowersin, removed developing seed pods in garden and landscape situations to avoid self sowing. Grows 3-4 feet tall.
Sunflower, Maximilian ‘Medicine Creek’ / / Native. Showy yellow flowers. Prefers moist soils. Grows along streams, sloughs rood ditches and moist prairies. Large rain garden plant. Leaves flooded lengthwise and curve downward Produces seeds favored by small birds. Grows 3-6 ft tall
Sunflower, Stiff Helianthus pauciflorus / / Native. Yellow flowers in late summer. Rhizomatous roots often form colony. Stems are rough and often tinted red. Tolerates wet to dry soil. Deer browse the flowerbeds. Grows 1-4 ft. tall.
No. of Items / NATIVE GRASSES $7.50– IN #300 POTS
Big ‘Bonilla’ / / Andropogon gerardii Native grass; foliage 10-15" high. Flower heads reach 5-6'; September. Seed head resembles a turkey foot. Upright clump former; spreads by rhizomes. Gray-green foliage; light red fall color. Prefers sun and well drained soil. Divide in spring. (4-5')
Bluestem, Little ‘Badlands’ ’ecotype / / Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Badlands’ ecotype Native grass; name is derived from the blue color at the base of the clump. Varies from bluish foliage in spring, to green in summer and various shades of red, orange, and pink in the fall; foliage is 12-18" in height with flower stems reaching 3-4'. Fuzzy white seed heads at maturity. Varies in form, height and lodging. Prefers sun and fairly infertile soils; very drought tolerant. Propagate by seed or divisions in spring.
Cordgrass, Prairie ‘Red River’ / / Spartina pectinata ‘Red River’ Native tall grass for wet sites. Orignially selected from native stands in SD, ND and MN. Spreads to form a colony by thick rhizomatous roots. Leaves have sharp edges. Can stabilize soil and filter water in riparian areas. Interst seedheads. Grows 3-8 ft tall.
Dropseed, Prairie / / Sporobolus heterolepis Native. Produces nearly circular tufts of fine leaves which are 4-10’ in diameter. Grows in wetter mixed grass prairies. Very attractive in bloom and seed. Interesting accent plant. Ca be used to line walkways and edge gardens. Grows 1-3 ft tall.
Grama, Sideoats, ‘Pierre’ / / Bouteloua curtipendula) is a clump former; basal foliage growing to 12-15". Flowers (late summer) and purple oat-like spikelet form to one side of the stem; bleach to a beige color with age. May reach 2-3' in height. Foliage often turns shades of purple and copper-red in the fall. Prefers dry soil and full sun; good drought tolerance. Slowly invasive. Divide in spring
Grama, Blue ‘Bad River’ Ecotype / / Bouteloua gracills ‘Bad River’ Native. Short, drought tolerant plants produce interesting “egebrow” seedheads. Use as garden accent, edging plant, or for low maintenance turf. Grows 4-12” tall
Indiangrass, ‘Tomahawk’ / / Sorgastrum nutan) is very common native grass; upright and clump forming. Variable in height, flowering time and lodging. Tan to orange fall color; good through the winter. Flower stems 4 to 6 feet tall; yellow-brown flowers in late summer and bronze-red seed heads. Very drought tolerant; likes good sun. Propagate by seed or division; spring. `Sioux Blue' (powder blue leaves; never needs staking. Self-sows manageably but seedlings may revert to species
Sweetgrass / / Hierochloe odorata Native. Cool season grass inhabits wet, sandy soil along rivers and lakes. Spreads vigorously if weeds are controlled and soil is moist. Crushed leaves smell like vanilla or sweet clover due to coumarin content. Nativ American cultures burn dried Sweetgrass braids in traditional ceremonies. Grows 1-3 ft tall.
Switchgrass, ‘Dacotah’ / / Panicum virgatum Native. Tall warm-season grass. Use in mass where its fine-textured flowers and seed heads will produce a cloud like effect. Dense, upright growth habit; 3-7' when in flower. Green to blue-green foliage; takes on a beige color for winter. The light, airy flower panicles vary in color from green to pink. Forms with a reddish fall leaf color show more pink color in their flowers. Bloom in late July or early August.

BLACK HILLS SPRUCE / $ 7.50 / 1 gallon container
BIRCH / $34.00 / 5’
ELM-Ulmus Accolade / $30.00 / 6-8’ Whip
LINDEN - Front Yard / $26.00 / 5’
MAPLE VARIEITES / $25.00 / 6’ - Choose from Sienna Glen, Fall Fiesta, Red Acer rub
Coral Burst (Red) / $35.00 / Grows at a medium rate, Coral pink buds open to double, rose-pink flowers which are followed by reddish-orange fruit. Tree is fragrant and attract birds
Red Splendor (Pink) / $20.00 / Red splendor crab is a moderately fast growing small tree that has showy pink spring flowers. It can reach heights of 20-30', is intolerant of shade and drought and grows in a variety of soils.
Anne E (white) / $35.00 / Anne E can be expected to grow to 10-12' in height and width at maturity.
APPLE / $14.00
$16.00 / Beacon, Fireside
Haralson, Honeycrisp, SnowSweet, Zestar
PLUM / $16.00
$18.00 / Mt Royal
PEAR / $16.00 / Luscious
Spiraea- bridal wreath / $ 5.25 / This shrub can grow in either acid or alkaline soils and though it prefers moisture, can withstand some drought. Up to 6 ft and 0 ft. to 6 ft. this low maintenance, deciduous shrub as foliage color of green, red to burgundy, and yellow-green to gold.
Vibernum, Blue Muffin / $ 6.75 / 'Blue Muffin' is five to seven feet tall. In spring the small but showy white flowers emerge against dark glossy leaves, a spectacular contrast.
Ninebark, nana Dwarf / $ 5.50 / Excellent for hedges in shaded areas. Beautiful white flowers in May and June followed by red seed pods.
Rose, Rugosa / $ 6.50 / Pink - Late spring to early summer. Many varieties will repeat bloom, but the initial flush of bloom in late spring will be the strongest