[a] What is meant by religious conversion? [2]

[a] What does the word agnostic mean? [2]

[a] What does the word omnipotent mean? [2]

[a] What is meant by prayer? [2]

[a] Give TWO examples of suffering caused by humans. [2]

[a] What does the word atheist (atheism) mean? [2]

[a] Name ONE feature of a religious upbringing. [2]

[a] Name two features of a religious upbringing. [2]

[a] Name TWO types of religious experience. [2]

[a] What is agnosticism? [2]

[a] What does numinous mean? [2]

[a] What does benevolent mean? [2]


[b] Outline the reasons a person might give for being an atheist. [6]

[b] Outline the problem of evil and suffering for those who believe in God. [6]

[b] Outline THREE types of religious experience. [6]

[b] Outline the main feature of a religious upbringing in ONE religion. [6]

[b] Outline ONE religious response to the problem of evil. [6]

[b] Give TWO reasons why some people do NOT believe in God. [6]

[b] Describe a religious experience. [6]

[b] State, with examples, what is meant by moral evil [6]

[b] Describe ONE miracle. [6]

[b] Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and describe the main features of a religious upbringing in that religion [6]

[b] Outline an argument for God’s existence based on the appearance of design in the world


[c] Explain how religious experience may lead to or support belief in God. [8]

[c] Explain how the appearance of design and order in the world may lead to or support belief in God. [8]

[c] Explain why a person may come to believe in God. [8]

[c] Name ONE religion and explain how its followers respond to the problem of evil and suffering. [8]

[c] Explain why people’s experience of the natural world may lead them to believe in God. [8]

[c] Explain why evil and suffering are a problem for those who believe in God. [8]

[c] Explain how a religious experience may lead someone to believe in God. [8]

[c] Explain why some people do not believe in God [8]

[c] Explain why the existence of evil and suffering may cause problems for people who believe in God. [8]

[c] Explain why things such as earthquakes, floods and volcanoes may make it difficult to believe in God. [8]

[c] Explain how the search for meaning and purpose in life may lead to, or support, a belief in God. [8]


[d] “The World is full of evidence for God’s existence.”

[d] “Miracles don’t happen today.”

[d] “R.E. lessons make you believe in God.”

[d] “You don’t have to belong to a religion to have a religious experience.”

[d] “God always answers prayers.”

[d] “All Children need to be taught about religion.”

[d] “There is plenty of evidence that God exists”.

[d] “If God really loved religious people, he would not let them suffer.”

[d] “God must exist because so many people believe in him.”

[d] “God cannot be good to allow so much evil and suffering in the world”

[d] “Ideas like the Big Bang make it impossible to believe in God.”

All evaluation questions are followed this statement:

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing you have considered another point of view and referred to at least one religion. [4]



[a] What is meant by sanctity of life. [2]

[a] What is meant by the word immortality? [2]

[a] What is meant by non-voluntary euthanasia? [2]

[a] State ONE condition for a legal abortion in the United Kingdom. [2]

[a] What is meant by the word euthanasia? [2]

[a] What is an abortion? [2]

[a] What is meant by immortality of the soul? [2]

[a] What is assisted suicide? [2]

[a] Give TWO examples of the paranormal [2]

[a] What does resurrection mean? [2]

[a] What is voluntary euthanasia? [2]


[b] Some people do not believe in life after death. Outline their reasons. [6]

[b] Outline different Christian teachings about life after death. [6]

[b] Outline Christian attitudes to abortion. [6]

[b] Outline Christian attitudes to euthanasia. [6]

[b] Describe the teaching of ONE religion, other than Christianity, on abortion. [6]

[b] Outline the teaching on euthanasia of one religion other than Christianity. [6]

[b] Outline the teaching of ONE religion other than Christianity on life after death. [6]

[b] Outline Christian teaching about resurrection. [6]

[b] Outline the teaching of one religion other than Christianity on life after death. [6]

[b] Outline different Christian teachings on abortion. [6]


[c] Explain why some people want euthanasia to be made legal. [8]

[c] Explain why some people do not believe in life after death. [8]

[c] Explain why some people believe that there is life after death. [8]

[c] Explain why there are different attitudes to abortion among Christians. [8]

[c] Explain why some religious people want the law on abortion to be changed. [8]

[c] Explain the beliefs of ONE religion, other than Christianity, on euthanasia. [8]

[c] Explain why the followers of ONE religion other than Christianity believe in life after death. [8]

[c] Explain why Christians believe in life after death. [8]

[c] Explain why followers of one religion other than Christianity are against euthanasia. [8]

[c] Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and explain why there are different attitudes to abortion in that religion. [8]

[c] Explain why there are different attitude about what happens to you when you die. [8]


[d] “Near death experiences do not show there is life after death.”

[d] “Life does not make sense unless there is life after death.”

[d] “Everyone should have the right to an easy death.”

[d] “If my friend were on a life-support machine, and would not recover, I would want the machine switched off.”

[d] “Women own their bodies, so they should be allowed an abortion if that is what they want.”

[d] “When you’re dead, you’re dead: that’s the end of you.”

[d] “People who are suffering should be allowed to take their own lives.”

[d] “Everyone should treat life as a gift from God.”

[d[ “There is no evidence for life after death”.

[d] “There is no evidence for life after death.”

[d] “Only God has the right to take someone’s life, so euthanasia is wrong.”

[d] “All good people will go to heaven whatever they believe”

[d] “Every woman should have the right to an abortion if she wants one”.

All evaluation questions are followed this statement:

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing you have considered another point of view and religion. [4]



[a] What does the word adultery mean? [2]

[a] What is an extended family? [2]

[a] State ONE religious feature of a Christian wedding service. [2]

[a] State ONE purpose of Christian marriage. [2]

[a] What is meant by cohabitation? [2]

[a] What is divorce [2]

[a] What does the word cohabitation mean? [2]

[a] What is pre-marital sex? [2]

[a] What is a re-constituted family? [2]

[a] What is faithfulness in marriage? [2]


[b] Describe changing attitudes to cohabitation in Britain. [6]

[b] Outline Christian teaching on sex before AND outside marriage. [6]

[b] Outline Christian attitudes to divorce. [6]

[b] State how ONE religion, other than Christianity, helps parents in the upbringing of their children. [6]

[b] Outline attitudes to divorce in ONE religion other than Christianity. [6]

[b] Outline the teachings of one religion other than Christianity on family life. [6]

[b] Outline Christian attitudes to sex outside marriage. [6]

[b] Outline the attitude to divorce in one religion other that Christianity. [6]

[b] Outline different Christian attitudes to divorce. [6]

[b] Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and outline the teachings about family life [6]


[c] Explain how the teaching on marriage in ONE religion, other than Christianity, may help a marriage to succeed. [8]

[c] Explain how Christian parents may be helped by their religion to bring up their children. [8]

[c] Explain how a Christian wedding ceremony may help a marriage to succeed. [8]

[c] Explain how the Church may help parents to bring up their children. [8]

[c] Explain why one religion other than Christianity does not allow sex outside marriage.


[c] Explain why family life is important in ONE religion other than Christianity. [8]

[c] Explain why there are different attitudes to divorce in one religion other than Christianity. [8]

[c] Explain why many Christians believe that sex outside marriage is wrong. [8]

[c] Explain why there are different attitudes to re-marriage in Christianity. [8]

[c] Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and explain how that religion helps keep the family together. [8]


[d] “There shouldn’t be any religious rules about sex.”

[d] “Living together is better than getting married.”

[d] “Without religion family life would collapse.”

[d] “Parents should not force their religion on their children.”

[d] “You need a religious ceremony for a proper wedding.”

[d] “Religious people should not have sex before marriage.”

[d] “If people were more religious, there would be fewer divorces.”

[d] “No religious person should ever have sex outside marriage.”

[d] “Religion helps families stay together.”

[d] “Children should follow the religion of their parents.”

[d] “A religious wedding ceremony helps to make a marriage work.”

[d] “Children don’t need a mother and father who are married to each other.”

[d] “The world would be a better place if everyone followed religious rules on sex and marriage.”

All evaluation questions are followed this statement:

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing you have considered another point of view and religion. [4]



[a] What is racial prejudice? [2]

[a] What does the word prejudice mean? [2]

[a] What does the word discrimination mean? [2]

[a] Name TWO religions other than Christianity practised in the U.K. [2]

[a] What does the word racism mean? [2]

[a] What is meant by a multi-ethnic society? [2]

[a] Give ONE example of racial discrimination. [2]

[a] What is religious pluralism [2]

[a] What is religious freedom [2]


[b] Outline Christian attitudes to the roles of men and women. [6]

[b] Outline Christian teaching on racial harmony. [6]

[b] Outline the teaching of ONE religion, other than Christianity, about racial harmony.


[b] Outline Christian attitudes towards other religions. [6]

[b] Outline the teaching of ONE religion, other than Christianity, on the roles of men and women. [6]

[b] Outline different attitudes to the roles of men and women in one religion other that Christianity [6]

[b] Outline different attitudes among Christians to the role of men and women [6]

[b] Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and outline its attitudes to other religions [6]

[b] Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and outline the teachings of that religion which help to promote racial harmony [6]


[c] Explain the attitude of ONE religion, other than Christianity, to other faiths. [8]

[c] Explain Christian teachings on the roles of men and women. [8]

[c] Explain how the teaching of ONE religion other than Christianity may help racial harmony. [8]

[c] Name one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers have different attitudes to the roles of men and women. [8]

[c] Explain why the United Kingdom can be called a multi-faith society. [8]

[c] Explain why there are different attitudes to the roles of men and women among Christians. [8]

[c] Explain some advantages of living in a multi-faith society. [8]

[c] Explain how the presence of many different religions in society may cause problems for religious believers [8]

[c] Explain why there are different attitudes among Christians to other religions.


[c] Explain why, in one religion other than Christianity, there are different attitudes to other religions. [8]

[c] Explain how the teachings of Christianity may help to promote racial harmony [8]

[c] Explain why there are different attitudes to the roles of men and in Christianity [8]

[c] Explain why prejudice and discrimination cause problems in a multi-ethnic society [8]


[d] “People should always be treated the same, whatever their religion.”

[d] “Religion should do more to improve the status of women.”

[d] “Only one religion can be true.”

[d] You cannot be religious and racist.”

[d] “Religion always treats men and women equally.”

[d] “Nothing does more for racial harmony than religion”

[d] “Religion shows that women are less important than men.”

[d] “All societies should be multi-faith societies”

[d] “Religion stops people being racist”

[d] “Religion should set an example by having women leaders.”

[d] “In a multi-faith society, religious people should not try to convert followers of other religions.”

All evaluation questions are followed this statement:

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing you have considered another point of view and religion. [4]



[a] Name ONE religious agency for world development and outline its work. [4]

[a] Outline the causes of world poverty [4]

[a][i] Describe how ONE religious agency helps to relieve poverty. [4]

[a] Describe how ONE religious person, community or organisation helps to relieve poverty and suffering in the United Kingdom. [4]

[a] Outline the teachings on wealth and poverty of one religion other than Christianity.[4]


[b] Explain why the followers of ONE religion would support this work. [8]

[b] Explain, with reference to the teaching of ONE religion, why the person, community or organisation acts in this way. [8]

[b] Explain how the teaching of ONE religion may lead the agency to do this work. [8]

[b] Explain why Christians should try to remove world poverty [8]

[b] Choose ONE religion other than Christianity and explain why the followers of that religion should try to remove the causes of world poverty [8]