002 SRU 10

Issue Date: March 2, 2011

Response Date: March 16, 2011








Part V - COST DATA 8

Appendix A, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Contract

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I-1. Purpose. This request for proposal (RFP) provides interested vendors with sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for consideration by Slippery Rock University herein after referred to as "the University", to satisfy a need for a vendor to create three (3) versions of a campus map.

I-2. Issuing Office. This RFP is issued for the University by the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Department is the sole point of contact for contractual questions for this RFP, specifically, Patti Doyle, Purchasing Agent, 724-738-2252. Technical concerns and questions should be addressed to Sandy Busch, Publications Manager, University Public Relations, 724-738-4827.

I-3. Scope. This RFP contains instructions governing the proposals to be submitted and the material to be included therein; a description of the equipment and services to be provided, requirements which must be met to be eligible for consideration; general evaluation criteria; and other requirements to be met by each proposal.

I-4.Type of Contract. It is proposed that, if a contract is entered into as a result of successful negotiations, the selected Supplier will be required to sign a standard Commonwealth of Pennsylvania contract. This agreement will contain the provisions shown in the sample document attached as Appendix A. Proposal/contract negotiations may be undertaken with vendors whose proposals show them to be qualified, responsible, and capable of performing the work. The “Work Statement,” as negotiated, will be incorporated into the standard contract. Terms and conditions are negotiated upon issuance of intent to award to the supplier. However, some of the terms are not negotiable as they are required to do business with the Commonwealth. Prohibited contract clauses include assignment clauses, law of the contract, attorney’s fees, court costs, entry of judgment, indemnity and hold-harmless clauses, arbitration clauses, payment in advance and payment of insurance. (Note: Appendix A is a sample document only and is not required to be returned with your proposal.) Suppliers must submit any exceptions to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania contract in their response and include any contracts, orders forms, and terms/conditions for which the Supplier requires signature.

If, in the opinion of the University, contract negotiations with the selected vendor cannot be concluded within one (1) month following the selected vendor’s receipt of a draft contract, the University may in its discretion, immediately discontinue negotiations with the selected vendor and commence negotiations with the remaining vendor who received the next highest number of evaluation points.

I-5. Rejection of Proposals. The University reserves the right to reject any and all responses received from vendors as a result of this RFP and to cancel this solicitation at any time prior to the execution of any contract.

I-6. Incurring Costs. The University is not liable for any costs incurred by vendors prior to issuance of a contract.

I-7. Amendment to the RFP. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, an amendment will be issued to all vendors who received the basic RFP.

I-8. Response Date. To be considered, proposals must arrive at the issuing office on or before the time and date specified in the cover letter. Vendors mailing proposals should allow sufficient mail delivery time to ensure timely receipt of the proposals.

I-9. Proposals. To be considered, vendors must submit a complete response to this RFP, using the format provided in PART II. Each proposal must be submitted in three copies to the issuing office. No other distribution of proposals will be made by the vendor. Proposals must be signed by an official authorized to bind the vendor to its provisions. For this RFP, the proposal must remain valid for at least 90 days. Moreover, the contents of the proposal of the selected vendor will become contractual obligations if a contract is entered into. Any cost data present in the technical portion of the proposal will result in disqualification.

I-10. Economy of Preparation. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the vendor’s ability to meet the requirements of the RFP.

I-11. Oral Presentation. Vendors who submit proposals may be required to make an oral presentation of their proposal to the University. Such presentations provide an opportunity for the vendor to clarify his proposal to ensure thorough mutual understanding. The issuing office will schedule these presentations.

I-12. Prime Vendor Responsibilities. The selected vendor will be required to assume responsibility for all equipment and services offered in his proposal whether or not he produces them. Further, the University will consider the selected vendor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.

I-13. Disclosure of Proposal Contents. The vendors proposals will become part of the contract award resulting from this RFP and are not, therefore, confidential. The University has the right to use any other concepts presented in any reply to this RFP. Selection or rejection of a proposal does not affect this right. Please be advised that effective January 1, 2009, all responses to this procurement opportunity are subject to Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §67.101 et seq., (Act 3 of 2008). Refer to section I-16.

I-14. Debriefing Conferences. Vendors whose proposals are not selected will be notified of the name of the selected vendor and will be given the opportunity to be debriefed. The issuing office will schedule the time and location of the debriefing.

I-15. Cost Data. All cost data for the proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope within the sealed proposal and kept separate from the technical proposal. Failure to meet this requirement will result in automatic disqualification of the proposal.

I-16. Open Records. Please be advised that effective January 1, 2009 all responses to this procurement opportunity are subject to the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §67.101 et seq., (Act 3 of 2008). The Right-to-Know Law permits any requestor to inspect and/or copy any record prepared and maintained or received in the course of the operation of a public office or agency that is not subject to the enumerated exceptions under the law. If your response to the procurement opportunity contains a trade secret or confidential proprietary information, you should include with your response a separate signed written statement to that effect. Should your response become the subject of a Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law request, you will be notified by the procurement office to identify all trade secrets or confidential and proprietary information that is included in your response. The agency will then determine whether the claimed trade secret or confidential and proprietary information is subject to disclosure.

I-17. Contract. Any contract entered into as a result of this RFP by the issuing office is eligible for (optional) use by all of the universities that are a part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (“PASSHE”), and the interested Supplier agrees to supply the goods/services to those universities on the same terms and conditions. To the extent that other universities procure from this order/contract, they assume the liability for payment to the successful Supplier.

This RFP shall not result in an exclusive rights contract. The right of multi-university use of any contract resulting from this RFP does not provide a guarantee of multiple site/entity use, nor does it provide exclusive rights to the selected Supplier.



Vendors proposals must be submitted in the format outlined below. To be considered, the proposal must respond to all requirements in this part of the RFP. Any other information thought to be relevant, but not applicable to the enumerated categories, should be provided as an appendix to the proposal.

II-1. Mandatory Requirements for Proposal to be considered:

A.  Proposals must be signed by an official authorized to bind the vendor to its provisions.

B.  Proposals must remain valid for at least 90 calendar days from the deadline for proposal submission.

C.  Proposals must be submitted in three (3) copies to the University.

D.  Proposals must be received in the Purchasing Office on or before 2:00 PM on the date specified in the cover letter.

E.  Cost Data must be bound, sealed, and identified separately from the narrative portion of the proposal.

F.  Vendor must submit a complete response to the RFP using the format provided below.

II-2. Work Plan. Describe in narrative form your plan for providing the services requested in Part IV, Work Statement, in a timely fashion.

II-3. Prior Experience. Include experience in providing similar services to other customers. Include at least three such references. Include a current contact person, company name and telephone number as well as an in-depth description of the services provided and date provided.

ll-4. Schedule. Provide specific information detailing the time requirements for meeting the proposed schedule.

ll-5. Personnel. Define vendor capabilities. Include information such as training, years of experience, etc. to demonstrate vendor’s ability to service project. Include the number of personnel available for this project. Include the name(s) of assigned personnel, noting the area of responsibility for each, and their experience.

II-6. Cost Data. This portion of the proposal must be identified as "Cost Data" and be bound separately from the remainder of the proposal. It is expected that all cost related to developing a successful strategy will be included in the bottom line costs:



III-1. All proposals received from vendors will be reviewed and evaluated by a committee of qualified personnel selected by the University. This committee will recommend for selection the proposal which most closely meets the requirements of the RFP and satisfies University needs.

III-2. Vendor proposals will be evaluated first to insure that they meet all mandatory requirements as stated. Proposals that fail to meet all their requirements will receive no further attention.

III-3. Proposals that meet all requirements will be evaluated on the basis of uniform selection criteria and weighted technique.

III-4. The criteria categories are listed below, not necessarily in priority order:

a)  Work Plan

b)  Prior Experience

c)  Schedule

d)  Personnel

e)  Cost Data

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IV-1. Objective

The SRU campus is approximately 660 acres with approximately 70 buildings of traditional and modern design. The University is currently constructing a Student Union that is scheduled to open in 2012. There are two planned building renovation projects that will change the building’s footprint. The University is seeking single source vendor to create three (3) versions of a campus map.

IV-2. Nature and Scope of Services

A. The University is seeking a vendor to create three (3) versions of a campus map. Current campus map and parking map are attached as Exhibit A.

1.  3D Perspective Campus Map – VECTOR FORMAT–Adobe Illustrator, with legend (building names, parking lots, landmarks, trees, architectural detail, etc ). Four color and grayscale versions required.

2. 2D Campus Parking Map – VECTOR FORMAT–Adobe Illustrator, with legend (building names, parking lots, landmarks, etc.). Four color and grayscale versions required.

3. Flash/XML –based Interactive Map (must meet the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508).

B. Vendor will contract for aerial photography, which will be considered a work product and subject to Item D.

C.  SRU will provide samples of its current 3D and 2D maps and will provide artist’s renderings of construction projects that are on-going as well as those proposed for the near future. SRU will provide high resolution digital photographs for buildings from ground level.

D. Ownership and copyright for all work products will be assigned to Slippery Rock University.

E. Vendor will also supply editable copies of the graphics in vector format (Adobe Illustrator .ai or .eps files) to SRU.

IV-3. Additional Services

A.  At the University’s request, the Contractor will perform additional services for editing purposes, additions of buildings, roads, etc.

B.  The University shall be billed for any additional services at the same rates stated in the Cost Data for the duration of the contract.

IV-4. Term of Contract

The term of this contract shall be three years effective upon contract approval and ending three years thereafter. Proposed completion date of original scope of work shall be June 30, 2011.

IV-5. Proposed Time Schedule.

Request for Proposal Letter March 2, 2011

Request for Proposal Due March 16, 2011

Committee Evaluation Completed March 23, 2011

Contract Awarded March 30, 2011

Contract Approved by OAG April 30, 2011

IV-6. Contract Obligations.

A. The vendor must supply services at the rates stated in their proposal pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof.

C.  In the event of default of the vendor, the University may procure the services from other sources and hold the vendor responsible for any excess cost associated with procuring the services from another source.



I. We quote the following rates for furnishing services in accordance with specifications:

$ 3D Perspective Campus Map

$ 2D Campus Parking Map

$ Flash/XML –based Interactive Map

$ Aerial Photography

$ /hour Additional Services for additional editing as requested by the University

$ Other: Describe

$ Other: Describe

We offer to provide the above services to SRU at the unit prices stated above:


Signature and title of person authorized to bind Contractor

Contractor Name

Contractor Address

Contractor Phone Contractor Fax

Contractor E-mail Address

Contractor Federal Employer’s ID No.

Business entity (Corporation, Partnership or Proprietorship)

Ownership Classification: Fifty-one percent (51%) or more owned or controlled by one of the following: Check only one:

ڤ1. Caucasian ڤ4. Asian-Pacific Islander ڤ7. Physically or Mentally Disabled

ڤ2. Black ڤ5. American Indian-Alaskan

ڤ3. Hispanic ڤ6. Woman


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