Online Appendix A Socioeconomic attributes of ATUS respondents

Description / Mean / Std. Dev.
Personal health (1-5 scale) / 3.53 / 1.08
Female / 0.51 / 0.50
Age / 44 / 18
Married (both present) / 0.52 / 0.50
Married (one spouse absent) / 0.01 / 0.11
Widowed / 0.05 / 0.23
Divorced / 0.09 / 0.29
Separated / 0.02 / 0.13
Number of kids under 18 / 0.53 / 0.99
Average annual household income (topcoded at $150,000)/modified OECD equivalent household size / $34,787 / $25,072
Lives in New York / 0.06 / 0.24
Lives in central city / 0.26 / 0.44
Lives in suburb / 0.42 / 0.49
Lives in metro area, city/suburb unspecified / 0.15 / 0.36
Hispanic / 0.14 / 0.35
Black / 0.12 / 0.32
Asian / 0.04 / 0.19
Other non-white race / 0.02 / 0.16
Immigrant / 0.08 / 0.27
Full-time worker / 0.47 / 0.50
Part-time worker / 0.14 / 0.35
Unemployed / 0.08 / 0.27
Years of education / 13.29 / 3.11

Online Appendix B Parameter estimates from control variables in OLS regressions (Table 2)

Model 2 / Model 3 / Model 4
Parameter / T-Stat / Parameter / T-Stat / Parameter / T-Stat
Socioeconomic Controls
Personal health (1-5 scale) / 0.709*** / (28.60) / 0.700*** / (28.60)
Female / -0.0863 / (-1.82) / -0.0916* / (-1.97)
Age / -0.0238** / (-2.67) / -0.0201* / (-2.28)
Age (squared/1000) / 0.378*** / (3.92) / 0.355*** / (3.71)
Married (both present) / 0.183* / (2.47) / 0.129 / (1.77)
Married (one spouse absent) / -0.397* / (-2.15) / -0.380* / (-2.13)
Widowed / 0.0444 / (0.36) / 0.00166 / (0.01)
Divorced / -0.305** / (-3.24) / -0.304** / (-3.26)
Separated / -0.112 / (-0.59) / -0.132 / (-0.71)
Kids under 18 / 0.0261 / (1.00) / -0.0114 / (-0.44)
Log of annual household income (topcoded at $150,000)/modified OECD equivalent household size / -0.00392 / (-0.12) / -0.00518 / (-0.16)
Lives in New York / -0.0733 / (-0.82) / -0.0577 / (-0.64)
Lives in central city / -0.184* / (-2.50) / -0.182* / (-2.52)
Lives in suburb / -0.136* / (-2.02) / -0.127 / (-1.92)
Lives in unidentified metropolitan area / -0.0491 / (-0.60) / -0.0279 / (-0.34)
Hispanic / 0.376*** / (5.00) / 0.393*** / (5.28)
Black / 0.434*** / (5.48) / 0.437*** / (5.65)
Asian / 0.0412 / (0.32) / 0.132 / (1.08)
Other non-white race / 0.0344 / (0.26) / 0.0391 / (0.29)
Immigrant / 0.239* / (2.41) / 0.280** / (2.85)
Full-time worker / -0.102 / (-1.51) / 0.00319 / (0.05)
Part-time worker / 0.00849 / (0.11) / 0.0597 / (0.77)
Unemployed / -0.0246 / (-0.25) / -0.00264 / (-0.03)
Years of education / -0.0151 / (-1.68) / -0.0188* / (-2.12)
Activity Controls
Working / -0.596*** / (-5.09) / -0.703*** / (-5.91)
Personal care / -2.762*** / (-6.45) / -2.144*** / (-4.87)
Household activity / -0.231* / (-2.15) / -0.159 / (-1.46)
Care for household member / 0.538*** / (4.51) / 0.464*** / (3.82)
Care for non-household member / 0.559** / (2.86) / 0.517** / (2.83)
Education / -1.042*** / (-5.18) / -1.125*** / (-5.60)
Shopping / -0.113 / (-0.87) / -0.149 / (-1.14)
Personal service / -1.049*** / (-4.25) / -1.108*** / (-4.59)
Household service / -0.265 / (-0.50) / -0.574 / (-1.03)
Government service / 0.165 / (0.23) / 0.362 / (0.44)
Eating or drinking / 0.332** / (3.11) / 0.307** / (2.82)
Socializing / 0.154 / (1.45) / 0.194 / (1.80)
Sports and recreation / 0.234 / (1.50) / 0.121 / (0.79)
Religious activity / 1.171*** / (6.25) / 1.009*** / (5.11)
Volunteering / 0.704*** / (3.33) / 0.431* / (2.22)
Phone call / -0.146 / (-0.69) / -0.258 / (-1.24)
T statistics in parentheses. Standard errors clustered by individual
* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001

Online Appendix C Parameter estimates from control variables in fixed effects regressions (Table 3)

Model 3 / Model 4
Parameter / T-Stat / Parameter / T-Stat
Working / -0.465*** / (-4.76) / -0.575*** / (-5.72)
Personal Care / -0.783** / (-2.99) / -0.785** / (-2.99)
Household Activity / -0.117 / (-1.31) / -0.128 / (-1.42)
Care for household member / 0.516*** / (5.10) / 0.453*** / (4.43)
Care for non-household member / 0.333* / (2.26) / 0.279 / (1.91)
Education / -0.860*** / (-4.80) / -0.878*** / (-4.93)
Shopping / 0.0226 / (0.21) / -0.0221 / (-0.21)
Personal Service / -0.200 / (-1.01) / -0.287 / (-1.45)
Household Service / 0.0244 / (0.05) / -0.084 / (-0.17)
Government Service / -0.446 / (-0.88) / -0.477 / (-0.91)
Eating or drinking / 0.410*** / (4.66) / 0.353*** / (3.94)
Socializing / 0.258** / (2.91) / 0.215* / (2.41)
Sports and recreation / -0.0703 / (-0.55) / -0.108 / (-0.83)
Religious activity / 0.708*** / (4.77) / 0.677*** / (4.57)
Volunteering / 0.452** / (3.04) / 0.371* / (2.44)
Phone call / 0.131 / (0.57) / -0.009 / (-0.04)
T statistics in parentheses. Standard errors clustered by individual
* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001