/ UK Power Networks / CON 08112

Competition in Connections – Exercise of existing
UK Power Networks Easements by an ICP

Name / Barry Hatton
Title / Director of Asset Management
Date / 02 November 2017
Name / Chris Lawrence
Title / Property & Consents Manager
Date / 30 October 2017

This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.

Revision Record
Version number / 2.0 / What has changed?
Review of Policy – No changes
CON 08 112a – reviewed, no changes, now v4.0
CON 08 112b no longer on headed paper – now v2.0
Why has it changed?
Date published / 04/12/2017
Next review date / 01/01/2021
Prepared by / Noel Jemma
Version number / 1.0 / What has changed?
n/a. First issue.
Why has it changed?
Date published / 13/04/2015
Next review date / 13/04/2016
Prepared by / Noel Jemma
Version number / What has changed?
Why has it changed?
Date published
Next review date
Prepared by
Who needs to know?
☐All UK Power Networks Staff
☒Asset Management
☒Capital Programme
☐Customer Services
☒G81 External website
☐HR & Communications
☐In Business HSS
☐Safety Reps
☒ICPs (Independent Connection Providers)
☒IDNOs (Independent Distribution
Network Operators)
☐Information Systems
☐Meter Operators / ☐Network Operations
☐Distribution Capital Delivery
☐Network Control
☐Network Operations Connections
☐Transport Services
☐Strategy and Regulation
☐UK Power Networks Services
☐Strategic projects
☐HS1, DLR & Commercial buildings
☐MUJV / Allenby
☐Business Development
☐Others (specify)


1.0Introduction and Purpose







8.0Process Detail

1.0Introduction and Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the procedure for Independent Connection Providers (ICPs) to utilise existing UK Power Networks easements for connection activity in the UK Power Networks areas.


The requirements of this procedure set out the enquiries that an ICP must undertake and define the nature of discussions between ICPs and UK Power Networks’ existing grantors, and are mandatory in all areas of UK Power Networks.


To ensure that there is a consistent approach in the procedure to:

  • identify whether a suitable easement already exists, and
  • evidence that the landowner is satisfied that the ICP installation may progress under the provisions of the existing easement.


CON 08 112a / Form of Construction Licence
CON 08 112b / Form of Template Letter


Construction Licence / A licence from the landowner to the ICP, granting consent to the cable installation works
Easement / A permanent right over the landowner’s property
ICP / Independent Connections Provider
Land Registry / HM Land Registry, a government body that registers the ownership of land in England and Wales
P&C / UK Power Networks’ Property and Consents Team
Registered Land / Land, the title to which is registered at the Land Registry
UKPN / UK Power Networks
Unregistered Land / Land, the title to which is not registered at the Land Registry


It is the responsibility of the ICP to identify whether an appropriate easement exists, and to obtain the consent/approval of the owner of the affected land.

P&C ensures that the provisions of the easement documentation allowthe ICP to carry out the new cable installation, and that the ICP has obtained the necessary consent/approval of the owner of the affected land, before works commence.


On completion of any works, full details of the new cable installation and the approval of the landowner, are to be stored with the existing easement documentation within the P&C records.

8.0Process Detail

These notes are to be read in conjunction with the process map included in Appendix 1.

UKPN has agreed to allow ICP’s to install new equipment under the provisions of its existing easements, on the following basis:-

1. The ICP shall make enquiries at the Land Registry to establish whether the subject land is registered.

Registered Land

If the land is registered, the ICP should obtain official copies of the register. The Charges Register will indicate the existence of any existing easements in favour of UKPN, or its predecessor companies.

The ICP should obtain an official copy of any such easement, to establish whether it grants the necessary rights over the subject land.

Unregistered Land

If the land is unregistered, the ICP should apply for a Search of the Index Map. Any easement in favour of UKPN will be recorded by way of a caution against first registration. The ICP should obtain official copies of the register in relation to the caution title.

If the ICP’s customer is the owner of the subject land, the ICP will obtain a copy of the easement from its customer. If not, following design acceptance, the ICP may apply to UKPN for a copy of the easement. The ICP will establish whether the easement grants the necessary rights over the subject land.

2. In the event that the ICP identifies an existing easement, in favour of UKPN, affecting the subject land, the ICP may supply a copy to UKPN with a request that UKPN confirms that it would be appropriate for the ICP to install its equipment under the provisions of the easement.

3. UKPN will respond to the ICP with confirmation as to whether it will be appropriate for the ICP to install its equipment under the existing provisions.

4. If it would be appropriate to install the proposed equipment under the provisions of the existing easement, the ICP will confirm its preferred approach to progress the discussions with the landowner. The ICP may choose one of the following two options:

(i) The ICP enters into a Construction Licence with the owner of the subject land, in UKPN’s standard form (see CON 08 112a). Upon receipt of a copy of the duly completed Construction Licence, UKPN will authorise the installation, or

(ii) UKPN supplies a template letter to the ICPaddressed to the landowner (see CON 08 112b), confirming the existence of the easement, setting out the relationship between UKPN and the ICP and confirming that the cable will be adopted by UKPN upon satisfactory completion of the works.

The ICP will then seek the agreement of the landowner to carry out the works under the existing easement arrangement and, upon receipt of written confirmation of that agreement, UKPN will authorise the installation.

Should the landowner refuse permission for the ICP to enter upon its land to carry out the works, then it may be necessary to consider alternative arrangements.

Note: UKPN is not able to assist in relation to the identification or validity of its existing easements until the ICP’s design has been accepted.

This printed document is valid at 11/09/18, check after this date for validity.
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/ UK Power Networks / CON 08112

Appendix 1: Process Flowchart

This printed document is valid at 11/09/18, check after this date for validity.
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