11 March 2014
St Charles Health and Wellbeing Centre /
Name / Role/ organisation / InitialsCarolyn Regan / Managing Director, NHS West London CCG / CR
Simon Hope / Deputy Managing Director / SH
Dr Naomi Katz / Vice Chair, NHS West London CCG / NK
Dr Rachael Garner / Vice Chair, NHS West London CCG / RG
Sarah Wheeler / Head of Finance (West) / SW
In attendance
Name / Role/ organisation / InitialsDavey Thomason (item 3.1) / Delivery Manager, West London CCG / DT
Dr Galina Vernon (item 3.1) / Darzi Fellow / GV
Lizz Syme / Business Support (notes) / LS
Name / Role/ organisation / InitialsDr Fiona Butler / Chair, NHS West London CCG / FB
Dr Iain Blake / GP Member, NHS West London CCG / IB
1 / Introduction
1.1 / Declarations of Interest
Declarations of interest were received from RG and NK.
1.2 / Apologies were received from FB and IB.
2.1 / Minutes of previous meetings
The minutes of theOperational Group meeting held on 4 March2014 wereagreed as a correct record.
The revised notes of the Operational Group meeting held on 18 February 2014 were amended to read: “The ICP in West London as it currently is now will formally end.”
2.2 / Action Log
The action log was reviewed and an updated version will go to next meeting.
3.1 / Child Health GP Practice Hub
Davey Thomason and Dr Galina Vernon attended for this item.
WL and Imperial will do a joint evaluation of the pilots. A paper with early KPIs will come back to the Operational Group in April, including the financial impact.
Following the pre-pilot, the pilot was adjusted to include a joint clinic with wider MDT involvement.
GV will audit Harrow Road referrals and presentation of data.
ACTION: DT - paper/LS - agenda
Chelwest clinicians are inputting to the existing model. The aim will be to address both A&E attenders within core hours as well as outpatients. We are planning to produce Oyster holders which include information about the numbers to call for non-emergency services and to offer workshops for groups of parents.
We need to consider whether this project saves enough to defray the costs involved. Figures are skewed because the pilot practices had higher than average outpatient referral rates. However, there are also qualitative considerations. KPIs will include patient and GP satisfaction levels. Patients are asked to complete a form after every clinic and we are about to do the same with GPs. The meeting agreed that any rollout would need to secure both quality and financial benefits.
March CLS meetings would review paediatric audit and these service developments could also be highlighted.
3.2 / ICP Innovation Bids 2014/15
The following were discussed and agreed.
1.Virtual case conferencing
The meeting confirmed the previous decision that this be passed to Farid Fouladinejad and team as a CCG project, with the need to see an evaluation of the project before making a funding decision beyond 14/15.
2. Signposting website
Further to the action agreed at the previous meeting that the address book for SystmOne needs to include Westminster services, it was agreed to pass this issue to Farid Fouladinejad and colleagues. IT to address. Locality managers would be tasked with updates.
3. Care Homes Project
The requested six-month extension was subject to the evaluation.
4.Mental Health Ward Rounds
This issue is for discussion/decision by the OOH group.
ACTION: LS for OOH agenda
5.Homelessness Training Delivery
Information about this training will be added to the Wednesday newsletter and targeted at those practices offering these services.
ACTION: KD (newsletter) and SH
3.3 / Jamie Ripman/Development Session Focus
The meeting discussed what they would like to cover in the next development session. RG asked for a recap on the actions summarised in Jamie’s report of the last session and an assessment of the progress made.
RG suggested that the session also cover issues around respect, roles and productivity.
CR will send a note to Jamie about the meeting’s comments and expectations for the session.
ACTION: CR (closed)
3.4 / Financial Strategy
A paper from Clare Parker with three scenarios was circulated shortly before the meeting. SW flagged up that even though expenditure would increase more quickly than income over time, it was very unlikely West London could spend all its surplus; and since we are working as part of a collaborative, it would be good practice to share the surplus if financially sound to do so. An additional consideration was the need to support the implementation of Shaping a Healthier Future and investments in Out Of Hospital services.
The FAQs were helpful. SW will talk individually to NK, RG and IB regarding their portfolios and cross-check their knowledge against the proposed investment schedule. Figures for current and non-recurrent funding will be shown separately for clarity.
The strategy would be discussed at a Board seminar and in public on 25 March. Sharing the surplus with other CCGs was agreed, provided services to West London residents are not put at risk.
4.1 / The meeting was referred to CR’s circulated feedback about CNWL and Chelwest contracts.
4.2 / CR and FB met Karen Clinton of NHS England on 6 March. CR will circulate notes of the meeting.
ACTION: CR (closed)
5.1 / CWHHE meetings
- Noted no cover forCWHH audit committee 13 March.
- Cover needed for CSU business case meeting 20 March.
- RG will cover co-commissioning meeting 20 March.
- SaHF clinical board 20 March - NK to confirm
- SaHF implementation board 3 April – NK to confirm
6 / AOB
6.1 / LESs
An extra workshop on LESs will be added at the start of April, either 3 or 8 April. [Post-meeting: agreed for 3 April.]
CR commented that the final version of some service specifications will be very different from the original as a result of the collaborative process. This may involve changed requirements and different payment rates and mechanisms within the overall envelope.
7 / Dates of Next Meetings
18 March, 11am-12.30pm, CR office
25 March, 11am-12.30pm, Imperial
25 March, 12.30-4pm, Imperial – development session with Jamie Ripman
(25 March starts with F&P and ends with extra Governing Body meeting)
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