Introduction to Horticulture Syllabus

Teacher: Edna M. Sanchez



Conference:1st Period (8:00 – 10:00 @ LFHS)

Tutoring: By Appointment Only

Course Description

An introduction to the principles and practices involved in the development, production and use of horticulture crops (fruits, vegetables, greenhouse, turf, nursery, floral and landscape). Includes the classification, structure, growth and development, and environmental influences on horticultural plants: horticulture technology: and an introduction to the horticulture industries.

Instructional Philosophy

Students will be able to define and describe the significance of horticulture to society. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the fundamental principles of plant growth and development. Apply the fundamentals of plant growth and utilize practical applications in horticulture. Define and demonstrate current technologies used in today’s horticulture industries.

Suggested Text

Introductory to Horticulture. Carroll L. Shry Jr., and H. Edward Reiley. Delmar.


Grade Level: 9-12

Credits Possible: 1

Required Materials

  1. Pen (blue or black)
  2. #2 Pencils
  3. Paper
  4. 1 ½ - 2 Inch Binder
  5. Colored Pencils, Markers
  6. Hand Sanitizer (pump bottle)
  7. All other materials for this class will be provided

Rules and Procedures

  1. Arrive on time; every 3 tardies will result in a disciplinary referral.
  2. Bring materials and have them ready for class.
  3. Pick up after yourself
  4. Do not get up when I am lecturing to throw trash or sharpen your pencil. Wait until I finish in order to ask for permission.
  5. Do not ask for permission to go anywhere during lecture or any type of student presentation (unless it is an emergency).
  6. Do not use profanity (bad words), teasing or put-downs of any kind in this classroom.
  7. No gum, outside food, or drinks allowed.
  8. No electronic devices-with the exception of BYOD use which is guided by the teacher-they will be picked up.
  9. All students are encouraged to join FFA.

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Call Parents and Lunch Detention (Student will write one full page about his/her


3rd Offense: Referral to the Principal’s Office

Grading Plan

***Assignments not turned in on time will be assessed a late penalty of 15%. ***

*Daily Work – 50%

Any assignment that is completed inside the classroom with appropriate teacher guidance. This is to include daily grades, quizzes, homework, teacher observations, and skill demonstration.

*Major Work – 50%

Any assignment that is completed inside / outside the classroom with / without appropriate teacher guidance. This is to include unit, chapter or skills tests. Other major assignments may include projects, journals, and notebooks.

Binder must contain a cover page, title page, a signed copy of the course syllabus, and dividers as

follows: 5 dividers with the following headings:




D)Daily Work


Missing work and absence

***Only for excused absences***

  • Students are responsible for obtaining their missing work assignments due to absence.
  • Student has the same number of days to complete the work as were missed, all regular class work must be turned in on time.

My parents/guardians signature as well as mine indicate that we have read and understand this course syllabus and all its content including the classroom rules/procedures.

Print Students Name:______Class Period:______

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parents Signature:______Date:______

Parents/Guardians: Please provide me with a telephone number and if available an E-mail address where I can reach you.

Phone:______E-mail: ______