Drama07 – Living in Ancient Greece
Process and Performance
Key vocab: movement, use of space, stage-position, pacing, timing, volume, body language, facial expression, centre stage, stage left, stage right, characterization, use of levels, exaggeration, impact, effect, mood.
CRITERION A: Knowledge and Understanding – Marked out of 8
CRITERION C: Reflection & Evaluation – Marked out of 8
800-900 WORDS (including the questions)
DEADLINE: Tuesday 10TH December 2013
WHITE HAT – Facts & Information
1.What props did you use?
I borrowed Bach’s homemade bow and lyre. He was the last quarter’s Apollo so he had the right props that I would need.
2.What other things did you use?
I wore Ms. Quigley’s silver robe over my white t-shirt underneath. I also performed on the stage.
BLUE HAT - Process
1.How did I organize myself during the process?
First, I had to research about my character. I went on Britannica and other trustworthy sites to get my sources. When I was done with my own research, I asked others for stories that have Apollo in it. I sent the final draft to Ms. Quigley for her to go over and tell me improvements.
I spent one X – Block trying to memorize my script. I wrote keywords that I would need to use on my hand and went outside with one of my friends to practice my script. When I forgot something, I added one another word. I did that over and over again until I believe that I memorized the whole thing. I rubbed all the keywords off and practice without them. That was how I memorized my script.
Originally, I needed a lot more props. For example, I needed sandals and an olive branch. In the end, I used neither of them. Bach had been telling me tips and advices for the performance. He told me he has a lyre and a bow if I need it. I borrowed it from him and used it for the final performance.
2.How successful was my performance as an individual?
In my opinion, my final performance was not as good as my practices. That might have happened because I was nervous. I stuttered a lot more than I would in my individual practices. I also forgot the order of my lines and missed out some of it.
3.What kind of feedback did I get from the teacher and how did I try to incorporate that feedback in rehearsals and performance?
The feedback I got from Ms. Quigley during the final practice was to add on to the voice, stop wandering back and forth and to use appropriate hand movements. I took her advice and I used it in my performance. I tried to speak louder and add a little accent to my script to make it sound more like Apollo. I used some appropriate hand movements. I failed to not pace around since it is one of the things I tend to do when I’m nervous or thinking.
BLACK HAT - Criticism
1.What did I like about my performance and why?
I liked how I had a strong voice from start to almost the end. My character Apollo is one of the most powerful gods of Mount Olympus so he would have the same kind of tone in his voice.
2.What did I like the least and why?
I disliked how I was kind of bouncing back and forth on the heels on my feet. I was also making inappropriate wandering and it probably looks unprofessional and random to the audience. Apollo has a strong personality and he would’ve looked confused like I was on stage.
3.What things needed improving and why?
If I am able to do the performance again, I would have a good confident facial expression and keep it even when I mess up my lines so it looks like it was meant to happen. I also need to learn how to use the whole stage affectively so the audience would be more engaged and it would make my performance more interesting.
YELLOW HAT - Benefits
1.What were the positive aspects of my performance?
I used quite a lot of props and I used them well. I think I made a good start in the beginning with a strong voice but it ended near the end. I managed to take some of Ms. Quigley’s advices and made changes to my performance.
2.How could presenting this to others help?
When others see my performance, they would learn more about Apollo. Apollo is a very important god in Greek mythology. This is the second time I’ve came across Greek mythology in 2 years which proves that the people that watched my performance will need the knowledge about gods at least once more as they grow up.
3.If I were to give myself a mark (Criterion B), what mark would I give my efforts and WHY?
If I were to give myself a mark in Criterion B, I would give myself 7 out of 10. Of course, there can be a lot of improvements added to my performance and it can make it much better. I covered up most things that were supposed to happen. That is the reason why I gave myself a 7.
RED HAT – Feelings (Positive & Negative)
1.What steps did I follow to live up to the challenge of performing this monologue?
I think the most challenging part of memorizing the monologue was to memorize it in order. Once you get that sorted, the rest would just naturally come. If you memorize the order, you would know what comes next and you don’t have to worry much about the actual graded performance. Unfortunately, I don’t have the best memory. Therefore, I couldn’t memorize the order, but only some parts out of the original monologue. I did, however, did most of my script in the performance.
2.How did I feel about the character I was playing?
I have a feeling I should’ve done better because Apollo is a familiar character to me. He almost has the same characteristics and interests as me. Probably the only difference between us is that Apollo is a guy and when I perform, I have to do my monologue with a slight accent and a deeper and more powerful voice. I learnt a lot about Apollo and I couldn’t have asked for a better character for myself.
3.Was I a good communicator with the audience? Give reasons…
I guess I was a pretty good communicator to the audience. I tried to use body language and hand movements but sometimes they aren’t very appropriate. I had eye contact with the audience and I tried my best to keep them engaged with my performance.
GREEN HAT- Creativity
1.How can I use what I’ve learned in future drama activities?
I learnt that to look professional, you need to make good body language and appropriate movements. In the Greek Tragedy unit, I would learn from my mistakes and try to fix what I did wrong in this unit.
2.What new ideas did I explore in this project?
I learnt a lot more about Apollo, the god that I have been the most interested for many years but haven’t been able to do anything with the information. I had time to research more about him and his stories. I thought deeper into the meaning behind the story of him and Hermes.
3.Discuss my creative growth and development as compared to my skills and abilities in Grade 6 Drama?
In Grade 6 Drama, there were all group projects. I was a new student last year so I was shy and didn’t get to say my ideas. In Grade 7 Drama this year, the Greek Character unit is an individual project so I got the chance to be independent and do whatever I want. I came back more confident than last year. I am sure that my ideas would’ve been different if I compare this year to last year. I guess that difference is a good thing because I have a lot more friends this year. This cause me to get more ideas, information and opinion from other people which benefits both sides.