
LP Rev. No: 01
Date: 04/07/2012
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Sub Code & Name : CH2401 Chemical Reaction Engineering II Unit: Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester : VII


The residence time distribution as a factor of performance, residence time functions and relationship between them in reactor, basic models for non-ideal flow, conversion in non-ideal reactors.

Objective: To impart the knowledge of deviations in chemical reactors and to understand the parameters that influences the models of non-ideal reactors.

SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time min / Ref / Teaching Aids
1 / Introduction to Non-Ideal Reactors / 50 / 1&2 / BB & Chalk
2 / Residence Time Distribution Studies, Stimulus Response Techniques, Pulse and Step Input, Other Types of Inputs / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
3 / Definition of C, E and F Curves and Relationship between these Curves. / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
4 / Problems illustrating the mean residence time, E (t) curve, Micro and macro mixing with examples / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
5 / Reactor Modeling using RTD Data, Zero Parameter model / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
6 / One Parameter model - Tanks-in series model, Determining E (θ) & standard mean deviation / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
7 / Variance, problems related to finding the number of tanks. / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
8 / Dispersion model, open-open boundary conditions, Definition of Vessel Dispersion Number and Peclet Number / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
9 / Problems and summarization / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
10 / Review / 60


Rate equations for heterogeneous reactions nature of catalysis, adsorption isothermal and rates of adsorption, desorption and surface reaction analysis of rate equation and rate controlling steps, surface area and pore-volume distribution, catalyst preparation.

Objective: To develop the rate equation for heterogeneous reactions and study about the properties and preparation of solid catalysts

SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time min / Ref / Teaching Aids
11 / Introduction to Heterogeneous Catalyzed Reactions / 50 / 1&3 / BB & Chalk
12 / Nature of Catalysis and Adsorption isotherms (L-H, BET) etc / -do- / 1&3 / -do-
13 / Rate of Adsorption, Desorption and Surface Reaction / -do- / 1&3 / -do-
14 / Analysis of Rate equations / -do- / 1&3 / -do-
15 / Rate controlling Steps ,Adsorption, Desorption and Surface Reaction / -do- / 1&3 / -do-
16 / Determination of Surface Area and Pore-Volume distribution & Problems / -do- / 1&3 / -do-
17 / CAT-I / 60
18 / Classification of Catalysts with examples / -do- / 1&3 / -do-
19 / Catalyst Preparation methods / -do- / 1&3 / -do-
20 / Review and summary / -do- / 1&3 / -do-


Diffusion within catalyst particle effective thermal conductivity mass and heat transfer within catalyst pellets; effective factors, Thiele Modulus, fixed bed reactors.

Objective: To discuss the additional effects of diffusion, mass and heat transfer in catalyst pellet in reaction rates and the significance of Thiele modulus.

SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time min / Ref / Teaching Aids
21 / Introduction to Gas-Solid Catalytic Reactions / 50 / 1,2&3 / BB & Chalk
22 / Gaseous Diffusion within single catalyst pores and in porous catalysts / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
23 / Concept of Effective Thermal Conductivity and Effectiveness factors / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
24 / Heat and Mass transfer with Reaction in Catalyst pellets / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
25 / Thiele Modulus and its significance / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
26 / Fluidized Bed Reactors / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
27 / Fixed Bed Reactors, Heat and mass transfer relations / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
28,29 / Problems / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
30 / Review and summary / 60


Models for explaining the kinetics; volume and surface models; controlling resistances and rate controlling steps; time for complete conversion for single and mixed sizes, fluidized and static reactors.

Objective: To develop the rate-controlling model for heterogeneous reactions, in which diffusion, and reactions controlling the reaction rate influence the rate of reaction and to arrive at the relationship for complete conversion for the different types of reactors.

SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time min / Ref / Teaching Aids
31 / Introduction to Gas-Solid non-catalytic reactions, Models for explaining kinetics / 50 / 1&2 / BB & Chalk
32 / Unreacted Core Model with Gas film/Ash layer/ Chemical reaction controls / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
33 / Shrinking core model with Gas film/Chemical reaction controls / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
34 / Determination of Controlling resistances and Rate controlling steps / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
35 / Time for complete conversion for single sizes / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
36 / Time for complete conversion for mixed sizes / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
37 / Fluidized reactors & Static reactors / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
38 / Problems / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
39 / Problems and Summary / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
40 / CAT-II / 60


Absorption combined with chemical reactions; mass transfer coefficients and kinetic constants; application of film penetration and surface renewal theories; Hatta number and enhancement factor for first order reaction, tower reactor design.

Objective: To introduce the effect of gas-liquid reaction with diffusions and chemical reactions.

SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time min / Ref / Teaching Aids
41 / Introduction to Gas-Liquid Reactions, Types / 50 / 1&2 / BB & Chalk
42 / Absorption combined with chemical reactions / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
43 / Mass transfer coefficients and kinetic constants / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
44 / Theories of mass transfer / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
45 / Hatta number and Enhancement factor / -do- / 1&2 / -do-
46 / Reactor design for different categories of reactions / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
47 / Tower reactor design / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
48 / Tower reactor design-Problems / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
49 / Problems & Review / -do- / 1,2&3 / -do-
50 / CAT III / 60

Course Delivery Plan:

Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
Units / UNIT 1 / UNIT 2 / CAT1 / UNIT 2 / UNIT 3 / UNIT 4 / CAT2 / UNIT 5 / CAT3

Text Books:

1. Fogler H.S., “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3 rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, 1999 (Indians Reprint 2003).

2. Levenspiel, O; “Chemical Reaction Engineering ", 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1972.


3. Smith J.M., “Chemical Engineering Kinetics ", 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.

Prepared by / Approved by
Designation / Assistant Professor / Professor & Head / CH
Date / 04/07/2012 / 04/07/2012