MLAB 1101 – Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science

On-Line Course – 100 points

Unit #1 Introduction to Laboratory Medicine Assignment

Answer the following questions and submit to the instructor via Digital Drop Box in Blackboard or email attachment:

Visit this websiteand answer the questions: (You will need to click on various links within this website.)

1. Name the five general laboratory areas of a clinical laboratory.

2. Under whose supervision does an MLT work?

3. What is the 2005 average salary for MLTs?

4. Name at least seven (7) places where MLTs can work.

5. What type of academic background is needed for a career as an MLT?

6. Discuss some job growth opportunities for MLTs.

Visitthis website and answer the questions: .

7. Which specific governmental agency regulates all laboratory testing (except research) performed on humans? Through which legislation does this agency get its authority? Approximately how many laboratory entities in the U.S. are covered under this legislation? What is the objective for the CLIA program?

On this same website, click on “Program Descriptions/Projects” (on the left menu) for information on answering the following questions:

8. In what year was CLIA passed by Congress? How is a laboratory defined? How is CLIA funded?

9. When were the final CLIA regulations published? What categories of tests have been established under CLIA?

10. How does a laboratory enroll in the CLIA program? Does data indicate that CLIA has helped to improve the quality of testing? If so, bywhat percentage have deficiencies decreased from the first laboratory survey to their second and subsequent surveys?

On this same website, click on “Categorization of Tests” (on the left menu) and then “List of Waived Tests – Updated April 1, 2008” (under “Downloads” toward the bottom of the page)for information on answering the following questions:

11. List at least eight (8) different tests that have “waived status” under CLIA, providing the following information:

CPT Code / Test Name / Manufacturer / Use

Return to mymain Power Point Blackboard presentation to find information for answering the following questions:

12. What types of laboratory procedures are performed by laboratories under the “Waived Laboratories” status? What type of education must testing personnel have under the “Waived Laboratories” status?

13. What types of laboratory procedures are performed by laboratories under the “Moderately Complex” status? What type of education must testing personnel have under the “Moderately Complex” status?

14. What types of laboratory procedures are performed by laboratories under the “Highly Complex” status? What type of education must testing personnel have under the “Highly Complex” status?

15. List three governmental agencies that regulate clinical laboratories and explain the role of each.

16. Compare and contrast the following terms:





17. View all websites listed on the Power Point presentation for each Certification Agency. Write one or two sentences about the purpose or overview of each agency.

18. View all websites listed on the Power Point presentation for each Accreditation Agency. Write one or two sentences about the purpose or overview of each agency.

19. View all websites listed on the Power Point presentation for each Professional Organization. Write one or two sentences about the purpose or overview of each agency.

20. Visit the website: .

Begin the training Unit and send your results to the Medical Laboratory Technician link. You will be prompted to do so after the required post-test.