Table of Contents

Section I: CANSIM Data

Section II: 2001 Agricultural Census Data

Section III: Other Farm Data

Farm Input Price Survey (FIPS, 2000)

Machinery and heating costs in Saskatchewan (2000)

Section IV: Energy Use on Farms – Documents and reports

Attachment A: The FARMDOC Project

Attachment B: The Saskatchewan Custom Rate Guide

Attachment C: On-farm Evaluation of E Diesel Fuel

Attachment D: All About Diesel

What is diesel technology?

What are the characteristics of Diesel fuel?

Diesel Engines and the Environment

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Decrease in total overall emissions:

Off-Road Diesels

Clean Diesel Engines of the Future

Scope Of Agriculture Diesel Applications

Regulations And Standards

Emission Reductions

Alternative To Agriculture Diesel Engines

Economic Impact


Attachment E: An Example of Direct Seeding Economics - the Dark Brown Soil Zone of Alberta

Yield and Revenue

Cost Comparisons

Machinery costs

Herbicide costs

Direct seeding saves time


Attachment F: Fuel Use Calculators

Attachment G: U.S. Farm Energy Use

Attachment H: Routine maintenance, tillage choices can save gallons of farm fuel

Attachment I: Exemptions from Fuel Tax

Marked Fuel


Attachment J: Estimating Farm Fuel Requirements (Downs and Hansen)

Fuel Requirements for Crop Production

Example for Diesel Tractor

Attachment K: The Diesel Industry And Farming

Other Attachments:

Report On Diesel Use In Farming From The Conference Board Of Canada

CAEEDAC Report on Canadian Agricultural Energy Prices

Information on a Number of Public Policy Topics Related to the Ethanol Industry: A Report by Kelly Associates, 2002

Farm Fuel and Ethanol

Selecting a Gas Use Option

The Cost of Owning and Operating Farm Machinery: A Report from Colorado State University

Economics of Alternative Silage Systems: A Report by C.A. Rotz

Structure and Level of Existing Federal, Provincial and Territorial Taxes on Energy Consumption

Report on Methodology and Data Sources from M.J. Ervin and Associates

List of Tables

Table 1: Cansim series v735085: Average retail prices, diesel fuel in Toronto at self-service filling stations, monthly

Table 2: Cansim series v735085: Average retail prices, diesel fuel in Saskatoon at self-service filling stations, monthly

Table 3: Cansim series v735085: Average retail prices, diesel fuel in Calgary at self-service filling stations, monthly

Table 5: Cansim Table 1280003: Series Numbers For The Supply And Demand Of Primary And Secondary Energy In Natural Units For Agriculture – Canada.

Table 6: Cansim Table 1280003: Series Numbers For The Supply And Demand Of Diesel In Thousands Cubic Meters For Agriculture – Provinces.

Table 4: Cansim Series V622868: Natural Gas Used In Saskatchewan Agriculture (Terajoules)

Table 7: Tractors in Canada and Provinces, 2001

Table 8: Trucks, Vans and Pick-ups in Canada, 2001

Table 9: Combines, Swathers, Balers in Canada, 2001

Table 10: aggregated Fuels Expenses, Canada and the Provinces, 2001

Table 11:Tillage Data for Canada and the Prairies, 2001

Table 12: Crop Land Area (Wheat)

Table 13: Crop Land Area (Oats, Barley, Mixed Grain, Corn for Grain)

Table 14: Crop Land Area (Buckwheat, Corn for Silage, Alfalfa, Tame Hay and Fodder crops)

Table 15: Crop Land Area (Canola, Flaxseed, Soybeans, Potatoes)

Table 16: Crop Land Area (Peas, Lentils, Beans)

Table 17: Total area for Vegetables and Fruit

Table 18: Greenhouses

Table 19: Cows in Canada, 2001

Table 20: Pigs in Canada, 2001

Table 21: Chickens and Turkeys in Canada, 2001

Table 23: Number of Farms in Canada – Under 129 acres (2001)

Table 24: Number of Farms in Canada- Under 399 acres (2001)

Table 25: Number of Farms in Canada – Under 1,599 acres (2001)

Table 26: Number of Farms in Canada – Over 3520 acres (2001)

Table 27: Average Farm Input Prices for Alberta ($)

Table 28: Machinery and heating costs in 2000 for Saskatchewan (thousand $)

Table 29:Barley average yields under direct seeding and conventional tillage in the Dark Brown Soil Zone (bu/ac)

Table 30:Comparison of tillage, seeding and spraying operation costs for a 2000-acre farm

Table 31: Herbicide costs for canola and wheat under various tillage systems

Table 32: Average rates of fuel consumption for year-round operation of three fuel-type tractors.

Table 33: Average energy-use rates and fuel requirements for farming tasks.

Table 34: Fuel requirement comparison of moldboard plow vs. stubble mulch system for wheat production. Diesel fuel, gal/acre*

This report contains data, articles and reports on various facets on agricultural energy use in Canada.

For further details please contact CAEEDAC at the University of Saskatchewan.


College of Agriculture

University of Saskatchewan

51 Campus Drive

Saskatoon, Sask.

Canada S7N 5A8

Telephone: (306) 966-4025

Fax: (306) 966-8413


Agriculture: An energy-consuming sub sector of the industrial sector that consists of all facilities and equipment engaged in growing crops and raising animals.

Industrial sector: An energy-consuming sector that consists of all facilities and equipment used for producing, processing, or assembling goods. The industrial sector encompasses the following types of activity: manufacturing (NAICS codes 31-33); agriculture, forestry, and fisheries (NAICS code 11); mining, including oil and gas extraction (NAICS code 21); natural gas transmission (NAICS code 2212); and construction (NAICS code 23). Overall energy use in this sector is largely for process heat and cooling and powering machinery, with lesser amounts used for facility heating, air conditioning, and lighting. Fossil fuels are also used as raw material inputs to manufactured products. Note: This sector includes generators that produce electricity and/or useful thermal output primarily to support the above-mentioned industrial activities.


Section 1: CANSIM Data

CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) is the Statistics Canada's computerized database of time series covering a wide variety of social and economic aspects of Canadian life. In April 2000 Statistics Canada released CANSIM II - an enhanced view of the CANSIM database, containing more series (over 1.2 million currently at CHASS, with more series being released with almost every weekly update from Statistics Canada).

The following Tables set out CANSIM data relating to prices and quantities of fuel used on farms in Canada and the individual provinces.

Table 1: Cansim series v735085: Average retail prices, diesel fuel in Toronto at self-service filling stations, monthly

1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002
Jan / 48.4 / 50.9 / 55.4 / 51.3 / 47.9 / 59.4 / 73.7 / 58.8
Feb / 48.4 / 50.9 / 54.7 / 50.8 / 47.9 / 69.7 / 72.2 / 58.1
Mar / 48.6 / 51.6 / 53.1 / 49.4 / 47.7 / 66.9 / 68.9 / 61.4
Apr / 48.9 / 53.8 / 53.3 / 49.4 / 48.2 / 62.7 / 68.2 / 61.5
May / 49.4 / 53.8 / 52.6 / 48.9 / 48.2 / 62.7 / 67.9 / 60.4
Jun / 49.4 / 53.5 / 52.5 / 48.4 / 48.2 / 64.4 / 68.0 / 61.4
Jul / 49.4 / 52.4 / 51.6 / 48.4 / 48.2 / 63.9 / 65.7 / 61.1
Aug / 49.4 / 51.6 / 53.2 / 48.2 / 50.9 / 64.4 / 65.3
Sep / 49.4 / 52.4 / 51.2 / 46.9 / 53.4 / 71.4 / 65.2
Oct / 49.4 / 54.6 / 51.2 / 46.9 / 54.9 / 71.7 / 63.4
Nov / 49.4 / 55.4 / 52.1 / 47.2 / 56.4 / 73.2 / 61.7
Dec / 50.1 / 55.4 / 52.1 / 47.9 / 59.4 / 77.4 / 59.8

Table 2: Cansim series v735085: Average retail prices, diesel fuel in Saskatoon at self-service filling stations, monthly

1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002
Jan / 48.3 / 50.9 / 54.9 / 55.9 / 53.4 / 56.9 / 70.4 / 56.4
Feb / 48.3 / 50.9 / 54.9 / 54.9 / 51.9 / 60.4 / 69.9 / 55.7
Mar / 49.9 / 50.9 / 54.9 / 54.9 / 51.9 / 60.9 / 69.9 / 58.4
Apr / 49.9 / 50.9 / 56.9 / 54.9 / 53.9 / 65.2 / 67.9 / 61.9
May / 49.9 / 52.9 / 56.9 / 54.9 / 53.9 / 63.2 / 68.9 / 61.9
Jun / 49.9 / 52.9 / 55.9 / 54.9 / 53.9 / 64.4 / 68.9 / 61.4
Jul / 49.9 / 52.9 / 55.9 / 54.9 / 53.9 / 65.7 / 68.9 / 62.2
Aug / 49.9 / 52.9 / 55.9 / 54.9 / 53.9 / 67.9 / 67.9
Sep / 49.9 / 52.9 / 55.9 / 52.9 / 53.9 / 67.9 / 68.4
Oct / 50.9 / 52.9 / 55.9 / 52.9 / 54.9 / 69.4 / 68.9
Nov / 50.9 / 52.9 / 55.9 / 53.4 / 56.4 / 69.4 / 63.9
Dec / 50.9 / 54.9 / 56.9 / 53.4 / 56.9 / 67.4 / 59.2

Table 3: Cansim series v735085: Average retail prices, diesel fuel in Calgary at self-service filling stations, monthly

1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002
Jan / 44.9 / 44.3 / 49.4 / 48.4 / 48.5 / 55.1 / 63.9 / 56.5
Feb / 44.9 / 44.3 / 49.9 / 47.9 / 48.5 / 56.2 / 63.7 / 53.5
Mar / 43.9 / 44.8 / 49.4 / 47.9 / 48.3 / 57.2 / 63.5 / 53.2
Apr / 43.9 / 45.1 / 49.2 / 47.9 / 48.9 / 57.7 / 61.9 / 56.9
May / 44.4 / 46.5 / 48.9 / 47.9 / 48.5 / 56.4 / 61.4 / 57.4
Jun / 44.6 / 46.6 / 48.9 / 47.7 / 48.9 / 59.2 / 63.7 / 57.7
Jul / 44.6 / 46.4 / 48.7 / 47.2 / 48.7 / 60.4 / 62.9 / 56.9
Aug / 44.6 / 46.4 / 48.4 / 47.2 / 49.3 / 59.9 / 60.9
Sep / 44.3 / 47.4 / 48.4 / 48.5 / 50.1 / 61.2 / 63.9
Oct / 44.3 / 47.2 / 48.4 / 48.5 / 51.9 / 64.2 / 63.9
Nov / 44.4 / 48.2 / 48.4 / 48.5 / 51.7 / 64.4 / 59.2
Dec / 44.3 / 49.4 / 48.4 / 48.5 / 55.1 / 64.7 / 57.3

Table 4 sets out the CANSIM Series that relate to the use of energy on farms. Table 5 provides the data for diesel use on farms. All the other energy use data is available by accessing CANSIM Table 1280003 and calling up the relevant Series.

Table 4: Cansim Table 1280003: Series Numbers For The Supply And Demand Of Primary And Secondary Energy In Natural Units For Agriculture – Canada.

  • Propane; [v2890522]
  • Natural gas; [v340959]
  • Gas plant natural gas liquids (ngl's); [v340960]
  • Primary electricity, hydro and nuclear; [v340961]
  • Steam; [v340962]
  • Total refined petroleum products; [v340963]
  • Motor gasoline; [v341222]
  • Kerosene and stove oil; [v341223]
  • Diesel fuel oil; [v341224]
  • Light fuel oil; [v341225]
  • Heavy fuel oil; [v341226]
  • Non-energy products; [v341327]
  • Lubricating oils and greases; [v341328]

Table 5: Cansim Table 1280003: Series Numbers For The Supply And Demand Of Diesel In Thousands Cubic Meters For Agriculture – Provinces.

  • Atlantic provinces; diesel fuel oil; agriculture [v341784]
  • Quebec; diesel fuel oil; agriculture [v343475]
  • Ontario; diesel fuel oil; agriculture [v344067]
  • Manitoba; diesel fuel oil; agriculture [v344558]
  • Saskatchewan; diesel fuel oil; agriculture [v344944]
  • Alberta; diesel fuel oil; agriculture [v345419]
  • British columbia; diesel fuel oil; agriculture [v345962]

Table 6 continued: Cansim Table 1280003: Series Numbers For The Supply And Demand Of Diesel In Thousands Cubic Meters For Agriculture – Provinces.

Atlantic provinces

Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1995 9.0 12.5 14.0 10.5
1996 4.5 11.1 14.8 12.2
1997 5.8 12.6 14.8 11.6
1998 6.3 14.4 15.8 12.0
1999 10.9 15.2 18.2 12.2
2000 13.2 14.3 15.4 14.5
2001 20.1 27.7 n/a n/a


Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1995 34.6 44.8 38.6 40.2
1996 23.7 37.3 40.7 37.6
1997 32.4 36.4 42.7 48.2
1998 32.5 41.1 48.1 45.7
1999 36.0 41.0 47.9 52.6
2000 36.5 51.0 47.0 63.3
2001 50.7 53.3 n/a n/a


Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1995 52.6 86.3 107.7 107.1
1996 79.7 108.7 109.6 115.4
1997 84.0 118.3 119.0 122.3
1998 89.8 119.7 129.2 129.3
1999 108.0 121.1 138.7 131.5
2000 116.1 118.4 139.1 99.0
2001 89.5 103.0 n/a n/a


Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1995 52.6 86.3 107.7 107.1
1996 79.7 108.7 109.6 115.4
1997 84.0 118.3 119.0 122.3
1998 89.8 119.7 129.2 129.3
1999 108.0 121.1 138.7 131.5
2000 116.1 118.4 139.1 99.0
2001 89.5 103.0 n/a n/a


Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1995 83.3 222.4 233.2 177.0
1996 84.5 248.5 241.2 203.7
1997 93.7 274.8 271.6 182.9
1998 86.8 241.6 241.6 138.4
1999 84.5 222.7 242.6 172.8
2000 90.7 241.3 242.2 154.8
2001 88.2 184.7 n/a n/a


Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1995 108.2 192.1 167.2 148.8
1996 119.6 182.7 169.9 193.3
1997 130.3 186.8 208.3 194.0
1998 156.8 206.4 251.3 194.1
1999 156.1 202.2 256.3 204.5
2000 176.5 222.4 264.5 219.4
2001 160.8 148.3 n/a n/a

British Columbia

Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1995 24.9 39.7 36.0 13.8
1996 35.4 31.2 37.3 34.6
1997 34.4 31.3 38.2 34.4
1998 33.7 31.1 37.3 33.8
1999 32.2 33.5 39.5 34.0
2000 33.8 33.4 49.5 48.3
2001 58.9 27.0 n/a n/a

Table 6: Cansim Series V622868: Natural Gas Used In Saskatchewan Agriculture (Terajoules)

1990 / 1991 / 1992 / 1993 / 1994 / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000
1067 / 991 / 966 / 1084 / 1623 / 1992 / 2154 / 2008 / 1969 / 1789 / 1925
866 / 758 / 648 / 935 / 880 / 935 / 1019 / 849 / 729 / 903 / 627
754 / 697 / 950 / 1988 / 1616 / 1199 / 1600 / 1514 / 1403 / 1511 / 940
1611 / 1466 / 1674 / 1481 / 1544 / 1589 / 2097 / 1740 / 1206 / 1862 / 1542
4298 / 3912 / 4238 / 5488 / 5663 / 5715 / 6870 / 6111 / 5307 / 6065 / 5034

Other data related to natural gas use can be found by consulting the CANSIM database at

Section II: 2001 Agricultural Census Data

Table 7: Tractors in Canada and Provinces, 2001

Total tractors / Under 100 hp / From 100 to 149 hp / Over 149 hp
Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number
Canada / 225,622 / 732,521 / 204,929 / 524,172 / 93,282 / 128,601 / 58,039 / 79,747
N'land / 460 / 1,005 / 441 / 908 / 50 / 71 / 24 / 26
PEI / 1,723 / 5,209 / 1,622 / 3,920 / 498 / 1,051 / 121 / 238
NS / 3,423 / 8,869 / 3,312 / 8,092 / 408 / 607 / 129 / 170
NB / 2,765 / 7,864 / 2,629 / 6,511 / 567 / 1,094 / 170 / 259
PQ / 29,944 / 100,846 / 29,001 / 84,137 / 8,589 / 12,353 / 3,113 / 4,356
Ont. / 55,449 / 183,704 / 53,709 / 154,148 / 16,118 / 21,673 / 5,695 / 7,883
Man. / 19,665 / 69,209 / 17,662 / 44,878 / 10,242 / 14,119 / 7,222 / 10,212
Sask. / 45,999 / 151,461 / 37,813 / 83,232 / 27,959 / 37,486 / 23,308 / 30,743
Alta / 49,075 / 163,404 / 42,879 / 103,877 / 25,450 / 35,382 / 17,034 / 24,146
BC / 17,119 / 40,948 / 15,861 / 34,470 / 3,401 / 4,764 / 1,223 / 1,714

Table 8: Trucks, Vans and Pick-ups in Canada, 2001

Total farm trucks / Pick-ups and cargo vans / Other farm trucks
Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number
Canada / 213,389 / 492,669 / 206,181 / 326,190 / 94,806 / 166,479
N'land / 487 / 785 / 465 / 633 / 97 / 152
PEI / 1,624 / 4,494 / 1,521 / 2,165 / 746 / 2,329
NS / 3,055 / 4,937 / 2,889 / 3,820 / 771 / 1,117
NB / 2,432 / 4,854 / 2,311 / 3,168 / 742 / 1,686
PQ / 23,773 / 32,855 / 22,900 / 27,949 / 3,554 / 4,906
Ont / 47,268 / 72,026 / 45,881 / 58,863 / 8,530 / 13,163
Man. / 19,831 / 51,784 / 19,117 / 30,942 / 12,067 / 20,842
Sask. / 48,188 / 142,802 / 46,545 / 80,992 / 34,642 / 61,810
Alta / 50,430 / 149,154 / 48,908 / 95,160 / 29,390 / 53,994
BC / 16,301 / 28,980 / 15,644 / 22,499 / 4,267 / 6,480

Table 9: Combines, Swathers, Balers in Canada, 2001

Combines / Swathers/mower / Balers / Forage harvesters
Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number
Canada / 96,835 / 115,803 / 133,196 / 185,208 / 116,081 / 147,648 / 26,006 / 29,106
N'land / 4 / 5 / 147 / 163 / 202 / 234 / 31 / 39
PEI / 712 / 808 / 856 / 918 / 1,074 / 1,438 / 264 / 312
NS / 306 / 318 / 1,262 / 1,411 / 1,795 / 2,294 / 415 / 482
NB / 591 / 636 / 1,289 / 1,465 / 1,622 / 2,168 / 368 / 413
PQ / 5,713 / 5,973 / 13,861 / 16,181 / 16,875 / 20,484 / 6,066 / 6,610
Ont / 16,478 / 17,677 / 23,093 / 26,240 / 27,708 / 35,385 / 10,080 / 11,378
Man. / 11,813 / 14,673 / 14,730 / 21,785 / 10,622 / 13,518 / 1,193 / 1,353
Sask. / 34,576 / 42,474 / 37,558 / 57,731 / 21,742 / 27,089 / 1,923 / 2,065
Alta / 25,383 / 31,705 / 33,731 / 51,060 / 27,772 / 36,242 / 4,259 / 4,711
BC / 1,259 / 1,535 / 6,669 / 8,254 / 6,669 / 8,796 / 1,407 / 1,743

Source for Tables 1/3:

Table 10: aggregated Fuels Expenses, Canada and the Provinces, 2001

All fuel expenses
Farms / $ Amount
Canada / 236,513 / 1,908,825,580
N'land / 591 / 3,587,279
PEI / 1,767 / 16,527,574
NS / 3,710 / 20,495,569
NB / 2,904 / 19,515,707
PQ / 30,777 / 207,931,146
Ont. / 56,702 / 417,469,144
Man. / 20,513 / 200,624,798
Sask. / 49,102 / 472,149,647
Alta / 51,780 / 437,049,021
BC / 18,667 / 113,475,695

Source: Stats Can:

Table 11:Tillage Data for Canada and the Prairies, 2001

Total land prepared for seeding / Tillage incorporating most of the crop residue into the soil / Tillage retaining most of the crop residue on the surface / No-till seeding or zero-till seeding
Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares
Canada / 167,325 / 29,733,423 / 116,647 / 12,039,711 / 46,725 / 8,870,230 / 36,740 / 8,823,482
Man. / 14,876 / 3,922,963 / 10,250 / 2,136,840 / 4,682 / 1,280,381 / 1,996 / 505,742
Sask. / 44,009 / 14,094,297 / 24,253 / 4,573,043 / 14,489 / 4,061,610 / 13,248 / 5,459,644
Alta. / 35,006 / 7,472,837 / 22,041 / 2,770,921 / 10,863 / 2,650,889 / 6,490 / 2,051,027

Source: Stats Can:

Table 12: Crop Land Area (Wheat)

Total wheat / Spring wheat
(Excluding durum) / Durum wheat / Winter wheat
/ Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares
Canada / 72,778 / 10,860,220 / 57,811 / 8,301,605 / 13,226 / 2,136,485 / 12,023 / 422,130
N’land / 6 / 9 / 6 / 9 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
PEI / 221 / 11,506 / 202 / 9,832 / 0 / 0 / 46 / 1,674
NS / 121 / 2,948 / 65 / 1,057 / 0 / 0 / 81 / 1,890
NB / 111 / 4,165 / 100 / 3,648 / 0 / 0 / 19 / 517
PQ / 1,743 / 34,298 / 1,646 / 32,796 / 0 / 0 / 123 / 1,503
Ont. / 11,565 / 271,486 / 2,503 / 50,779 / 0 / 0 / 9,570 / 220,707
Man. / 9,447 / 1,587,197 / 9,241 / 1,494,772 / 181 / 17,064 / 869 / 75,361
Sask. / 33,577 / 6,144,380 / 29,003 / 4,328,118 / 10,785 / 1,729,541 / 862 / 86,721
Alta / 15,596 / 2,773,147 / 14,725 / 2,350,930 / 2,249 / 389,674 / 384 / 32,543
BC / 391 / 31,084 / 320 / 29,665 / 11 / 205 / 69 / 1,214

Table 13: Crop Land Area (Oats, Barley, Mixed Grain, Corn for Grain)

Oats / Barley /
Mixed grains
/ Corn for grain
Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares
Canada / 45,817 / 1,890,131 / 60,467 / 4,696,808 / 13,187 / 362,882 / 27,842 / 1,299,506
N’land / 26 / 64 / 3 / 5 / 9 / 147 / 0 / 0
PEI / 325 / 5,297 / 725 / 38,609 / 285 / 6,536 / 36 / 1,003
NS / 410 / 2,733 / 317 / 4,768 / 64 / 618 / 94 / 2,778
NB / 687 / 8,623 / 438 / 17,804 / 64 / 883 / 35 / 478
PQ / 5,894 / 93,258 / 7,275 / 159,443 / 1,721 / 30,880 / 7,656 / 435,676
Ont. / 4,550 / 41,144 / 7,498 / 124,938 / 7,063 / 88,329 / 19,244 / 810,595
Man. / 6,451 / 366,082 / 6,006 / 471,739 / 351 / 12,634 / 542 / 44,706
Sask. / 14,316 / 788,159 / 20,013 / 1,860,762 / 1,003 / 56,471 / 79 / 1,155
Alta / 12,074 / 552,264 / 17,548 / 1,983,805 / 2,508 / 163,563 / 70 / 2,031
BC / 1,084 / 32,507 / 644 / 34,934 / 119 / 2,821 / 86 / 1,084

Table 14: Crop Land Area (Buckwheat, Corn for Silage, Alfalfa, Tame Hay and Fodder crops)

Buckwheat / Corn for silage / Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures / All other tame hay and fodder crops
Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares
Canada / 954 / 18,161 / 15,815 / 235,962 / 90,690 / 4,503,943 / 65,014 / 2,810,325
N’land / 0 / 0 / 6 / 138 / 68 / 1,087 / 254 / 5,361
PEI / 10 / 20 / 132 / 1,568 / 356 / 12,327 / 1,111 / 45,758
NS / 17 / 38 / 204 / 3,005 / 573 / 12,831 / 1,861 / 62,084
NB / 29 / 250 / 125 / 2,006 / 333 / 10,417 / 1,659 / 68,058
PQ / 178 / 1,416 / 4,475 / 52,072 / 7,965 / 235,226 / 14,615 / 545,113
Ont. / 287 / 2,404 / 9,365 / 129,242 / 26,166 / 651,871 / 14,171 / 361,472
Man. / 333 / 12,231 / 563 / 20,326 / 10,105 / 657,735 / 3,852 / 219,567
Sask. / 64 / 1,701 / 91 / 1,762 / 17,297 / 1,142,343 / 7,238 / 374,849
Alta / 6 / 72 / 291 / 14,898 / 23,459 / 1,584,590 / 14,399 / 922,589
BC / 30 / 28 / 563 / 10,945 / 4,368 / 195,516 / 5,854 / 205,475

Table 15: Crop Land Area (Canola, Flaxseed, Soybeans, Potatoes)

Canola (rapeseed) / Flaxseed / Soybeans / Potatoes
Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares
Canada / 33,283 / 3,782,906 / 9,467 / 666,673 / 24,729 / 1,082,547 / 3,887 / 169,475
N’land / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 152 / 255
PEI / 0 / 0 / 1 / x / 89 / 2,813 / 468 / 43,256
NS / 0 / 0 / 1 / x / 37 / 772 / 111 / 2,070
NB / 6 / 195 / 1 / x / 13 / 328 / 374 / 23,620
PQ / 175 / 3,832 / 38 / 471 / 4,522 / 148,070 / 640 / 19,097
Ont. / 432 / 14,746 / 48 / 802 / 19,706 / 909,922 / 876 / 17,562
Man. / 6,413 / 757,744 / 2,799 / 176,656 / 346 / 20,249 / 225 / 31,398
Sask. / 16,922 / 1,906,171 / 6,297 / 472,437 / 11 / 359 / 214 / 5,102
Alta / 9,162 / 1,076,670 / 279 / 16,276 / 5 / 36 / 434 / 23,610
BC / 173 / 23,548 / 3 / 23 / 0 / 0 / 393 / 3,507

Table 16: Crop Land Area (Peas, Lentils, Beans)

Dry field peas / Lentils / Total dry field beans / Dry white beans / Chick peas
Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares
Canada / 14,324 / 1,340,431 / 5,891 / 703,800 / 7,205 / 663,031 / 1,762 / 84,222 / 4,134 / 482,429
N’land / 3 / x / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
PEI / 1 / x / 0 / 0 / 4 / 56 / 2 / x / 0 / 0
NS / 1 / x / 0 / 0 / 12 / 55 / 4 / 5 / 0 / 0
NB / 3 / 13 / 1 / x / 6 / 27 / 4 / 14 / 0 / 0
PQ / 53 / 943 / 8 / 11 / 261 / 6,682 / 90 / 2,024 / 9 / 51
Ont. / 102 / 1,265 / 2 / x / 1,529 / 49,299 / 987 / 23,698 / 10 / 81
Man. / 739 / 59,789 / 43 / 2,559 / 886 / 97,193 / 563 / 50,691 / 12 / 374
Sask. / 10,477 / 1,029,018 / 5,731 / 693,212 / 3,818 / 448,996 / 32 / 1,452 / 3,718 / 443,575
Alta / 2,874 / 246,137 / 103 / 7,952 / 677 / 60,705 / 77 / 6,309 / 385 / 38,347
BC / 71 / 3,249 / 3 / x / 12 / 17 / 3 / x / 0 / 0

Table 17: Total area for Vegetables and Fruit

Total vegetables / Total producing area of fruits, berries and nuts
Farms / Hectares / Farms / Hectares
Canada / 9,829 / 133,851 / 12,127 / 76,865
N’land / 189 / 440 / 84 / 341
PEI / 124 / 1,008 / 166 / 1,566
NS / 404 / 3,546 / 1,080 / 10,247
NB / 220 / 1,028 / 534 / 5,051
PQ / 2,114 / 43,501 / 1,881 / 17,411
Ont. / 3,938 / 68,856 / 3,238 / 23,155
Man. / 258 / 2,053 / 293 / 364
Sask. / 271 / 397 / 323 / 480
Alta / 509 / 5,744 / 542 / 805
BC / 1,802 / 7,277 / 3,986 / 17,444

Table 18: Greenhouses

Total area under glass, plastic or other protection / Greenhouse flowers / Greenhouse vegetables / Other greenhouse products
Farms / Square metres / Farms / Square metres / Farms / Square metres / Farms / Square metres
Canada / 6,073 / 18,352,644 / 4,024 / 8,455,634 / 2,532 / 7,734,154 / 1,043 / 1,744,172
Nland / 110 / 58,939 / 80 / 49,667 / 47 / 6,003 / 9 / 2,037
PEI / 42 / 39,356 / 18 / 23,946 / 25 / 10,473 / 6 / 2,677
NS / 207 / 282,472 / 149 / 174,578 / 80 / 89,847 / 34 / 14,291
NB / 149 / 195,093 / 104 / 136,358 / 67 / 20,096 / 25 / 35,635
PQ / 1,159 / 2,514,704 / 702 / 1,395,989 / 597 / 901,762 / 186 / 120,086
Ont. / 2,012 / 9,139,267 / 1,359 / 4,056,418 / 681 / 4,434,030 / 351 / 478,850
Man. / 235 / 235,412 / 204 / 197,760 / 120 / 15,372 / 19 / 17,903
Sask. / 298 / 220,181 / 244 / 156,025 / 142 / 26,482 / 21 / 34,170
Alta / 569 / 1,024,698 / 411 / 467,357 / 252 / 338,603 / 64 / 174,774
BC / 1,292 / 4,642,522 / 753 / 1,797,536 / 521 / 1,891,485 / 328 / 863,750

Table 19: Cows in Canada, 2001

Total cattle
and calves / Bulls, 1 year and over / Total cows / Dairy cows / Beef cows
Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number
Canada / 122,066 / 15,551,449 / 78,816 / 260,218 / 108,684 / 5,863,365 / 21,911 / 1,060,965 / 90,066 / 4,802,400
N’land / 171 / 9,483 / 86 / 145 / 122 / 5,357 / 63 / 4,708 / 63 / 649
PEI / 1,072 / 84,791 / 488 / 774 / 863 / 27,874 / 359 / 14,623 / 559 / 13,251
NS / 1,705 / 108,401 / 1,001 / 1,545 / 1,561 / 50,418 / 443 / 23,918 / 1,205 / 26,500
NB / 1,421 / 91,176 / 866 / 1,310 / 1,282 / 39,375 / 369 / 18,978 / 979 / 20,397
PQ / 16,100 / 1,362,788 / 7,519 / 13,626 / 14,718 / 615,058 / 9,115 / 407,206 / 6,130 / 207,852
Ont. / 28,209 / 2,140,731 / 13,896 / 24,435 / 22,774 / 739,564 / 7,557 / 363,544 / 16,179 / 376,020
Man. / 11,333 / 1,424,427 / 8,724 / 27,045 / 10,591 / 605,707 / 853 / 42,407 / 10,089 / 563,300
Sask. / 22,555 / 2,899,502 / 17,684 / 62,744 / 21,314 / 1,245,352 / 686 / 30,136 / 20,987 / 1,215,216
Alta / 31,774 / 6,615,201 / 24,299 / 111,379 / 29,237 / 2,183,332 / 1,422 / 84,044 / 28,510 / 2,099,288
BC / 7,726 / 814,949 / 4,253 / 17,215 / 6,222 / 351,328 / 1,044 / 71,401 / 5,365 / 279,927

Table 20: Pigs in Canada, 2001

Total pigs / Boars / Sows and gilts for breeding / Nursing pigs / Grower and finishing pigs
Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number / Farms / Number
Canada / 15,472 / 13,958,772 / 7,615 / 45,771 / 8,542 / 1,410,724 / 7,720 / 4,729,595 / 12,041 / 7,772,682
N’land / 31 / 2,689 / 20 / 38 / 21 / 339 / 14 / 717 / 16 / 1,595
PEI / 193 / 126,065 / 131 / 526 / 133 / 12,881 / 119 / 39,840 / 146 / 72,818
NS / 196 / 124,935 / 94 / 479 / 115 / 10,528 / 88 / 39,461 / 148 / 74,467
NB / 195 / 137,006 / 95 / 372 / 104 / 13,027 / 90 / 47,605 / 149 / 76,002
PQ / 2,743 / 4,267,365 / 1,496 / 8,504 / 1,557 / 401,562 / 1,613 / 1,335,356 / 2,146 / 2,521,943
Ont. / 4,972 / 3,457,346 / 2,560 / 13,188 / 2,802 / 356,172 / 2,639 / 1,280,456 / 3,968 / 1,807,530
Man. / 1,668 / 2,540,220 / 770 / 7,778 / 854 / 288,398 / 797 / 958,446 / 1,339 / 1,285,598
Sask. / 1,677 / 1,109,797 / 761 / 4,678 / 939 / 109,031 / 690 / 280,666 / 1,310 / 715,422
Alta / 2,677 / 2,027,533 / 1,398 / 9,324 / 1,613 / 200,478 / 1,328 / 685,282 / 2,083 / 1,132,449
BC / 1,120 / 165,816 / 290 / 884 / 404 / 18,308 / 342 / 61,766 / 736 / 84,858

Table 21: Chickens and Turkeys in Canada, 2001

Total hens + chickens / Turkeys / Other poultry
Farms / Number of birds / Farms / Number of birds / Farms / Number of birds
Canada / 26,484 / 126,159,529 / 4,176 / 8,115,942 / 7,456 / 5,311,918
N’land / 74 / 1,720,697 / 26 / x / 32 / 592
PEI / 169 / 365,182 / 21 / x / 59 / 1,461
NS / 560 / 4,084,846 / 108 / 196,730 / 178 / 6,441
NB / 305 / 3,487,452 / 52 / 100,629 / 78 / 4,079
PQ / 2,144 / 29,212,229 / 357 / 1,747,067 / 624 / 2,617,510
Ont. / 8,306 / 43,624,696 / 1,159 / 3,402,697 / 2,305 / 1,433,518
Man. / 1,628 / 7,985,741 / 198 / 694,248 / 445 / 112,067
Sask. / 3,045 / 4,683,093 / 541 / 279,002 / 722 / 68,710
Alta / 5,055 / 12,175,246 / 945 / 864,438 / 1,516 / 219,923
BC / 5,198 / 18,820,347 / 769 / 819,569 / 1,497 / 847,617

Table 22: Number of Farms in Canada – Under 129 acres (2001)

Farms / Under 10 ac / 10 to 69 ac / 70 to 129 ac
Canada / 246,923 / 12,600 / 33,586 / 28,006
N'land / 643 / 147 / 262 / 78
PEI / 1,845 / 78 / 287 / 282
NS / 3,923 / 352 / 816 / 629
NB / 3,034 / 202 / 473 / 421
PQ / 32,139 / 1,660 / 4,884 / 5,232
Ont. / 59,728 / 2,860 / 12,516 / 14,262
Man. / 21,071 / 509 / 1,614 / 1,264
Sask. / 50,598 / 422 / 1,218 / 1,100
Alta / 53,652 / 1,118 / 4,098 / 3,041
BC / 20,290 / 5,252 / 7,418 / 1,697

Table 23: Number of Farms in Canada- Under 399 acres (2001)

130 to 179 ac / 180 to 239 ac / 240 to 399 ac
Canada / 29,283 / 14,511 / 33,118
N'land / 30 / 34 / 36
PEI / 198 / 186 / 336
NS / 364 / 380 / 620
NB / 267 / 328 / 546
PQ / 3,636 / 4,118 / 6,373
Ont. / 6,531 / 6,192 / 8,556
Man. / 2,121 / 663 / 2,609
Sask. / 5,529 / 698 / 5,633
Alta / 8,945 / 1,388 / 7,299
BC / 1,662 / 524 / 1,110

Table 24: Number of Farms in Canada – Under 1,599 acres (2001)

400 to 559 ac / 560 to 759 ac / 760 to 1,119 ac / 1,120 to 1,599 ac
Canada / 19,543 / 16,020 / 18,949 / 15,281
N'land / 22 / 13 / 6 / 5
PEI / 164 / 116 / 94 / 49
NS / 345 / 206 / 130 / 46
NB / 326 / 225 / 140 / 61
PQ / 3,022 / 1,588 / 1,041 / 383
Ont. / 3,936 / 2,173 / 1,548 / 665
Man. / 1,989 / 2,074 / 2,748 / 2,198
Sask. / 4,210 / 4,565 / 7,132 / 7,107
Alta / 4,986 / 4,600 / 5,625 / 4,382
BC / 543 / 460 / 485 / 385

Table 25: Number of Farms in Canada – Over 3520 acres (2001)

1,600 to 2,239 ac / 2,240 to 2,879 ac / 2,880 to 3,519 ac / 3,520 ac and over
Canada / 11,128 / 5,546 / 3,197 / 6,155
N'land / 4 / 2 / 2 / 2
PEI / 25 / 18 / 9 / 3
NS / 20 / 7 / 0 / 8
NB / 21 / 11 / 7 / 6
PQ / 137 / 34 / 13 / 18
Ont. / 288 / 83 / 55 / 63
Man. / 1,468 / 755 / 417 / 642
Sask. / 5,610 / 2,908 / 1,647 / 2,819
Alta / 3,297 / 1,594 / 971 / 2,308
BC / 258 / 134 / 76 / 286

Section III: Other Farm Data

Table 26: Average Farm Input Prices for Alberta ($)

ITEMS / APR 2001 / MAR 2002 / APR 2002
TRACTOR, 100-110 HP, 6 CYLINDER DIESEL, FWD / 84,124.57 / 93,563.13 / 94,053.77
TRACTOR, 300-325 HP, 6-8 CYLINDER DIESEL, 4WD / 159,202.42 / 202,252.38 / 201,235.92
COMBINE, SELF PROPELLED, DIESEL, 250-300 HP, 210-240 BU HOPPER / 224,877.56 / 259,622.64 / 260,545.99
AIR-DRILL, 40-42', WITH PACKER WHEELS, 325 BU TANK, NO VARIABLE RATE / n/a / 125,613.30 / 129,598.42
SPRAYER, PULL-TYPE, 800-900 GALLON TANK, 90-100' BOOM / n/a / 33,015.00 / 32,436.35
ROUND BALER, PULL-TYPE, P.T.O. DRIVEN, 5'X6' HARD CORE BALES / 37,956.15 / 38,957.32 / 38,806.87
DOUBLE DISC, HEAVY DUTY TANDEM, 19-21', 22" BLADES / 27,898.60 / 31,171.79 / 31,121.25
3/4 TON TRUCK, V-8, 302 OR 305, 4X4, 4 SPD AUTO TRANSMISSION / 23,990.27 / 32,750.35 / 32,697.91
FERTILIZER - 46-0-0, UREA, TONNE (BULK) / 430.57 / 341.00 / 339.65
FERTILIZER - 11-51-0, TONNE (BULK) / 419.78 / 376.73 / 402.10
PROPANE, LIQUIFIED, BULK, 100 LITRES / 45.35 / 28.76 / 31.31

Source: (

Prices reported by Wild Rose Agricultural Producers and compiled by Statistics and Data Development Unit - Maureen Wenger at (780) 422-2903.
Diesel fuel prices reflect deduction of Provincial Rebate

Farm Fuel: Saskatchewan

Farm Input Price Survey (FIPS, 2000)

The survey data are collected from a network of Saskatchewan farmers located throughout the province. Survey data are gathered directly from farmers’ transactions.

These results are a selection of the input products most frequently reported.

In addition to retail pricing policies, price variation can be affected by a variety of factors including purchase volumes, financial terms of purchase, transportation costs, seasonality, and range of varieties within a given product.

The average prices reported are weighted averages, which take into account volume purchased.

Results have been aggregated at the Provincial level.

By all measures, farm fuel products in the survey showed substantial increases in weighted average price from spring to fall.

The most widely used fuel input – diesel fuel – was up (16%) in the fourth quarter from the average second quarter price. Bulk regular gasoline rose (9%) in average price from the second to the fourth quarter.

The May/June to October/November comparisons showed similar increases in average price for diesel fuel (17%) and bulk gasoline (9%).

April to December price increases were larger for both diesel fuel (17%) and bulk gasoline (10%) than the quarterly price increases. This is partly a reflection of the fact that the ending prices (December) were still on the rise for both products, i.e., higher than the average price for the fourth quarter. The chart below shows the steady overall increase in prices for both products from April to December, despite a few small monthly declines.


Machinery and heating costs in Saskatchewan (2000)

Table 27: Machinery and heating costs in 2000 for Saskatchewan (thousand $)

1992 / 1993 / 1994 / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000
Heating Fuel / 18,835 / 21,348 / 22,841 / 22,864 / 24,922 / 23,724 / 22,775 / 25,736 / 30,574
Machinery Fuel / 389,200 / 409,287 / 416,194 / 419,148 / 429 627 / 433 987 / 381 909 / 397 185 / 504 425


All the statistical data collected by the department of Agriculture for Saskatchewan can be found at the following Web address:

Section IV: Energy Use on Farms – Documents and reports

Attachment A: The FARMDOC Project

The goal of the farmdoc (farm decision outreach central) project is to improve farm decision-making under risk through education and research. To meet this goal, the farmdoc website provides farmers with comprehensive and integrated risk management information and analysis. Articles, decision tools and databases related to a variety of risk management issues are found throughout the site. Subject matter sections cover finance, marketing and outlook, management, and law and taxation. Specialty sections are devoted to the AgMAS (Agricultural Market Advisory Services) Project and crop insurance.

Machinery costs for tractors, combines, and field equipment (in U.S. $’s) is attached.

Source: Attachment B: The Saskatchewan Custom Rate Guide

The Saskatchewan Custom Rate Guide gives detailed information regarding guidelines for machine ownership, operating costs, custom rates and rental rates for farm machinery. This information is provided as a guideline and should be interpreted and adjusted for individual situations. The costs calculated in this publication use the list price less a discount to arrive at an average selling price of a new machine. Machine companies may reduce the actual selling price of the machinery below their suggested retail prices. The intent of this publication is to estimate both the ownership (fixed) and operating (variable) costs of owning machinery. The farmer who has already invested in a machine for his or her own use may be in a position to do custom work for a neighbour for the suggested custom rate less some portion of the investment cost and still realize a return. A farmer doing work for a neighbour would need to charge at least enough to cover the operating (variable) costs of the equipment and an amount to cover labour costs.