11 DECEMBER 2007



To advise Members of the current situation regarding the following capital developments and the importance of having an integrated approach as these projects and programmes progress and to seek approval for widening the scope of the Schools for the Future Project Board to include oversight of all the above projects and programmes:-

  • Building Schools for the Future
  • Primary Capital Programme
  • Special Schools
  • Targeted Capital Project
  • Overall Capital Programme and Strategy


That Cabinet be recommended to:-

a)agree that the scope of the Schools for the Future Project Board be widened to include all of the Capital Projects and Programmes to effect a coherent transformation in education in Poole.

b)retain the role of the two portfolio holders within the Project Board as at present

c)note that officers will bring forward proposals to the next meeting to establish arrangements that will support the Project Board.

d)agree that, in order to meet the deadlines for these projects, it may be necessary to hold additional Board meetings in the coming months.



3.1Following consultation with schools and other partners, a Children’s Services Capital Strategy for 2007-2014 was presented to Children’s Services Overview Group on 7 January

2007, approved by Cabinet on 23 January 2007 and by Council on 15 February 2007.

The Strategy set out details of estimated income for 2007-2014 and estimated costs associated with implementing the Capital Programme, which included:

  • Delivering the Targeted Capital Fund project for the re-organisation of schools in central Poole
  • Progressing changing the age of transfer
  • Developing Special Schools as centres of excellence
  • Preparing and planning for Building Schools for the Future
  • Preparing and planning for the Primary Capital Programme

3.2Preparation for entering into Wave 6 of Building Schools for the Future (BSF) and for engaging with the Primary Capital Programme (PCP) is now reaching a crucial stage.

3.3Previously the Council’s decision to implement the change in the age of transfer for the Borough in 2013 together with the Targeted Capital Fund Project and developing Special Schools were the key drivers in the capital programme process. This is no longer the case. The timetables set by the Government for BSF and PCP are now driving the process. Nevertheless, the Strategy still aims to deliver the Council’s three other objectives (changing the age of transfer, TCB project and developing Special Schools)

However, the importance of having an integrated process to achieve these projects, cannot be over-stated.

3.4On 31 July 2007 the Children’s Services Overview Group recognised the need for an integrated Strategy and asked officers to submit proposals on ‘how the governance of the capital Strategy might be developed in order to further clarify the relationship of the capital programme to Project Boards, Children’s Services Overview Group, Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet.

3.5Internal Audit, in their Reports on the Rossmore and Hamworthy Pyramid Capital Projects issued in 2004 and on the Old Town First School and Nursery Capital Project issued in March 2007 identified weaknesses in the governance arrangements for projects which the proposals in this Report seek to address.

3.6This Report aims to inform Members of the current situation, in particular the timelines regarding BSF and PCP and the action required over the next nine months. The Report also makes proposals for governance arrangements for the whole Children’s Services Capital Strategy and programme.


4.1The current situation on the key projects together with timelines are set out in the following Appendices

Appendix A – Primary Capital Programme

Appendix B – Building Schools for the Future

Appendix C – Targeted Capital Project for central Poole

Appendix D – Development of Special Schools as centres of excellence

Appendix E–Changing the Age of Transfer in the Borough

4.2There is considerable work to be undertaken over the coming months. In particular Members will be asked to:

  • agree the rationale, outcomes and vision documents and structures for school organisations across the Primary and Secondary sectors.
  • agree to the consultations proposals for BSF and PCP
  • agree the proposed methodology for each consultation exercise.
  • agree the outcomes of the consultation and a way forward.
  • agree the methodology to be adopted as part of the Primary Capital Programme prioritisation
  • agree the scope of the master plans required as part of the preparation for the implementation of the Primary Capital Programme.
  • endorse the final documentation produced prior to its submission to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (PCP – end March 08, BSF – end May 2008)


5.1In accordance with the request of Children’s Services Overview Group (paragraph3.4), officers have considered the most efficient and effective means of delivering the Council’s Children’s Services Capital Strategy.

5.2The Appendices A - E to this Report provide some indication of the complexity of delivering the Strategy and the need for a coherent approach.

5.3Currently, Reports on the capital Strategy are submitted to Children’s Services Overview Group, Cabinet and Council. Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee may be involved in reviewing projects. In addition, BSF Reports are submitted to Poole’s Schools for the Future Steering Group, Poole’s Schools for the Future Project Board and the joint Bournemouth and Poole Building Schools for the Future Project Board.

5.4In order for Members and officers to have a greater focus and clearer understanding of the overall capital Strategy and the need for an integrated approach to the various projects within it over the coming years, it is proposed that the main committee for delivering the programme in Poole be the Schools for the Future Project Board. As the Portfolio Holders for both Children’s Services and Schools for the Future are members of this board it is proposed to retain their respective roles as defined. (See Appendix F for an overview on the current capital programme priorities)

5.5In addition to these priorities the Project Board would consider the annual cycle of:

  • School Organisational Plan
  • Schools Asset Management Plan and
  • Children’s Services Capital Strategy
  • Financial support to the Board would be provided through the Education Capital Monitoring Group which consists of both Children’s Services and Financial Services Officers.
  • In addition each project would have its own Project Board and Project Team to support the for of the Schools for the Future Project Board and typical terms of reference for these groups is detailed in Appendix G.
  • Major decisions would continue to be referred to Cabinet and Council as appropriate. Information Reports on overall progress of the Strategy will be submitted to Children’s Services Overview Group. Joint Reports on BSF will continue to be submitted to the Joint Bournemouth and Poole Building Schools for the Future Project Board.
  • If this approach is agreed by Members, officers will bring forward proposals on support arrangements for the Poole Schools for the Future Project Board.
  • Regular Reports will be submitted to the Project Board on a variety of projects and a typical template to be adopted for this Reporting mechanism is shown in Appendix H.

6.1Due to the importance, complexity, funding streams and consultation arrangements involved in delivering the various projects in the Children’s Services Capital Strategy to 2014, a coherent approach is crucial.

6.2Over the coming months a considerable amount of work needs to be undertaken to progress these major projects. Failure to deliver could put funding at risk and could result in abortive work and delay.

6.3It is important therefore, that there are mechanisms in place, not only to meet the forthcoming deadlines set out in the Appendices, but to provide a focus within the Authority and with our partners, to deliver the Strategy.




Stuart Twiss:Head of Children and Young People’s Services – Strategy, Quality and Improvement

Nicola Keynes:Senior Education Officer (Planning and Development)

Helen Rice:Project Manager ( Schools for the Future)

Appendix A – Primary Capital Programme

Appendix B – Building Schools for the Future

Appendix C – Targeted Capital Project for central Poole

Appendix D – Development of Special Schools as centres of excellence

Appendix E–Changing the Age of Transfer in the Borough

Appendix F– Children’s Services Capital Programme Overview

Appendix G – Typical Terms of reference for Project Board and Project Teams to administer individual capital projects

Appendix H –Typical Highlight Report Template



Primary Capital Programme

The Government set out its plans for a strategic and long-term capital investment programme for the Primary sector in the Every Child Matters: Primary Capital Programme consultation document issued by the DfES (now DCSF) in March 2006.

The overall aim of the Primary Capital Programme is to rebuild, remodel or improve at least half of all Primary schools nationally, ensuring that they are appropriately equipped for 21st Century learning at the heart of the community, with children’s services in reach of every family.

It is intended that the Primary Capital Programme will help achieve a number of national strategies already underway. It will particularly support “Every Child Matters: Change for Children” and the Primary Strategy. It also brings together the ten-year childcare Strategy, workforce Strategy, and ICT and extended schools programme.

The DCSF has confirmed that all local authorities will from 2009/10 begin to receive formulaic funding to commence the Every Child Matters: Primary Capital Programme in their respective area.

To ensure that investment is targeted at the areas of greatest need and is used to deliver the national aims and objectives of the Programme, the DCSF require all local authorities to take a strategic view of investment. This strategic plan, titled “A Primary Strategy for Change” will be developed by the local authority in consultation with stakeholders, and should cover:

a)A baseline analysis of the current provision within the authority. It should include the latest available school-level data on places, building condition, educational performance, deprivation and extended services.

b)The long term strategic aims of the local authority for Primary education and how future provision will be shaped using the Primary Capital Programme funding.

c)How the authority propose to approach this transformational change programme, including local issues that may influence future investment decisions eg. local challenges and priorities, planning, prioritisation, capacity building, design, ICT, procurement.

d)An initial investment plan to demonstrate how the authority will identify priorities and target investment over the initial four years of the Programme, in line with the long term aims of the Strategy.

In October 2007 guidance will be issued (still awaited) to all local authorities regarding the arrangements for completing and submitting these strategic plans. There will be a requirement for every local authority to submit a Strategy in order to release future funding allocations from the DCSF

Local authorities must consult on, and gain wide agreement to, their Primary Strategy for Change. The DCSF have indicated that as a minimum, consultation should include schools (including pupils), potential promoters of new Primary schools, children’s centres, parents, dioceses, trust and other promoters, primary care trusts and local childcare providers.

An external consultant has been appointed to lead on the preparation of the Primary Capital Programme Strategy for Change document. The consultant will work collaboratively with the Local Authority’s officers and schools to compile a comprehensive Strategy document that meets the requirements of the DCSF. The work will be:

  • To identify local need through the analysis of school-level data relating to school places; building condition/suitability (including ICT); educational performance; deprivation; and extended services.
  • To develop long-term strategic aims for primary capital investment based on local need and existing local priorities.
  • To develop in partnership with stakeholders a transparent methodology for the prioritisation of schools / projects within the investment plan.
  • To lead on defining the approach to change with particular reference to planning, monitoring and evaluation; achieving educational transformation; promoting inclusion; finance; procurement; design; capacity building.
  • To develop an investment plan setting out how the authority will target investment over the initial four years of the Programme.
  • To compile a recommendation for the policy to be contained within the Strategy for Change document.
  • To prepare the Strategy for Change documentation for presentation to the Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Timescale for key stages of the project:

October 2007Guidance issued to all local authorities

November 2007Working with schools and external partners to:

Analyse and assess data

Explore links with other funding streams

Agree method for prioritisation

December 2007Member approval to methodology for prioritisation and to undertake consultation on proposals for school re-organisation

January – mid Consultation with stakeholders on proposals for February 2008 school re-organisation

Draft Primary Strategy for Change Document and

Investment Plan

March 2008Member approval for adoption and submission of Primary Strategy for Change document

31 March 2008Deadline for submission of local strategies – the Primary Strategy for Change

June 2008Local strategies approved/confirmation of

Indicative allocations

April 2009Funding available



Building Schools for the Future (BSF)

BSF is the Government’s capital investment programme to rebuild and renew virtually all 3,500 Secondary schools in England over a 15 year period from 2005. In December 2006 the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) announced that Bournemouth and Poole’s joint submission had been allocated into Wave 6 of the BSF programme and will enter the programme in Spring 2008. This is a very ambitious and complex initiative. It is not just a building programme. It aims to create an opportunity to transform education in Secondary schools so as to:

  • improve learning and achievement for every child and young person;
  • enhance school diversity and parental choice;
  • increase the use of schools by the community;
  • use new thinking and opportunities and be creative in designing for learning;
  • seize opportunities through new technologies; and
  • produce places for learning that are exciting, flexible, healthy, safe, secure and environmentally sustainable.

Four Poole schools are in Wave 6 of BSF:

Ashdown Technology College

Rossmore Community College

Montacute School (Special school)

Winchelsea School (Special school)

Four Bournemouth schools are in Wave 6 of BSF:

Oakmead College of Technology

Kings High School

Glenmoor School

Winton Boys School

At the heart of BSF is the need for local authorities to develop a vision for education in their area that offers real innovation and enables teaching and learning to be transformed. In creating their education vision, or Strategy for Change, LA’s should consult with schools and other relevant stakeholders to assess their education needs – now and in the future. The Strategy for Change is expected to be ambitious and farsighted and will include:

  • School organisation (including an analysis of the projected number of school places)
  • Academies
  • Extended schools and community provision
  • Special school provision
  • Children’s Trusts
  • Secondary under-performance
  • Behaviour and attendance
  • Healthy schools
  • School workforce reform, continuing professional development and change management
  • 14-19 provision
  • ICT provision
  • PE and school sport provision
  • SEN and inclusion.

As part of building up the visionary documents within the school communities the National College for School Leadership (NSCL) have devised a BSF Leadership Programme.

This programme is designed to support school leaders with a development opportunity aligned with the Strategy for Change timeline. The main areas for consideration are:

  • Visioning for learning
  • Working effectively with designer and other stakeholders through the BSF process
  • Change management
  • Understanding the transformational power of technology

The programme is made up of five days contact time and seeks to cover the following areas in the agreed timeframe.

Phase 1 – Think scenarios, Rethink learning – 18 October 2007

Phase 2 - Building the vision – 5 / 6 December 2007.

Phase 3 - Changing the context – 10/11 March 2008

This timetable enables consultation as part of the BSF process to take place in January / February 2008.

Progress to date:

  • Agreed a joint Memorandum of Understanding between Poole and Bournemouth detailing joint working and governance arrangements.
  • Set up joint Project Board with Elected Members, Strategic Directors from both authorities and the interim project manager. (First meeting held).
  • Appointment of interim Project Manager.
  • Appointment of interim BSF Project Director being undertaken.
  • Meeting with Partnership for Schools (PfS) on Readiness to Deliver document.
  • Joint buy – in to NSCL programme with programme of events agreed. (Induction complete)

Work to be completed:

  • Compile Strategy document from NCSL programme and the outcome of the above contact days.
  • Undertake public consultation in Jan / Feb 08
  • Remit Meeting with PfS in February 2008 following public consultation.
  • Collate, compile and gain approval for strategic objectives to go into Strategy for Change Part 1 by end of March 08.
  • Compile Strategy for Change Part 1 documentation within 8 weeks of entering the BSF programme.
  • Achieve Gateway 0 with ministerial approval on submission of Strategy for Change Pt 1.
  • Compilation of Strategy for Change Part 2 – 6 months to complete this work after successful completion of Strategy for Change Part 1.