Questionnaire: Poole General Market

Summary of Results

Total Questionnaires sent out = approx 400

Returned Questionnaires = 43

Percentage responded 10%

Q1. Have you seen market in operation on Fridays?

Yes = 35

No = 8

81% had seen the market

Q2. Please state if you agree or disagree with the following statements about the current market operation?

of the 35 that had seen the market in operation

Strongly / Disagree / No feelings
either way / Agree / Agree
Strongly / No
a. Market is in a good location / 9 / 8 / 4 / 12 / 0 / 2
b. Market does not compete with my business / 4 / 0 / 2 / 20 / 7 / 2
c. Market provides a new feature to Poole / 3 / 1 / 5 / 19 / 6 / 1
d. Market should be allowed to continue. / 2 / 4 / 2 / 16 / 7 / 4
e. Market helps bring more people to the town centre / 3 / 8 / 5 / 13 / 5 / 1
f. Market should trade on more than one day a week / 8 / 8 / 4 / 10 / 3 / 2
g. This is a quality market operation. / 7 / 9 / 10 / 6 / 1 / 2

Q3 – Do you think Poole should have a general market?

Yes = 38

No = 5

88% were in favour

NB: 2 gave no response although they answered the questions that followed!

So have added to yes response?

Q4 – The Market should be bigger in size, offering more products?

Of the 38 that said Poole should have a general market

35 answered Yes

3 did not respond either way

Q5- Where do you think a general market should be located in Poole?

Yes / No
a) Town Square / 6 / 2
b) Falkland Square / 9 / 1
c) Old Orchard / 7 / 5
d) The Quay / 7 / 7
e) The High Street / 26 / 2
f) Other / Car park behind station (1)
Rear of Sainsburys in car park (1)
Lower End of High Street (2)

Q6 – When do you think the Market should be open?

am / pm / either
Monday / 3 / 4
Tuesday / 5 / 5
Wednesday / 7 / 6
Thursday / 8 / 6
Friday / 6 / 1 / 5
Saturday / 4 / 5
Sunday / 2 / 5

Q7 – Please state your reasons why should/should not be a general market in Poole?

Summary of respondents: (number in brackets who made similar comments)


  • Market should be situated in lower end of High Street to draw customers down to this end of town. (5)
  • Close Lower High Street for Market Day, nothing to attract people to Quay area (2)
  • This would create a bridge between Dolphin Shopping Centre and Dolphin Quays. (1).
  • Not High Street as clutters access and prevents clear views of existing shops (2).
  • Locate at railway station so fits in with park and ride scheme (1)


  • Market will increase footfall in town and will bring in more business opportunities (3)
  • Successful markets widen economic profile and attract visitors (2)

Type of market

  • Quality must be maintained (5).
  • Specialised markets e.g. farmers, craft not competing with primary traders (2)
  • Sunday Market also useful to increase trade in quieter times (2)


  • Will bring an added dimension to town (2)
  • Other local markets cause upheaval in towns, don’t pay rates or clear up mess, market traders come and go (2)
  • Gives greater sense of community, traditional feel to town (2)
  • Image of Poole should be bought more up market, street cafes instead of markets (2)

List of responses

Volcano, High Street

Sainsburys Pitwines

Poole Music Centre, Falkland Square

Yummys Poole, High Street

Contessa, Kingland Crescent

Piplers, Poole Quay

Rosebys, High Street

Ottakars, Falkland Square

Pemberleys Tea & Coffee Shop, High Street

Topshop, Dolphin Centre

BHS, Dolphin Centre

Bath Travel, Dolphin Centre

Discount Health Store, Dolphin Centre

Marc Young Hairdressing, Dolphin Centre

Bewise, Pitwines Retail Park

Reel-Time, High Street

Dallor, High Street

Age Concern, High Street

ESL Souveniers, Lower High Street

Poole Trophies, Lower High Street

Castle Books, North Street

Apollo 2000, Pitwines Retail Park

Woolwich, High Street

Piknik Café, High Street

Kall Kwik, High Street

Mk One, High Street

J A Hawkes, High Street

Samritz Coffee Shop, High Street

County Bookshops, High Street

Beales, Dolphin Centre

Lunn Poly, High Street

Burgundy, High Street

The Works, High Street

Leighton Opticians, High Street

Robert Dyas, High Street

Shoe Repairs Plus, High Street

Longs Seafood, Chapel Lane

6 anonymous returned forms.