June 2012
The Space Park Golf Club Newsletter will be sent by email to all members. If any members would notlike to receive this newsletter, please contact Winson Lam @ 310-812-0488 or
2012 Board of DirectorsPresident / Winson Lam /
VP Handicaps / Kathy Broten /
VP Tournaments / Evan Nguyen /
Asst VP Tournaments / Vince Louie /
VP Leagues / Gary O’Bryan /
Treasurer / Linda Oliver /
Secretary / Frank Suh /
SCGA Delegate / David Pisarski /
Director at Large / OPEN
- SPGC News
- 2012 SPGC Index report & analysis
- Tournament of Champions Point Totals
- Tournament Results
- Tournament Schedule
- Tournament Sign-up Forms
- 2012 Membership Application Form
- SPGC Addendum to the Code of Conduct and SPSC Code of Conduct Form
Tournament Sign-Ups
Golf Course /Sign up date
Harding (Griffith Park) /June 25, 2012
Brookside (Fri) /July 2, 2012
Space Park Golf Club News
- Welcome New Members: David Aki, Martin Hoover, Paul Pohlen, George Umlauf
- June 2012 Board Meeting Notes:
- The Club will participate in the July 18th Employee Appreciation Day event
- 2013 TOC will be in Pala Mesa with a 2 round/1 night package (Participants will be limited to 24 players)
- TTN will be published in .doc format
- SPGC will participate in a “Ryder Cup” style competition against other local clubs
- “Ryder Cup” Tournament:
American Golf has invited the Club to participate in the inaugural friendly “Ryder Cup” competition with other local SoCal clubs. This is a good chance for some of the smaller clubs to meet and play with other local SCGA clubs and members. This friendly competition is open to all Club members. However, it does not count as an official club tournament and points will not be awarded toward this year’s TOC. The final details are still in the work, but the date has been set for August 25th at Knollwood Country Club in Granada Hills, CA. The cost is $57 per player. Please contact Evan Nguyen at 310-812-4906 or if you are interested in participating.
- Open Board Position:The Director at Large position is still open. If interested in joining the Board, please contact any of the Board members.
Remember that our club is run by volunteers. One of the perksthese volunteer board members enjoy is preferred tee timesin all of the tournaments. The club needs someone to fill the Director at Large position. Please consider volunteering your time to make our club better.
- Posting Scores: Please remember to make any necessary ESC adjustment when entering your score after a round andto post your tournament scores as “Tournament.” If you have any problems or questions, contact our handicap chair, Kathy Broten @ 310-371-7108 or .
Equitable Stroke Control Chart
Course Handicap / Maximum Score0-9 / Double Bogey
10-19 / 7
20-29 / 8
30-39 / 9
40 or more / 10
- Tournament Hosts: All members are encouraged to step up and host a tournament.The VP of Tournaments (Evan Nguyen) will volunteer his time to help you through the process. If interested in hosting any of the OPEN tournaments, please contact Evan Nguyen at 310-812-4906 or . This is a great opportunity for members to “give back” to the club plus as host you’ll receive $50.00 off the tournament fee and have the first tee time.
12 Months / Name / Current HI / Low HI Last
12 Months
Aki, David / NH / NH / McCarroll, Mary / 22.9 / 21.8
Barreda, Bob / 30.6 / 27.2 / McCarroll, Pat / 20.7 / 20.1
Barwick, Bruce W / 12.6 / 9.2 / McGee, Brian / 15.1 / 13.1
Braley, Daniel / 21.8 / 21.8 / Miguel, Jonash A / 12.7 / 11.6
Broten, Kathryn / 16.6 / 15.3 / Millen, John A / 15.4 / 14.2
Broten, Thomas A / 14.4 / 14.4 / Miller, David / 20.0 / 18.9R
Burke, Robert V / 13.4 / 13.4 / Misaka, Clyde / 36.4 / 36.4
Cade, Nelson L. / 19.9 / 19.6 / Moe, Steven R / 14.1 / 14.1
Chang, Michael / 20.0 / 20.0 / Nagayama, Verne M / 21.3 / 20.7
Chmielewski, Brian G / 17.4 / 17.4 / Nakano, Tosh / 25.3 / 22.7
Choi, Chris / 1.9 / 1.9 / Nguyen, Evan / 11.6 / 11.1
Christen, Louis C / 6.4 / 6.4 / Ninegar, Kristi K / 40.4 / 40.4
Cline, Donald E / 14.8 / 12.5 / Ninegar, Scott D / 20.0 / 19.9
Davis Jr., Donald / 34.8 / 32.7 / O'Bryan, Gary / 12.7 / 12.1
Diaz, Phillip / 7.2 / 5.9 / Oliver, Linda R / 27.2 / 27.2
Fitzsimons, Michael J / 7.1 / 6.9 / Oliver, Nelson E / 18.4 / 17.7
Frechette, Joyce P / 33.2 / 32.8 / Patag, David / 10.3 / 10.3
Gardner, David L / 27.3 / 26.2 / Pearson II, Edward A. / 28.8 / 28.6
George, Robert S / 16.3 / 16.2 / Pisarski, David R / 20.9 / 16.5
Gonzales, Joann / 28.0 / 26.2 / Pohlen III, Paul / 17.6 / 17.5
Gonzales III, Mr. Roman / 32.3 / 32.3 / Rochester, Kirk / 10.3 / 10.3
Havstad, Steven / 12.9 / 10.4 / Rohles, Gerald B / 23.5 / 20.2R
Heard Jr, Mr Mark Edward / 2.8 / 2.4 / Ronan, Michael / 18.3 / 17.5
Hedderich, Janet L / 34.8 / 33.8 / Rosenberg, Charles / 36.4 / 36.4
Hemstock, Susan M / 22.0 / 22.0 / Rott, Edward L. / 27.5 / 27.5
Hoover Jr., Martin / NH / NH / Salvatore, Andrew L / 4.9 / 4.6
Hutchison, Bill / 9.8 / 8.9 / Sanchez, Marco P / 25.9 / 21.9
Ito, Bennett T / 16.5 / 15.4 / Santo, James M / 36.0 / 34.1
Jackson, Gregory K / 18.3 / 13.1 / Saxton, Gary / 18.1 / 18.1
Javier, Linda / 39.5 / 39.0 / Scheeringa, Kevin / 16.1 / 16.1
Jensen, David / 13.3 / 11.9 / Siegrist, Scott / 16.0 / 15.3
Kagohara, Russell / 18.2 / 16.4 / Suh, Frank / 23.1 / 21.6
Katherler, John A / 17.1 / 15.8 / Thompson, Glen / 22.9 / 22.9
Kelly, John P / 26.9 / 26.9 / Turcios, Vic / 16.4 / 16.1
Keperling, Gary A / 24.7 / 22.5 / Umlauf, George / 24.5 / 24.5
Kim, Sonhui / 14.1 / 14.1 / Valley, Marcy / 32.0 / 32.0
Klintworth, Urban / 29.7 / 29.1 / Vanvleet, John A / 32.0 / 28.9
Krikorian, Philip R / 8.9 / 8.7 / Vavrek, Gregary M / 25.5 / 25.0
Lam, Winson M / 21.1 / 19.8 / Walkingstick, Ezekiel L / 22.7 / 20.9
Larsen, Gary / 7.4 / 6.6 / Wightman, Mark E / 26.5 / 25.9
Larsen, Jo Ann / 36.9 / 36.9 / Wilson, Kenneth R / 17.0 / 15.2
Lee, Mark R / 8.8 / 8.8 / Wong, Tak / 15.0 / 15.0
Louie, Vincent G / 19.1 / 18.2 / Yamashiro, Glenn S / 3.4 / 1.9
Maki, Walter H / 20.5 / 18.2 / Yamashiro, Keith K / 23.4 / 21.8
Matthews, Keith W / 14.1 / 12.3 / Zalinski, Jim S / 4.6 / 4.4
Maurer, Richard D / 14.7 / 13.4
Space Park Golf Club
Most Improved Golfer Report
for Revision Dates 5/15/2012 - 6/1/2012
Rank / GHIN # / Name / Starting HDCP / Ending HDCP / Factor1 / 9678849 / Burke, Robert V / 15.9 / 13.4 / 1.098
2 / 8690900 / Saxton, Gary / 19.8 / 18.1 / 1.056
3 / 9299604 / Choi, Chris / 2.4 / 1.9 / 1.036
4 / 9447225 / Walkingstick, Ezekiel L / 23.9 / 22.7 / 1.035
5 / 9683530 / Broten, Kathryn / 17.5 / 16.6 / 1.031
6 / 8742111 / Thompson, Glen / 23.8 / 22.9 / 1.026
7 / 8743541 / Patag, David / 10.8 / 10.3 / 1.022
8 / 0002693 / Rott, Edward L. / 28.3 / 27.5 / 1.020
9 / 9280405 / Cline, Donald E / 15.3 / 14.8 / 1.019
10 / 9643796 / Lam, Winson M / 21.7 / 21.1 / 1.018
Space Park Golf Club
Most Improved Golfer Report
for Revision Dates 6/1/2011 - 6/1/2012
Rank / GHIN # / Name / Starting HDCP / Ending HDCP / Factor1 / 8690900 / Saxton, Gary / 23.7 / 18.1 / 1.186
2 / 9299604 / Choi, Chris / 4.3 / 1.9 / 1.173
3 / 9678849 / Burke, Robert V / 15.8 / 13.4 / 1.094
4 / 9730638 / Christen, Louis C / 8.0 / 6.4 / 1.087
5 / 8697625 / Ronan, Michael / 20.7 / 18.3 / 1.079
6 / 8743581 / Nguyen, Evan / 13.4 / 11.6 / 1.076
7 / 9444273 / Katherler, John A / 18.9 / 17.1 / 1.062
8 / 8742447 / Cade, Nelson L. / 21.6 / 19.9 / 1.053
9 / 8690240 / Oliver, Linda R / 29.1 / 27.2 / 1.048
10 / 8743541 / Patag, David / 11.3 / 10.3 / 1.045
2012 Tournament of Champions
Point Totals thru Los Verdes
Name / Points / Wins / Tournaments1 / Oliver, Nelson / 6990 / 6 / 10
2 / Havstad, Steve / 4677 / 3 / 10
3 / Christen, Louis / 4247 / 1 / 11
4 / Oliver, Linda / 3985 / 2 / 9
5 / Lam, Winson / 3694 / 2 / 10
6 / Broten, Kathy / 3531 / 2 / 9
7 / Nakano, Tosh / 3417 / 1 / 8
8 / Fitzsimons, Mike / 2684 / 2 / 5
9 / Louie, Vince / 2683 / 1 / 7
10 / Maki, Walt / 2541 / 9
11 / Millen, John / 2506 / 1 / 7
12 / Broten, Tom / 2504 / 1 / 8
13 / Vavrek, Gregary / 2400 / 1 / 7
14 / Kagohara, Russell / 2348 / 10
15 / Patag, Dave / 2308 / 2 / 5
16 / Miguel, Joe / 2259 / 1 / 5
17 / Miller, David / 2255 / 2 / 4
18 / Yamashiro, Keith / 2195 / 10
19 / Yamashiro, Glenn / 2117 / 1 / 4
20 / Suh, Frank / 2083 / 1 / 5
21 / Cade, Nelson / 2033 / 6
22 / Siegrist, Scott / 1975 / 1 / 4
23 / McGee, Brian / 1968 / 1 / 7
24 / Cline, Don / 1961 / 1 / 6
25 / Walkingstick,Larry / 1911 / 1 / 6
26 / O'Bryan, Gary / 1843 / 7
27 / Ronan, Mike / 1733 / 8
28 / Barwick, Bruce / 1609 / 7
29 / Hedderich, Janet / 1583 / 1 / 4
30 / Matthews, Keith / 1544 / 9
31 / Nguyen, Evan / 1301 / 1 / 4
32 / Sanchez, Marco / 983 / 6
33 / Diaz, Phil / 944 / 3
34 / Santo, James / 905 / 3
35 / Thompson, Glen / 867 / 3
36 / VanVleet, John / 802 / 6
37 / Pisarski, David / 780 / 4
38 / Pearson, Ed / 743 / 3
39 / Jackson, Gregg / 703 / 5
40 / Rohles, Gerald / 688 / 5
41 / Hutchison, Bill / 625 / 2
42 / Pohlen, Paul / 625 / 2
43 / Ito, Bennett / 612 / 4
44 / Barreda, Bob / 508 / 3
45 / Gonzales, JoAnn / 433 / 3
46 / Pisciotta, JP / 417 / 1
47 / Wightman, Mark / 368 / 2
48 / Scheeringa, Kevin / 333 / 1
49 / Brice, David / 250 / 1
50 / Turcios, Vic / 209 / 2
51 / Rosenberg, Charlie / 200 / 1
52 / Choi, Chris / 183 / 1
53 / Nagayama, Verne / 183 / 1
54 / Zalinski, Jim / 183 / 1
55 / Chang, Michael / 155 / 1
56 / Gardner, Dave / 143 / 1
Yellow highlight indicates players who have qualified for the September 2012 Tournament of Champions.
Silver highlight indicates players who have played in the number of tournaments (6) necessary to qualify for the TOC based upon total points, provided space is available.
Tournament Schedule
The minimum numbers of tournaments required to qualify for the 2012 ToC is 6.
Club members are allowed to use USGA approved range-finders and GPS in all club events.
No. / Course / Tourney Date / SignUp / Member / Guest / Start / Cart / Range / HostDate / Cost / Cost / Time
15 / Los Verdes (Fri)
Odd Fellows / 25-May / 30-Apr / $53 / $58 / 10:00 AM / inc / K. Broten
16 / Anaheim Hills (Fri)
USO Fundraising Tournament / 8-Jun / 14-May / $65 / $65 / 9:00 AM / inc / W. Lam
17 / Royal Vista / 23-Jun / 28-May / $67 / $72 / 9:00 AM / inc / K. Broten
SCGA Best Ball Qualifier
18 / Harding (Griffith Park) / 14-Jul / 25-Jun / $70 / $75 / TBD / F. Suh
* / Teambuilders / 20-Jul / D. Miller
(Industry Hill, Ike)
19 / Brookside (Fri) / 3-Aug / 2-Jul / $66 / $71 / 9:00 AM / inc / F. Suh
20 / Coyote Hills (Fri) / 17-Aug / 30-Jul / $93 / $98 / 9:30 AM / inc / L. Oliver
21 / Dos Lagos / 8-Sep / 6-Aug / $67 / $72 / 9:00 AM / inc / J. Santo
* / Teambuilders / 14-Sep / D. Miller
(El Dorado)
2012/2013 Season
1 / Eagle Falls (TOC) / 29-Sep / Invite / TBD / TBD / 7:00AM / inc / K. Matthews
SilverRock (TOC) / 30-Sep / 7:00AM / Inc
2 / Tijeras Creek (Fri) / 12-Oct / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD AM / inc / OPEN
3 / Los Serranos / 27-Oct / TBD / $68 / $73 / 9:00 AM / inc / OPEN
4 / La Mirada (Fri) / 9-Nov / TBD / $53 / $58 / 10:00 AM / inc / OPEN
5 / Rancho California / 1-Dec / TBD / TBD / TBD / TBD AM / inc / OPEN
* / Teambuilders / 7-Dec / D. Miller
6 / Malibu Country Club / 27-Dec / TBD / $43 / $48 / TBD AM / inc / OPEN
* Does not qualify for TOC Points
Tournament signups: For each tournament the signup dates are announced on the front page and in the tournament schedule of the TTN. The signup date is also posted in the tournament schedule on our website. The signup date, which is always a Monday, is the first day that you can sign up for that particular tournament. You can email the host before sending in your payment so they can put your name on the tournament roster. The tee times are set in the order of the received application and payment or notification. You can then send in your payment and application within the week. Some hosts may not put your name down until they receive your application and payment.
Each tournament has a maximum number of players based on the contract we establish with the golf course one year in advance. We try to accommodate as many players as possible. Signups for a tournament usually will be accepted up until two weeks before the tournament date. But be sure to call the host about openings before sending in your application and payment if you do not sign up within the first two weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the VP of Tournaments.
Northrop Grumman SPGC
Tournament Application
Golf Course:Harding (Griffith Park)Format:Stroke Play
First Start Time:9:30AM / Host: Frank Suh
Northrop Grumman
One Space Park, M5/1414E
(310) 812-1054
Dates:Signup – June 25
Tournament – July 14
Top of Form
Speed of Play (X) / M or G* / Name / Email ANDMail Station or Home Address / Phone / Cell Phone
(For emergency last minute communication)
1 / 2
Email Address
Mailing Address
M = Member, G = Guest, see below for more guest information
Amount: / Member - $70*Guest - $75Payment by: / Check / Make checks out to: SPGC
($10 maximum per player)
Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found.
Signup procedure:
1) Fill out your application form and email it to the tournament host.
2) If you use the generic form, fill out the course, the date of play and the host name.
3) Speed of Play Option 1 means you must finish the round within 12 minutes after the group ahead under risk of penalty. No selection or selection of Option 2 means you must finish within 20 minutes of the group ahead. Players choosing Option 2 will be placed in later tee times than Option 1 golfers.
4) Include your email address to receive tournament information. Include your mailing address to receive any winnings.
5) Include your cell phone number in case of last minute emergencies (cancellations, etc).
6) Send your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first-come, first-served basis.
*7) All Guests MUST fill out and sign a release of liability before the tournament.
Northrop Grumman SPGC
Tournament Application
Golf Course:BrooksideFormat:Stroke Play
Start Time:9:00AM / Host: Frank Suh
Northrop Grumman
One Space Park, M5/1414E
(310) 812-1054
Dates:Signup – July 2
Tournament – August 3 (Friday)
Top of Form
Speed of Play (X) / M or G* / Name / Email ANDMail Station or Home Address / Phone / Cell Phone
(For emergency last minute communication)
1 / 2
Email Address
Mailing Address
M = Member, G = Guest, see below for more guest information
Amount: / Member - $66*Guest - $71Payment by: / Check / Make checks out to: SPGC
($10 maximum per player)
Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found.
All the proceeds and prize funds will be donated to the USO.
Signup procedure:
1) Fill out your application form and email it to the tournament host.
2) If you use the generic form, fill out the course, the date of play and the host name.
3) Speed of Play Option 1 means you must finish the round within 12 minutes after the group ahead under risk of penalty. No selection or selection of Option 2 means you must finish within 20 minutes of the group ahead. Players choosing Option 2 will be placed in later tee times than Option 1 golfers.
4) Include your email address to receive tournament information. Include your mailing address to receive any winnings.
5) Include your cell phone number in case of last minute emergencies (cancellations, etc).
6) Send your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first-come, first-served basis.
*7) All Guests MUST fill out and sign a release of liability before the tournament.
Space Park Golf Club
2012 Membership Application
Mail to: SPGC, Northrop Grumman Corp, One Space Park Bldg S/1156, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Date Received______
Choose one from each column, if applicable:
Active Employee:NG Employee or Contractor / AS / Male / RenewalIS
Corp / Female / New Member
Associate:All others
Provide SCGA/GHIN number, if applicable:
Current GHIN Member / Member Number:Fill out completely:
Last Name, First NameAddress
City / Zip Code
Home Phone / Home E-Mail(s)
Fill out section 1 OR 2 completely:
1) Active Employee: NG Employee or Contractor / 2) Associate: All othersBadge NumberCCC / Work Phone
Mail Station / Extension
Work PhoneWork E-Mail / Work E-Mail
Fill out either 1 OR 2:
1) To join the club, play in tournaments and receive an SCGA handicap, check the appropriate box:SPGC Membership Dues (Make Checks Payable to: SPGC) / Before October 15th 2011 / After October 15th 2011 / After July 1st 2012
New Member / $65 / $65 / $40
Renewing Member / $65 / $75 / $40
2) To play in a league only, check the appropriate box:
SPGC Membership Dues (Make Checks Payable to: SPGC)
League Only Member / $25
For Office Use Only:
VP Hdcp / Treasurer / Secretary
Please complete and return the following forms with this membership application:
- Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement – NGRC
- NGRC SPSC Member’s Code of Conduct
I, , hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in
through the Northrop Grumman Recreation Club (hereafter referred to as “NGRC”).
I am aware that is a hazardous activity and I am voluntarily participating in this activity with knowledge of the danger involved. I hereby agree to accept and assume any and all risks associated with or related to such activity or any instruction in such activity, including, without limitation, the risk of injury or death. Please initial ______.
In consideration for being permitted by NGRC or one of its affiliated organizations including, without limitations, Northrop Grumman Corporation (hereafter referred to as “NGC”) to participate in these activities, I hereby agree that:
- I, my heirs, executors, legal representatives, administrators, guardians, and assignees will not make a claim against, sue, attach the property of, or prosecute NGRC, NGC, its or their affiliated entities, employees, agents, officers, directors, shareholders (hereafter collectively referred to as “Released Parties”) for injury, or damage resulting from the negligence, lack of due care, strict liability, personal injury, property damage, warranty, or other acts exclusive of fraud or intentional wrongful acts, (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Released Claims”), howsoever caused, by any employee, agent, or contractor of Released Parties, as a result of or related to my participation in or instruction in said activity;
- I voluntarily forever release, discharge, waive and relinquish any and all Released Claims wherever or however the same occur and for whatever period said activity or instruction may continue; and
- I assume all the risks associated with or related to such activity or the instruction in such activity and I do for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns hereby release, waive, discharge and relinquish any action or causes of action for the Released Claims which may hereafter arise for myself and my estate, and agree that under no circumstances will I or my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns prosecute or present any claim for the Released Claims against the Released Parties.
4. I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, expressly waive the benefits of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code which provides as follows:
I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns agree that, in the event any claim for the Released Claims shall be prosecuted or presented against any of the Released Parties I shall indemnify, defend, exonerate, pay, and save harmless such Released Party from any and all such claims or causes of action by whomever or wherever made or presented.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement and Release of Liability does not extend to any claims for benefits I may have pursuant to the terms of any of Northrop Grumman Corporation’s group medical or dental insurance plans for employees and eligible dependents. Parent or Guardian signature required if participant is under 18 years old.
I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between myself and Northrop Grumman Recreation Club and/or its affiliated organizations and sign it of my own free will. Please initial______.
Signature: Date
Parent or Guardian
Signature: Date
Witness: Date
Space Park Golf Club Members,
By signing the following required SPSC Code of Conduct, you commit to following the behaviors that are specific to our club: