I would like access to the following information (Could the information be provided be in relation to the last 8 academic years including the current one):

-WBC have only been issuing Fixed Penalty Notices since September 2013.

1. The number of fines issued to parents who took their children out of school during term-time in an unauthorised absence.

2013/14 / 2014/15 / 2015/16 (to date) / TOTALS
LA Controlled Secondary / 19 / 8 / 18 / 45
Academy Secondary / 19 / 56 / 71 / 146
LA Controlled Primary / 83 / 256 / 186 / 525
Academy Primary / 0 / 0 / 3 / 3
TOTALS / 121 / 320 / 278 / 719

2. The total cost of the fines issued to parents who took their children out of school during term-time in an unauthorised absence.

2013/14 / 2014/15 / 2015/16 (to date) / TOTALS
LA Controlled Secondary / £1,140 / £480 / £1,080 / £2,700
Academy Secondary / £1,140 / £3,360 / £4,260 / £8,760
LA Controlled Primary / £4,980 / £15,360 / £11,160 / £31,500
Academy Primary / - / - / £180 / £180
TOTALS / £7,260 / £19,200 / £16,680 / £43,140

3. For cost, could the total be provided but also, a breakdown of cost by academic year.

-See above.

4. Brief summary of why the request for an absence was made absent i.e. family holiday, etc.

-This information is not held centrally.

5. For each fine issued for unauthorised absence was an appeal lodged by the parent(s). Or, alternatively, give a total number of appeals issued if the information is not held on a individual basis.

-No data available for previous years.14 appeals for current academic year.

As well schools under your local authority control, community, grammar, special etc, if held by your council, for queries 1-5, could information be provided on schools with academy status and foundation status. Could both primary and secondary schools be included in this information.

-See above.