February 2015 - ACCR Sign of the Times
A Message from Anil, ACCR Chairperson
When I humbled my soul with fasting it became my reproach Ps 69:10 (RSV)
A call to radical holiness
As the Chairperson of the ACCR one of my main roles is to pray and discern what the Lord is saying to us. And as I observe what is happening around the various prayer groups I find that holiness has hit a plateau. The same person doing the same things and everything is becoming routine. In short we are doing “reasonably well not spectacularly well”. This does not draw new people and groups generally tend to peter out. As I contemplate on this the Lord seems to be putting the word ‘humility’ in my heart. The Lord is calling us to a greater level of humility. To be humble I must accept that I am wrong when I have fallen and seek to make amends. Recently we got a prophecy which called for Reconciliation between members of the renewal, members of prayer groups, families and so on. Like the prodigal son reconciliation calls for us to accept our failings and short comings and seek forgiveness from God and neighbour.
One thing we must keep in mind is that our faith must not be only for the church but must be practiced in all walks of our lives, where ever we go and with whomever we meet. Another way to practice humility is to be obedient to our superiors like our parish priest, service group leaders, team leaders, managers and whosoever the Lord has put above us. Obedience keeps us safe from the devil and in the presence of God. “The greater you are the more you must humble yourself; so you will find favour in the sight of the Lord. For great is the Lord; he is glorified by the humble” Sir 3:18-20 (RSV). Sirach 3: 17-29 has some very good words on humility. It could be reflected upon during the season of Lent which is 2 weeks away. God needs humble people, the church needs them and the ACCR also needs them. “But this is the man to whom I will look, he that is humble and contrite in Spirit” Is 66:2 (RSV)
To this effect we are blessed to have Aneel Aranha in our midst on Waitangi day. We hope to see you all at St. Mark’s church. Please inform as many as you know and do encourage them to come. Carpool if necessary and do whatever you can to evangelise.
May your Lent be a Holy and joyful one. God Bless,
The Service Group for the Auckland CCR would like to convey sincere condolences to Margaret Paton, past Editor of Tongues of Fire, at the passing to eternal life of her dear husband Ian, in late December.
May his soul rest in peace and may our loving Lord bring comfort and peace to Margaret and the family.
Note these dates (More info below for some events)6th Feb Waitangi Day Seminar: Three Steps to Divine Healing
27th Feb ACCR Mass with the Bishop, St Bens.
23rd May/24th May Pentecost Vigil/Pentecost Day (ACCR Celebration tba)
May/June Life in the Spirit Seminar in the Eastern suburbs
Three Steps to Divine Healing: Waitangi Day, Friday Feb 6th,
Date: Waitangi Day, Friday Feb 6th.
Venue: St Marks Catholic Church, Pakuranga.
Starts with mass at 9am followed by a cuppa and registration, Ends 5.30pm
No cost but please bring your own lunch.
This is a powerful retreat day that impacts lives and empowers people to take the Gospel to others. Aneel is an international Catholic preacher and retreat leader from Dubai with a unique testimony. In 2002 Aneel had a powerful encounter with Jesus that transformed him from an unbeliever to a fiery proclaimer of the Gospel across the globe. He comes to Auckland after his second outreach visit to Australia.
For more info about Aneel go to www.aneelaranha.com or check him out on you tube.
ACCR Mass with Bishop Pat
Date: Friday 27th February
Venue: St Benedicts, Newton (corner of St Benedicts St and Alex Evans St.)
Time: 7- 7.30pm Praise and Worship ,
7.30pm Mass followed by fellowship.
Please bring a plate for a shared supper
Dove meetings
DoveCatholic Fellowship for Women West Auckland:Training and Equipping - Prayer Ministryat St Michael and all Angels Anglican Church Hall - 425 Great North Road, Henderson onTuesday 3rd February at 7:30pm.Prayer Ministry and Fellowship to follow meeting. For more information please call:Jane0211950500.
North ShoreDove:Wed 11 Feb
Note: This will be one week earlier than normalas the following week is Ash Wed.
7.30pm atSt. Joseph's Centre, 1 Fred Thomas Drive,Takapuna, Auckland.
Massto usher in the New Year.Celebrant:Fr. Elric Jorquia(new chaplain forDoveNorth Shore).
Intercessory Prayer: Please pray for
Preparations for Aneel’s visit
LSS preparations for 5 Eastern Auckland parishes
Service group, especially for Zoe's broken elbow
For Youth, particularly those involved in our prayer groups
International CCR Youth prayer day 18th Feb https://www.facebook.com/youth.ccr
Jesus Youth camp/retreat 5 – 9th Feb
Encounter team