Name:Karen NorthAppraisal Year:2003-2004

Appraiser:Francis (Peggy) StewartDate Submitted:4-20-04

Campus:WestsideHigh SchoolAssignment/Grade:Technology Systems



Section II

  1. Describe a specific instructional adjustment, which you have made based on the needs assessment of your students.

Based on the needs of my students for organization and preparation, I post all assignments including a spreadsheet with grade categories for each six weeks.This is to help students keep up with all their coursework and complete reading assignments ahead of time.This web site at also includes TS lessons to help with instruction.I also post other teacher’s work under the connections section to help with success in other classes.

  1. Describe the approaches you have used to monitor classroom performance and to provide feedback to students regarding their progress in academic skills.

To monitor classroom performance I require all students to create a digital portfolio demonstrating what they have learned in each module.This helps not only with planning and problem solving, but also with writing TEKS/TAKS objectives.Students also practice answering objective questions on-line on that gives immediate feedback and maintains a record of all work.

  1. Describe how you assisted your students who were experiencing serious attendance problems.

I talk to the students to determine what will motivate attendance. The key is to find a reason for them to come to class.Also, having assignments posted online helps students who are absent to catch up which helps the problem of not wanting to return.One student has had a past record of truancy, so when this student is absent, I contact the dean immediately to verify the reason. This year I have been lucky in that I don’t have any students with a “serious” attendance problem.

  1. Describe your approach in working with students who were failing or in danger of failing.

Students are given the opportunity to re-take tests for the average of the two grades.Students are also given the opportunity to complete work during tutoring with special help.I have numerous extra credit projects that students can complete that integrate other classes.I email parents and explain how they can assist with on-line test review and reading. A combination of these methods helps students who are in danger of failing.

Name:Karen NorthAppraisal Year:2003-2004

Appraiser:Francis (Peggy) StewartDate Submitted:4-20-04

Campus:WestsideHigh SchoolAssignment/Grade:Technology Systems

Section III

  1. List professional development activities.
  1. What have you been able to use in your classroom that has positively impacted the learning of students?

Students have a new interest in computer science as a major. The programming module has helped students understand algebraic concepts and apply these to all classes.

Expanding Your Horizons Conference connected what students do in Tech Systems with real world applications as a professional video was filmed in TS.

Students learned about investments by participating in the stock market game and aWHS Investment Club was created.

For final exam review I used a craft project that integrated writing into review that I learned in the English workshop.

New applications for using technology were integrated into the class from presentations and collaboration with other Tech teachers. One example is creating tessellations using Paint.

Leadership training brought about the idea of an Information Technology school,

Working with environmental concerns gives students community service options, which motivates a connection to work and school.

  1. Professional Growth

Leadership for a Teacher Created Small School

Grants Writing

PhotoShop Elements