Prayer in Islam
O Believers! Your servants and the children who have not attained puberty must request permission (before entering your rooms). This is done in three instances, before the dawn prayer, at noon when you change your clothes to rest, and after the night prayer. These are three private times for you. At other times, it is not wrong for you or them to mingle with one another. God thus clarifies the revelations for you. God is Omniscient, Most Wise.
(al-Qur’an – Chapter 24, Verse 58)
The institution of prayer is one of the most established concepts in Islam, and the healthiest prescription to all Muslims is to say prayer five times daily. Prayer has not only been researched to have numerous benefits to the surrounding energy fields, the health and spiritual benefits of prayer have only been recently confirmed by scientists and health-care researchers. Medical scientists now consider religious prayer to be a reliable answer to stress-free life, longevity-, and healthy living. The hormonal, chemical, electrical, physical and physiological effects of prayer and meditation are apparent and this information is extensively covered in contemporary medical journals. Fortunately, even schools are compelled to implement a prayer program for their students in the daily curriculum. Weston (1998), for example, recommends his patients to pray daily for a month to invite good health to oneself and others.
If there were a stream at the house of one of you in which one washes himself five times a day, will there remain any dirt over his body? Verily, the likeness of prayers is the same as the stream. The person who establishes ritual prayers clears out his sins …
(al-Sadiq (AS) - Biharul-Anwar; volume 82, page 236. al-Majlisi, 1627 (AR)
The Prophet further said:
The daily prayer is like a fountain of clean water right in your home, which removes, five times a day, the dirt, which settles on your body and soul.
We have a tradition from the Prophet (S) that says:
When you go to bed, the devil comes from behind and ties three knots over your vertex. Over each knot, he recites an evil spell, saying: sleep a long and slumberous night! When you wake up; if you commence by invoking God’s Name, the first knot will breakup; if you leave your bed to make ablution, the second knot will breakup, and when you stand up for prayer, the third knot will breakup. Upon breaking up the devil’s spells, one will feel energetic and in good spirits, otherwise, he will feel exhaustion and malice.
There are many situations in Islam where even a sick person or an injured person has to worship Allah (SWT) and say his prayer, regardless of his position, even if his time of death is nearby. The Prophet (S) further advised sick people to stand up and say prayer whenever they are sick, in pain or feeling unhealthy. He often used to say to the sick:
Stand up and pray, for there is a cure in prayer.
In an instance, when a thief asked the Prophet the solution to his stealing, the blessed Muhammad told him to pray to Allah and it is reported that this act of prayer in itself refrained him from stealing again. Clearly, the act of praying resulted in the transformation of the information resting within his energy fields and a change was imminent.
This concept of body and mind, when in harmony, can exert a powerful influence on the person’s energy and force fields were studied in depth in the sixties by Dr. Ravitz, a Yale Neuro Psychiatrist. The role of prayer in spiritual growth has been well documented and is widely accepted. Its role in creating Islamic equality, discipline, unity, good ethics, discipline, and limitless reward cannot be overlooked. With years of praying and performing rituals, one’s energy and information contained within the energy system becomes well-adjusted, free flowing and favorable. With prayer:
Images and misconceptions about reality within our negative belief system also clear away, creating more lightness, less stagnation and higher vibrations in energy.
(Brennan, 1987)
Brennan calls prayer the Energy Metabolizing System, which serves as a protective screen, drawing only pure energy and limiting entrance of lower vibrations of energy from the space and the universal energy field. When the human energy is charged up and bright with vital energy, even personal troubles tend to slide away (Lindgren et. al., 1997).
If we do not have such a protective screen (which Muslims apply on them five times per day), then the energy becomes weaker and the frequency of the fields start to slow down, unable to repel incoming adulterated energy that is unhealthy for one’s system to assimilate.
Apparently, scientists nowadays employ infrasonicmachines to balance energy in disturbed and sick people. According to Richard Lee (1999), one of the functions of energy therapy with the infrasonic equipment is to allow ones energy to harmonize and create an energy barrier whereby the individual concerned heals faster, strengthening and increasing the vibration of his energy system. Islam has another answer, a much better and natural answer – the daily prayer at different times during the day, afternoon and evening.
Ostrander and Schroeder (1970) report scientists at Kazakh University in the Soviet, for a while, were trying to figure out as to what procedures or actions would strongly affect the human energy filed in a positive manner, when they realized it was none other than the simple act of breathing. Breathing seems to charge the entire body, renews the reserves of vital energy, and helps to equalize disturbed energy patterns (Bruce, Lindgren & Dlitt, 2000). No doubt, there is breathing aspect involved in all rituals, and the reason why Muslims have been encouraged to say prayer at all times, in particular before eating, before entering the bathroom, before intercourse, before rituals, and so forth. As in prayer, relaxation and meditation, one slows down his breathing and makes it deep, abdominal, without even noticing. Prayer puts one in this state.
Fortunately, the role of prayer in medicine is now being confirmed and medical doctors and surgeons permit this practice in their offices without hesitation. In a review of prayer and meditation as medical therapies, Harmon and Myers (1999) write the following:
Prayer and meditation have been used as health-enhancing techniques for centuries. Their use has been investigated more recently in the context of more conventional, allopathic medical approaches. These studies, despite methodological limitations, show some promise for the formal application and integration of these techniques into western medical practice.
Some potential benefits from meditation include reduced perceived stress and improvement in mild hypertension. Prayer appears to offer subjective benefit to those who pray; the effects of intercessory prayer on the health status of unknowing individuals require more investigation.
Few years ago, a review showed that 20-year old Americans could expect to live 6.6 years longer if they attend religious services at least once a week. Now Harold G. Koenig, who teaches Psychiatry at Duke University, reports that elderly people who are not disabled run a 47 percent greater risk of dying before long if they are not engaged in regular prayer, meditation or Bible study (Siemon-Nieto, 2003).
Koenig is the Director of the Center for the Study of Religion, Spirituality, Health, and editor-in-chief of Research News in Science and Theology. Discussing his long-term study with a sample group up 4,000 men and women above the age of 65, he related in an interview that praying and attending divine service regularly seem to result in a 40 percent reduction in the likelihood of high blood pressure.
It is true that when one is deeply involved and pre-occupied in prayer, he is introducing to his system, free flowing and highly charged energy, and attracting the same, thereby making his surrounding network of energy fields stronger and favorable. The info-energy is also that of peace, quite and solitude. This kind of energy purity within his system is not only good to that person’s body and soul, but to the people near him as well. This code of behavior can be observed in almost all energy therapists as they prepare for a healing session. They organize their energy flow and the surroundings by several forms of meditation and prayer. Brennan (1987) lists more than 20 such exercises of bodywork including breathing and repeating phrases that should be employed before a healing session.
Muslims Pray Five Times Daily
And, the believers keep their word; they are trustworthy. Their testimony is truthful. They consistently observe their prayers on time.
(al-Qur’an – Chapter 70, Verses 32-34)
al-Ridha (AS) has said:
The secret of prayer is that it is the confession of the lordship of Allah (SWT) and negating all kinds of partners and plurality for Him. In addition, standing before the Omnipotent, with humility, humbleness and the confession (of sins), and begging forgiveness of the previous sins; placing the face on dust five times a day as (a sign of) honoring and confession of His Greatness.
Prayer is the cause of remembering Him and taking distance from the arrogance and neglect. Prayer becomes the cause of humility, submission and humbleness (towards Allah (SWT), and the eagerness, keen fullness, enthusiasm regarding the desire of enhancement of material and spiritual progress (both in the world and hereafter).
Moreover, prayer makes a person engaged constantly in the remembrance of Allah (SWT), both day and night, so that one must not forget one’s Lord, Master, Administrator and Creator, since forgetfulness will become the cause of rebellion.
Man, while offering prayer, stays in the presence of His Lord and in the state of His remembrance, and this very condition constrains, stops him from sins, and prohibits him from many kinds of corruption.
Hughes (1997) examined the relationship between prayer and healing and its relationship to holistic health. He writes that the apparent healing that results from prayer mystifies researchers. Numerous theories may be offered as to the mechanism by which this healing occurs. The belief of the praying person in the power of the prayer itself may stimulate healing, as the placebo effect suggests. The relaxation response and the sense of self-efficacy gained through the act of praying may enhance the immune system. All the above physiological and psychological changes are strongly related to one’s energy system. The favorable additions to one’s info-energy can hardly be ignored.
Scientists have for long related the effects of prayer and meditation, and the so-called unknown factors to the human energy system - the more strong and balanced the system is, the more healthy and vibrant that person will turn out to be in that particular situation. Unfortunately, medical doctors are infrequently aware of faith-healing beliefs and experiences among their patients, and they are further divided in their views about faith healing, with a majority expressing skepticism about faith healing, and a sizable minority favorable toward it (King et. al, 1992).
Further, the study by Bushwick and King (1994) supported the hypothesis that although many patients desire more frequent and more in-depth discussions about religious issues with their physicians, the concerned physicians generally do not discuss these issues with their patients.
Many doctors are aware that spiritual, mental, and emotional factors play a major role in illness and health; but, their training has emphasized the physical, and they often feel at a loss as to how to address the energy concept. The divine Qur’an has suggested to all Muslims to meditate and remember Allah constantly. Prayer, as we understand, is clearly the most effective way of creating exceedingly steady fields of energy and favorable info-energy system within the person.
And when you have finished the prayer, remember Allah (SWT) standing and sitting, and reclining…
(al-Qur’an – Chapter 4, verse 103)
The verse below from Qur’an confirms that prayer is indeed a powerful energy metabolizing system that will repel all incoming unsteady energy and unfavorable, corrupt info-energy:
… Verily! Prayer restrains one from filth and evil; and certainly, the remembrance of Allah (SWT) is the greatest (duty of the believers) and God is aware of what you do.
(al-Qur’an – Chapter 29, verse 45)
In his interview with the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (S), Shaytan, the accursed said:
Allah made one deed, which if your followers performed it with right intention and at right time, I can never deceive them. And that deed is the five daily prayers (salat/obligatory prayers).
But, to solve this problem, what I did is that with every one of your followers I have assigned one of my soldiers whose name is Mutawaqee. And, his job is to make your follower lazy and involved in such activities due to which your follower recites prayer at the last time. When your follower recites prayer (salat) in the last minute, he / she recite it in such a way that his prayer is not acceptable to Allah.
Therefore, the tradition from the Infallible (AS) that if one’s morning prayer is accepted, then he would not involve himself, or even be attracted to sinful or vile acts until the time for afternoon prayer; and the same applies until the time for evening prayer, is now clear. This avoidance is due to the powerful energy screen developed during prayer that assists the person to counter and balance any weaker fields of energy and adulterated info-energy he comes across during the few hours before his next prayer. This way he is less vulnerable to disobedience to the Almighty. This person is also protected from his own thoughts.
Lindgren et. al. (1997) report such negative encounters not only to unbalance the individual’s energy system and make him or her vulnerable, but also develop in the person depression, confusion, unhappiness, or just becoming plain sick, as the energy centers are stuck or torn (due to the absence of the protective screen). Islam, therefore, takes good care of its followers throughout the day, and throughout one’s lifetime.
Weston (1998) further believes that major healing outcomes are through Soaking Prayer. One must constantly bathe in prayer and good energy and this therapeutic level can be well maintained. This is another reason why Muslims soak themselves in prayer five times daily, and perform regular acts of worship and meditation throughout the day, and throughout ones life.
Islam and Restrictions on a Child
The right of a child upon his father is that he should give him a nice appellation, train him well and teach him al-Qur’an.
(Ali (AS), Nahjul-Balagha; Saying 399)
When your children grow up to seven years, teach them the prayer; when they are ten years olds, seriously admonish them for it…
(Prophet (S), Kanzul-Ummal; Volume 16, No. 45330)
Islamic law strictly prescribes that all puberty-aged children should have been given enough training to begin fasting, saying prayer and to have good moral character before the time these actions are strictly due from them. This firm ruling for prayer requires Muslims to wake up early in the morning and say prayer, as well as during the day and evening. This kind of attention and growth in the fields of energy surrounding the child is only now clear after researchers and scientists are encouraging parents to introduce their young children to the science of energy early during childhood.
As a human being matures, and the energy surrounding him develops, each field represents the psychological patterns evolving in the individual’s life. If the child is let free to do what he or she wants, or if that child is encountering parental aggression for example, his energy centers will develop blockages and there will be a disruption in its growth (Brennan, 1987). According to Brennan, large changes in the energy also begin at puberty. The energy becomes infused with vibes from peers, and is vulnerable to disharmonious and discordant energy.
The history and current sets of information, memory and experience within this young person’s energy system are also vulnerable. The blocked energy brings about new longing and new vulnerability that the individual has not yet experienced. At times, the entire energy system may be disrupted, resulting in psychological and physiological harm. Therefore, by training the children from the very young to be highly involved in prayer, fasting and other rituals, alterations and adulterated additions to the energy system, from an energy perspective, cannot reach the Muslim child whose energy system is protective and pure, much stronger, highly charged and free flowing. This is why the learned scholars of Islam always kept their babies near them when they were having Islamic discussions.