Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2000 at NR Sports Center.

Board members present: John Larson, Mark Flatten, Perry Hallmark, Brian Olson, Mike McDonald, Larry Erickson, Scott Aspengren and Mary Hailey.

Meeting called to order by Mary Hailey

Approval of Agenda. Mike McDonald motion to accept agenda, second by

Perry Hallmark.

Motion to approve meeting made by Brian Olson, seconded by Perry Hallmark.

Motion to approve Financial Report made by Brian Olson, seconded by Perry Hallmark.

Open Forum: None.

Old Business:

Girls Co-op. Current proposal needs to be received before any action can be taken. Larry Erickson will follow up on the status of the proposal.

Long Range Planning committee will reconvene to review needs and discuss options to present to the board. Brian Olson will schedule an LRP meeting.

WAHA annual meeting is May 16th in Rothschild, WI, confirmation of attendees will be made closer to the meeting date and upon review of the agenda.

Mental Edge. Mary Hailey is working with Justin Johnson to assess the needs of our association and develop a long- term plan to address our needs. At this point, we would like to begin with parent education. The Coach’s Association is also exploring a partnership with the Mental Edge and we will try to coordinate our efforts.

Fundraising update. The following events are planned at the rink during the off- season:

Gun Show - June 5-6th, (Brian Olson)

Bike Show and concert – date set for September 12th

Car Show – board consensus to proceed with the event on July 11th

Halloween Skate – October 30th

NRYHA Golf Scramble – July 27th

New Business:

Referee in charge for the upcoming season. Motion made by Mary Hailey to appoint Brian Olson as the referee in charge and incorporate the position into the Rink Manager position, seconded by Larry Erickson. Motion approved.

Appointment of one- year vacancy. Mary Hailey stated that Mary Jo Hansen was unable to attend the meeting but expressed a desire to fill the one- year appointment. Aaron Dilley was present at the meeting and stated he was also interested in the position. The Board discussed that last year appointments were made in consideration of the vote at the annual meeting by the membership. John Larson made a motion to appoint Aaron Dilley to the position following the vote of the membership at the annual meeting, motion seconded by Perry Hallmark. Motion approved.

Committee assignments. Committee assignments from the 2008-2009 season were reviewed and it was agreed we will review during the next month and be prepared to discuss assignments at the May board meeting.

2009-2010 planning discussion. We discussed that we will finalize the tournament calendar next month to capitalize on advertising opportunities. We also discussed the plan is to have the ice in October 1st.

Pre-season all association meeting. Discussion to schedule an all association pre-season meeting to introduce our parent education and expectations for the 2009-2010 season.

Committee reports will be provided upon completion of committee assignments.

Adjournment motion made by Aaron Dilley, seconded by John Larson. Meeting was adjourned by President Mary Hailey at 2025.