Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

held on Thursday 14th July 2016 at 8.00 pm.


Cllr A Webster, Cllr D Jobbins, Cllr R North, Cllr S Saunders, Cllr D Stacey and Cllr J Wright.

6 members of the public were also present and D Munro, the Parish Clerk.


Apologies for absence received from Cllr M Allen, Cllr C James, Cllr R Williams and Cllr J Woodhouse.




Meeting suspended at 8.05pm to allow for this item

ECC member Cllr A Naylor brought to the attention of the PC the Basildon and Brentwood Clinical Commissioning Group’s “Fit for the Future” consultation.

BBC member Cllr C Poopy advised that Brentwood’s Local Development Plan was progressing on target to be accepted by the government by March 2017.

David Carter, BBC’s Environmental Health Manager introduced himself and said that was pleased to attend at our request to answer questions about what could be done to stop dog fouling on Poor’s Field. He was asked about the possibility of obtaining a Public Spaces Protection Order for Poor’s Field. He advised that this would involve Engagement, Education and Enforcement. He recommended that more work was done about educating dog walkers before seeking an Order. He also stated that in his opinion there were not enough signs advising dog walkers to keep their dogs on leads and to clear up their mess after them. Cllr D Jobbins advised that we have tried many ways to engage and educate dog walkers but when dog walkers are approached the response is normally abusive. David Carter advised that if an Order was obtained enforcement would be a problem as he only has one Dog Warden for the whole Brentwood area. Fixed penalty notices can be issued if the incident is witnessed by the Dog Warden or if a photograph can be provided as evidence linking the owner with the dog and the incident but in the BBC area very few have been issued. He also added that the Dog Warden can keep a closer watch on a particular problem area but dogs just being off their leads is not an offence.

Cllr D Jobbins proposed that we explored the possibility of obtaining a PSPO requiring dogs to be kept on leads and that any fouling should be cleared up. This was seconded by Cllr J Wright with members agreeing unanimously. David Carter recommended that before applying for a PSPO there should be a period of advertising our intentions and making members of the public and dog walkers aware. The process of granting a PSPO includes consultation with members of the public in order to give an opportunity for objections.

It was agreed that this month’s Parish Pump article should include a piece stating that this was something we were considering.

The public session ended and the meeting resumed at 8.30pm


The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th June 2016 were agreed by members and signed by the Chair.


a) The clerk advised that there were special arrangements for submitting this month’s Parish Pump article because the Village News editor was on holiday.

b) The clerk advised that he had asked BBC to undertake a flail cut of Eagle Field.

c) The clerk reported that an email has been received from David Hughes on behalf of the Village Hall Trustees asking for the £10,000.00 that the PC indicated it was prepared to grant towards the toilet refurbishment project. As this had been received too late for inclusion on the agenda for discussion at this meeting it was agreed to include it on the agenda for the next PC meeting.


a) Play Area update

Play Equipment repainting - Cllr S Saunders advised that the repainting of the Hex Swing had suffered setbacks because of the poor weather. The special metal paint requires a long time to dry and whole day without rain is required. This will be done as soon as weather permits. At the same time the contractor will provide a quote for repainting all the other Play Area equipment for the PC to consider.

8. Report from the Environmental Committee meeting held on 6th July 2016

Cllr D Jobbins reported that he had been elected as the new Chair of the Environmental Committee. He also reported that it had been decided not elect a Vice Chair at this meeting because of the low attendance of members.

He reported that the main points of discussion had been carried forward to the agenda of this meeting.


a) Flooding, Ongar Road (Opposite the Thorns & Briars Cottages) – The clerk reported that as far as he was aware work was continuing to resolve the situation. Recent downpours of rain would indicate that the drainage system is already much better.

b) Re-use of the Crown Corner Recycling Centre Site – Following ECC’s latest response to our request Cllr S Saunders had replied to ECC. A response to this was still awaited.

c) Dangerous parking of vehicles – Following the reply from the Department of Transport which made it clear that enforcement of obstruction and dangerous parking was the responsibility of the police it was agreed that members should report any instances with photos to the clerk who would forward these on to the police. The clerk reported that an incident in Roding Drive had been reported. It was agreed that this item should now be removed from future agendas.

d) Swan Pond – Maintenance and Information Lectern – Cllr S Saunders reported that he was obtaining a quote for a wooden lectern and information panel from Archer Signs.

The clerk reported that the metal duck feeding sign has been received and is ready for installation.

e) Dog Fouling – This item fully discussed with David Carter during the public session (Item 4).

f) Public Access Defibrillator - A training / awareness session has been arranged for Monday 25th July 2016 at 7.30pm in the Eagle pub. This has been advertised in the Village News, on our Website and posters on noticeboards and some shops. PC members were also encouraged to attend.

g) Security of Poor’s Field – Cllr D Jobbins advised that this was the main topic of concern to the residents attending the drop-in Surgery. He reported that a solution to the problem that had been suggested involved the clearance of an area of scrub on the west side of the Kelvedon Green to create a new path leading to the new kissing gate. This would avoid the need to negotiate the muddy part of Eagle Lane to get to the gate. It was agreed that the feasibility of this should be investigated. Cllr C Poppy agreed to talk to the NATs team about the scrub clearance and possibly arrange a site meeting. Cllr S Saunders agreed that it was important to find a solution and offer people an alternative.

h) Village of the Year Competition – Cllr D Jobbins reported that the village’s entry to the completion had failed to get through to the second round of interviews. Our village representatives had some concerns about the standard of judging and Cllr D Jobbins had written to RCCE expressing these concerns.

i) Welcome pack for new residents - Cllr D Jobbins reported that was considering what material would be suitable for a welcome pack and he has had some discussion with the church who have a system to identify new residents. He will be having further discussions to decide how we best join forces with the church on this item.

j) Ongar Road Speed Limit - This item was raised following concern expressed by new residents to the new White House development that it was a 40mph not a 30mph zone. The clerk advised that we had previously asked ECC Highways to reconsider the speed limit on the Ongar Road but had been informed that as this was designated as a Priority Route little could be done. Cllr S Saunders undertook to re-examine the documentation on this and report back to the next PC meeting.

k) Private Emptying of Litter Bins. Cllr R North reported at the last PC meeting that a least one neighbouring parish is using a private contractor to empty its additional (chargeable) litter bins. Following this BBC Cllr C Poppy had spoken to the team at BBC who empty these for us and was given assurances that these will all be emptied promptly on the due dates.

l) Youth Facilities. Cllr D Jobbins had asked for this item to be put on the agenda for discussion. He advised that there was a Youth Club at Blackmore that met on Thursday nights. He had spoken to the organiser who was more than happy for youths from Kelvedon Hatch to attend. Members agreed that if the organiser wished produce an article to promote this it could be included in the next Village News.

m) Trees needing Crown Reduction. Cllr A Webster had asked for this item to be put on the agenda for discussion. He stated that he had noticed many trees around the village particularly in Kelvedon Green and on the Ongar Road near the Camping Shop that needed crown reduction. With the approval of the PC he was prepared to take this up with Alan Marsh the arboriculturist at BBC. This was agreed.

n) Telephone Kiosk. Cllr S Saunders had asked for this item to be put on the agenda for discussion. He had noticed some weeks ago the telephone kiosk outside Nisa Stores had been vandalised. The telephone and one of the glass panels had been smashed. The clerk advised that he had inspected the kiosk on 9th July 2016 and repairs had been carried out to the telephone and the glass. It was agreed to keep watch for further instances of vandalism and to report it to BT when it happens in future.

o) BBC Grass Cutting. Cllr S Saunders had asked for this item to be put on the agenda for discussion. It was reported that BBC had been asked not to cut the grass over a small area at Crown Corner where wildflower seeds had been sown. BBC had agreed to this and a grass cut within the last few days had clearly revealed the area that had not been cut. He advised that it was the intention to mark this area off with some temporary fencing or netting to protect the seeds / plants whilst they were establishing themselves. This was agreed.

p) Communications Plan. Cllr D Jobbins had asked for this item to be put on the agenda for discussion. He stated that some recent events had shown that it was important that we look at how we communicate with residents. We already have our tried and trusted methods of the Village News, our Website and more recently the Twitter account. He asked that members might give some thought to coming up with some new ways to communicate with residents.


a) Balances / Management of Accounts

Community Account balance as at last meeting 9/6/16 £20,365.32

(plus income since last meeting + £ 1,015.00)

(less cheques issued following last meeting - £ 3,651.41)

(Estimated balance at 14/7/16 = £17,728.91)

United Trust Bank – 60 day notice Account £31,225.88

United Trust Bank – 100 day notice Account £20,084.25

Transactions since last Meeting:

Miss D Evans (new) / Village News Advert / 30.00
Natural Health Works Ltd / Village News Advert / 75.00
P W Dupen / Village News Advert / 75.00
RDL Paving / Village News Advert / 125.00
Miss L A Ketley / Village News Advert / 25.00
Mrs V S Clark (new) / Village News Advert / 15.00
Red House Farm Riding School (new) / Village News Advert / 75.00
Mr T Carter / Village News Advert / 75.00
Ms J A Brindley / Village News Advert / 75.00
Bennetts Funeral Directors / Village News Advert / 250.00
S D Howe / Village News Advert / 150.00
Caremark (new) / Village News Advert / 30.00
Mrs J A Luxford / Village News Advert / 15.00
Total / 1015.00
Cheques issued since last meeting / Total / nil
Cheques prepared for this month’s expenditure
J Woodhouse (reimbursement) / Materials for Planters (Ongar Road / Kames House) / 137.67
Argents Ltd / Summer Bedding Plants for planters / 259.20
J & S Garden Services / Maintenance of Play Area, War Memorial & Swan Pond / 320.00
Evergreen Assessments Ltd / Litter picking June & replanting planters with summer bedding plants / 754.72
Kelvedon Hatch Village Hall / Poor’s Field rental / 6878.42
Kelvedon Hatch Village Hall / Village Hall rooms rental / 401.46
S E Coleman / Village News Editor & Village Correspondent / 180.00
D Munro / July Salary (& Pay Award arrears) / 991.95
HMRC / July Tax & NI / 272.29
Total / 10195.71

b) To consider and approve payment of invoices received and cheques prepared.

Payment of invoices and cheques prepared as listed above was proposed by Cllr D Stacey, seconded by Cllr J Wright and approved unanimously by members. Signatories were instructed by the Chair to sign the cheques.

c) Parish Council Vacancy

The clerk reported that we have now been informed that no election has been requested to fill the vacancy caused by Yvonne Maguire’s resignation. The Parish Council can now co-opt to fill the vacancy. However, checks must be carried out by BBC Electoral Services on any person who wishes to be co-opted (to confirm that they are eligible) before they can be co-opted. The clerk reported that he was aware of at least one person who was interested in co-option but unfortunately that person was unable to attend this evening’s meeting.

It was agreed to carry this item forward to our next meeting.