Yamhill County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Jack Crabtree
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
Custodial Sexual Misconduct
YamhillCounty Sheriff's Office Action Plan
To provide uniform guide lines and procedures to reduce the risk of in custody jail sexual misconduct and sexualassaults. The Sheriff's Office is committed to a zero tolerance standard for sexual misconduct and sexual assaults.YCSO will aggressively respond, Investigate and support the prosecution of sexual misconduct.
What is PREA?
It is Public Law 108-79 signed September 2003 by President Bush. It established a zero tolerance standard of sexual assaults/rapes for incarcerated persons. It further makes the prevention of sexual assault a top priority, and developed national standards for the detection, prevention, reduction and punishment of jail and prison sexual misconduct and sexual assaults. The Act also increase available data on sexual misconduct and sexual assaultsallows for standardized definition for the collection data on the sexual misconduct and sexual assaults and increases the accountability for administrators who fail to prevent, reduce, and punish sexual misconduct and sexual assaults. Finally it is a standard to protect the Eighth Amendment rights of Federal, State and local prisoners.
What do you do if an Inmate comes to you as a victim, or with information about a victim?
1. Listen and write down the information
2. Report to the supervisor
3. Maintain Professionalism
You may be asked to write a report and speak with investigator.
Remember Your Responsibility
Report instances to a supervisor
Remain Diligent
If you fail to report an incident, you could be found to have acted with deliberate indifference towards thevictim's health and/or safety.
Staff violations; Custodial Sexual Misconduct
What is ORS 163.452 Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the first degree?
Class C felony and carries a five year maximum prison sentence and/or $125,000 fine.
There is a 3 year statue of limitation
What is ORS 163.454 Custodial Sexual Misconduct in second degree?
Class A misdemeanor with maximum 1 year jail sentence and/or $6,250 fine.
There is a 2 year statue of limitation.
(Reported within 72 hours ofthe allegation)
It is the Mission of the YamhillCounty Sheriff’s Office
to provide our citizens with high quality law enforcement services, in an ethical
and fiscally responsible manner.
C:\Documents and Settings\mosimanj.YAMHILLCOUNTY\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\PREA Prison Rape Elimination Act.doc